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 Oggetto del messaggio: Mercedes aprirà 4 nuove fabbriche
MessaggioInviato: mar mar 01, 2016 7:25 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17341
Genf. Der Autobauer Daimler will bis zum Jahr 2020 ein neues Pkw-Werk in Europa bauen. Dies bestätigte Mercedes-Produktionschef Markus Schäfer der Automobilwoche am Rande des Automobilsalons in Genf. „Bis Ende dieses Jahres wollen wir eine Entscheidung treffen“, sagte Schäfer. Die neue Fertigung soll auf maximale Flexibilität ausgelegt werden und daher einen deutlich geringeren Grad an Automatisierung aufweisen. Ob man dort Fahrzeuge mit Heck- oder Frontantrieb fertige, entscheide die Nachfrage in den kommenden Jahren. In den vergangenen Jahren war immer wieder Russland als Option im Gespräch.
Deutschland scheide als Standort aus. Die bestehenden großen Werke in Sindelfingen, Bremen und Rastatt werden – wie bereits festgelegt – umstrukturiert. In ihrer Rolle als Lead-Werk erhalten sie zusätzliche Aufgaben zur Steuerung des jeweiligen Produktionsverbunds, der nach den Fahrzeugarchitekturen ausgerichtet ist. Sie sollen international eine führende Rolle etwa beim Hochlauf von neuen Modellen übernehmen. Auch in Nord-und Südamerika reichten die Kapazitäten aus. Neben Mexiko seien keine weiteren Werke geplant. Dort sollen von 2018 an Mercedes-Kompaktmodelle vom Band laufen.

Auch neue Motorenwerke entstehen
Außerdem kündigte Schäfer den Bau zweier neuer Motorenwerke an. Eines davon soll in China entstehen, wo die Kapazitätsgrenzen des ersten Motorenwerks in Peking angesichts der rasanten Wachstumsraten ausgeschöpft sind. Die zweite Fertigungsstätte für Aggregate wird voraussichtlich in Osteuropa entstehen. Zum genauen Standort wollte Schäfer nichts sagen. Die Investitionen dürften sich insgesamt auf mehrere Milliarden Euro summieren.
Daten und Fakten
Zu diesem Beitrag empfiehlt die Redaktion:
Kennzahlen von Daimler 2015

Absatz war zuletzt rasant gestiegen
Der Absatz von Mercedes war in den vergangenen Jahren rasant gestiegen. So verkaufte Daimler im Jahr 2015 weltweit 1,87 Millionen Autos mit dem Stern, ein Zuwachs gegenüber dem Vorjahr von 13,4 Prozent. Zusammen mit der Marke Smart waren es sogar knapp zwei Millionen Autos. Auch im Jahr 2016 setzt sich die Dynamik fort. Im Januar legten die Verkäufe von Mercedes um knapp 20 Prozent zu. In allen Werken wird derzeit rund um die Uhr gearbeitet, um die Nachfrage bedienen zu können.

Mercedes è aggressiva del solito, ha appena annunciato l'apertura di nuove 4 fabbriche.
1) una per la produzione di batterie per auto elettriche in Sassonia
2) una seconda fabbrica di motori in Cina
3) una fabbrica di motori in Europa orientale
4) una nuova fabbrica di autovetture, forse in Russia.

MessaggioInviato: gio giu 23, 2016 11:05 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17341 ... rsichtlich

Mercedes è vicina all'apertura di una fabbrica di modeste dimensioni (30.000 unità all'anno ) vicino Mosca.
Il mercato russo è in pessime condizioni, però entro 4-5 anni potrebbe tornare ai livelli pre crisi se i prezzi del petrolio risaliranno.
A proposito di Mercedes bisogna dire che già ai tempi dell'Unione Sovietica c'erano fan insospettabili del marchio della stella, uno di questi era Breznev.
Il capo dell' URSS aveva una collezione enorme di auto di lusso che si faceva regalare dai capi di stato; una volta portò la sua vecchissima e arteriosclerotica madre a vederla e lei impressionata disse:
"È bellissimo tutto ciò figlio mio, ma cosa ne faresti se tornassero i comunisti"?

MessaggioInviato: gio giu 23, 2016 12:52 pm 
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Iscritto il: dom mar 12, 2006 7:02 pm
Messaggi: 35944
Località: Ovunque ci sia una birra ghiacciata
Quella di Breznev la sapevo, se non così dettagliata... se non ricordo male si era pure stampato contro qualcosa con la Rolls regalata da non so quale capo di stato :D

MessaggioInviato: ven lug 29, 2016 10:18 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17341
Production of front- and rear-wheel-drive cars according to Industry 4.0 benchmark approaches.
Creation of around 2,500 new jobs at the site as well as additional jobs at suppliers in the region and in German plants.
Markus Schäfer, Member of the Divisional Board Mercedes-Benz Cars, Production and Supply Chain Management: “In the next few years, we plan to invest around one billion euros in building a new plant at our site in Kecskemét. We will establish a state-of-the-art and efficient production facility, in which different vehicle architectures will roll off the assembly line flexibly.”
Péter Szijjártó, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade: “This investment decision proves that it was worthwhile for the Government to embark on an economic policy aimed at making Hungary the European centre of high value-added manufacturing activities.“
Stuttgart/Kecskemét – Mercedes-Benz plans to establish a second plant at its Hungarian site in Kecskemét for the production of front- and rear-wheel-drive cars. “In the next few years, we plan to invest around one billion euros in building a new plant at our site in Kecskemét. We will establish a state-of-the-art and efficient production facility, in which different vehicle architectures will roll off the assembly line flexibly. With this highly modern ‘flex-plant’, we will create additional capacity along with the necessary flexibility according to Industry 4.0 benchmark approaches allowing us to react quickly and future-oriented to the market needs. Our company strengthens its competitiveness,” says Markus Schäfer, Member of the Divisional Board Mercedes-Benz Cars, Production and Supply Chain Management. The Mercedes-Benz product portfolio currently consists of 32 models. In the near future, the company will offer 40 models. Additionally, it is planned to gradually electrify all Mercedes-Benz passenger car model series.

The second plant in Kecskemét will have a body shop, a paint shop, a final assembly and a supplier park. According to Industry 4.0 benchmark approaches, a convertible factory is planned. It consists of networked production systems, a fully digital process chain, the intelligent use of production data and new models of cooperation between man and machine. Thus, it will be possible to make production more flexible and efficient and to implement ergonomic improvements in the future. Preparatory actions will already start this year; the start of production is planned for the end of the decade. The investment will create around 2,500 new jobs at the site as well as additional jobs at suppliers in the region and in German plants. The final decision and concrete realisation still depends on the implementation of various conditions.

“This investment decision proves that it was worthwhile for the Government to embark on an economic policy aimed at making Hungary the European centre of high value-added manufacturing activities,” says Péter Szijjártó, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

The Mercedes-Benz plant in Kecskemét has been a successful producer of compact front-wheel-drive vehicles for the world market since 2012. Since then, (as of February 2016) more than 500,000 vehicles have rolled off the assembly line. At the end of April 2016, Mercedes-Benz announced to invest around 580 million euros in the expansion of capacity and the technological upgrade of the existing facility for the production of compact cars at the site. The new generation of compact cars will also be produced in Kecskemét.

“The additional investment in the new plant with flexible production is a proof for the know-how of our highly motivated employees in Kecskemét. The site will gain additional manufacturing competence for rear-wheel-drive vehicles. A further factor speaking in favour of Kecskemét is the outstanding cooperation with national and local authorities. All in all, with the existing and the new plant, the site has excellent future prospects,” says Rainer Rueß, Head of Production Planning Mercedes-Benz Cars.

About the Mercedes-Benz Kecskemét plant

The Mercedes-Benz plant in Kecskemét employs more than 4,000 people. Over 180,000 Mercedes-Benz compact vehicles were produced in 2015. The Mercedes-Benz B-Class was the first model to roll off the line in Kecskemét in 2012. This was followed in 2013 by the four-door compact CLA Coupé and the CLA Shooting Brake in 2015. Both of these models are produced exclusively in Kecskemét for customers around the world.

Mercedes ha annunciato il raddoppio della capacità produttiva nella sua fabbrica ungherese, sarà costruito un nuovo impianto gemello che potrà produrre sia veicoli a trazione anteriore ( attualmente sono prodotti in loco Kl. B e CLA) che a trazione posteriore.
La casa di Stoccarda vuole quindi raggiungere nuovi ambiziosi traguardi nel segmento delle compatte.
Per la prima generazione di Kl. B/ kl. A II la produzione avveniva solo a Rastatt, per l'attuale generazione di compatte ci sono 3 fabbriche a lavoro e per la prossima ben 5.

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