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MessaggioInviato: gio dic 20, 2018 10:27 am 
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Iscritto il: mar gen 23, 2007 3:06 pm
Messaggi: 25662
Località: Ginevra
Who ya gonna call?
Ghosn buster!

Fiat Panda Hobby - 39 cavalli, sì, ma non per tonnellata :alastio:

MessaggioInviato: ven dic 21, 2018 5:33 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337 ... llegations

Ghosn rimarrà dietro le sbarre. Ad ulteriore prova della trappola organizzata ci sono le dichiarazioni della moglie di Kelly, l'altro top manager Nissan (guarda caso anche lui non giapponese). Kelly, americano di Nashville, aveva una operazione neurochirurgica per problemi di artrosi delle vertebre cervicali. Aveva ottenuto di non dover viaggiare verso il Giappone da inizio novembre fino all'inizio del 2019. Un alto dirigente Nissan lo ha praticamente obbligato e ha fatto modo che Nissan pagasse completamente le spese per un'operazione con un mese di ritardo rispetto ai piani preventivati.
Molti dirigenti stranieri che lavorano in Giappone sono terrorizzati di fare la stessa fine.

MessaggioInviato: mar dic 25, 2018 6:46 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Nissan updated its corporate governance code, a month after the arrest and indictment of former Chairman Carlos Ghosn brought differences with partner Renault SA out in the open after a two-decade partnership.

As part of the new code, the Japanese automaker revised the cross-shareholding policy. Renault is the largest shareholder in Nissan and the Asian company in return is the second-largest shareholder in the French carmaker. The two companies also have minority shareholdings in Germany’s Daimler.

Nissan said it reserved the right to sell those stakes.

Nissan’s statement was released on Christmas Day, when the offices of its European partners are closed. It comes at a time when Renault asked the Japanese company to call a shareholder meeting to discuss corporate governance issues. Bloomberg News reported earlier that Nissan was shoring up cash to build its firepower amid tensions with Renault.

Nissan’s move, which raises more questions than answers on whether this means the company is gearing up to sell the stake, comes as the two long-time partners have differed over how they approach the issue of Ghosn’s arrest. While Nissan immediately sacked the official as its chairman, Renault chose a different option by naming a deputy for the chief executive officer role he played at the French carmaker.

A Nissan spokesman didn’t immediately offer additional comments on the statement on corporate governance, which is mandatory according to the Tokyo stock exchange. Renault couldn’t be reached on Christmas Day holiday. A spokesman for the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Motors alliance didn’t have a comment.

The Japanese automaker holds a 15 percent stake in Renault -- with a market value of about $2.8 billion -- and no voting rights, a position that has been the source of tensions with the French company. Renault owns 43 percent of Nissan, a stake worth almost $14 billion. Acrimony between the two has exploded since the Nov. 19 arrest of the bigger-than-life leader overseeing their alliance.

With regards to voting rights of cross-shareholdings, the new Nissan code says the company will consider "whether or not it leads to the improvement of mid to long term corporate value and shareholder interest and exercise our voting-rights properly.” The previous version of the code in July didn’t refer to the possibility of selling cross holdings.

"We will investigate including the option of sale of the shares when continued possession of the shares is judged to be inappropriate as a result of verification of the propriety of such cross-shareholdings,” Nissan’s code also said.

The fact that France owns a stake in Renault with voting rights has also been a source of tensions, with Ghosn saying in the past that a merger that was explored between the two would never happen as long as France remains a shareholder. Still, both Nissan, Renault and the French and Japanese governments have praised the carmaking alliance. Both companies have publicly said they weren’t looking to reconsider its current structure.

Nissan ha voluto dichiarare un buon Natale a Renault modificando le regole di governance e non escludendo di vendere la quota del 15% detenuta nella casa francese. In pratica guerra dichiarata, Renault deve urgentemente far riunire l’assemblea degli azionisti e licenziare sul tronco Saikawa, significherebbe guerra totale ma le opzioni sono veramente poche. Rendere paritetiche le quote al 25% sarebbe un dilazionamento della rottura.

MessaggioInviato: mar dic 25, 2018 11:59 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10081
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
mauro65 ha scritto:
Se dovessi giocarmi una birra, scommetterei sullo scioglimento con le buone o con le cattive dell’alleanza.
Non si cancellano 20 anni di alleanza per le bizze dei giapponesi. Oggi 2/3 dei profitti di Renault derivano dalle quote in Nissan (fino al 2014 era più del 100%), ce la farebbe da sola? Renault se costretta potrebbe vendere il suo 43% ad un’azionista sgradito a Nissan. In un momento di investimenti mostruosi separarsi non sarebbe la soluzione più appropriata. I fronti sono comunque schierati.
Dicevamo? :ridi
(qui non contano tanto i numeri, quanto lo spirito - gratta gratta nell'animo giapponese c'è sempre almeno un residuo di bushidō, "la via")

MessaggioInviato: mer dic 26, 2018 11:23 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Già di per se’ la struttura azionaria di RNM è complicata, non sono un’azienda singola come Vw o Toyota.
Nonostante ciò sono passati 19 anni dall’ingresso di Renault in Nissan, senza i miliardi inviati da Parigi Nissan non esisterebbe adesso.
Le sinergie ottenute sarebbero difficili, se non impossibili da raggiungere in caso di rottura totale. Tra l’altro non vedo perché Renault dovrebbe cedere la posizione di primus inter pares.
Per salvare l’alleanza sono necessari cambiamenti significativi nella struttura. Renault può licenziare il top management di Nissan ma sarebbe un punto di non ritorno.
Intanto l’altro accusato Kelly è stato rilasciato chissà se rilascerà dichiarazioni alla stampa.

MessaggioInviato: gio dic 27, 2018 12:19 pm 
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Iscritto il: mar giu 06, 2006 4:00 pm
Messaggi: 15782
Località: Bologna
mauro65 ha scritto:
Dicevamo? :ridi
(qui non contano tanto i numeri, quanto lo spirito - gratta gratta nell'animo giapponese c'è sempre almeno un residuo di bushidō, "la via")


Poi "noialtri" siamo e rimarremo sempre "Gaijin"...

Sai che cosa diceva quel tale? In Italia sotto i Borgia, per trent'anni, hanno avuto assassinii, guerre, terrore e massacri, ma hanno prodotto Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci e il Rinascimento. In Svizzera hanno avuto amore fraterno, cinquecento anni di pace e democrazia, e che cos' hanno prodotto? Gli orologi a cucù.( O.Welles)

MessaggioInviato: ven dic 28, 2018 12:53 am 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10081
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
Già di per se’ la struttura azionaria di RNM è complicata, non sono un’azienda singola come Vw o Toyota.
Nonostante ciò sono passati 19 anni dall’ingresso di Renault in Nissan, senza i miliardi inviati da Parigi Nissan non esisterebbe adesso.
Le sinergie ottenute sarebbero difficili, se non impossibili da raggiungere in caso di rottura totale. Tra l’altro non vedo perché Renault dovrebbe cedere la posizione di primus inter pares.
Per salvare l’alleanza sono necessari cambiamenti significativi nella struttura. Renault può licenziare il top management di Nissan ma sarebbe un punto di non ritorno.
Intanto l’altro accusato Kelly è stato rilasciato chissà se rilascerà dichiarazioni alla stampa.
Tutto quello che vuoi (e le tue sono considerazioni molto sensate), ma la sensazione è che i Jap abbiano deciso già tempo fa di rompere l’alleanza, costi quel che costi.

MessaggioInviato: ven dic 28, 2018 6:02 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Sembrerebbe proprio così, Nissan è abbastanza grande per sopravvivere da sola, Renault no (imho).
Il 2018 ha portato cambiamenti radicali nel management delle grandi aziende, 2 di questi in modo traumatico (Marchionne e Ghosn). Si spera che il 2019 sia un po’ più clemente (e non lo sarà a causa dei rischi recessivi, spese per la conversione verso la mobilità elettrica e guerre tariffarie).

MessaggioInviato: ven dic 28, 2018 9:00 am 
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Iscritto il: lun mar 13, 2006 8:29 pm
Messaggi: 16909
Vero che Renault senza Nissan sarebbe messa maluccio, ma anche quest'ultima si giocherebbe una buona fetta del mercato europeo.
La Qashqai pensano di venderla solamente con un paio di benzina aspirati e il cambio cvt?
Vero che Renault è molto forte sui diesel, che però interessano solamente il nostro continente ed ai quali è stata dichiarata guerra, però...

Per converso, appunto, la casa francese rimarrebbe confinata in un mercato in crisi, piccolo rispetto agli altri, e con poche frecce al suo arco per fronteggiare il futuro (ok, sviluppato l'elettrico, ma non credo che dall'oggi al domani si inizino a vendere Zoe da 26mila euro come fossero pane).

Più che altro mi domando le restanti alleanze commerciali come finirebbero: ad esempio, le Infiniti praticamente sono delle Mercedes della scorsa generazione. Il Classe X praticamente è un Alaskan, che a sua volta è un Navara, etc..

Toyota RAV4 2.5 Hybrid Lounge - 2019 Immagine
Abarth 595C Turismo - 2016 Immagine
Royal Enfield Interceptor 650 - 2022 Immagine
Saab 9.3 Cabrio 2.0T SE- 1998

MessaggioInviato: ven dic 28, 2018 5:38 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
L'alleanza con Daimler è il minore dei problemi, si mandano a quel paese i tedeschi che ne soffrirebbero mentre i franconipponici a stento se ne accorgerebbero.

Ben diversa è la situazione tra Renault e Nissan, se la condivisione non è ai livelli dei marchi del gruppo Vw ormai quasi tutte le piattaforme sono in comune. Con i numeri di Talisman ed Espace da sola Renualt non potrebbe mai svilupparle da sola. Nissan non potrebbe avere una gamma europea decente, adesso nonostante le sinergie nel vecchio continente è in Cina e in India ci sarebbero problemi enormi dato che si aiutano a vicenda.
Era manifesto che Nissan volesse un riequilibrio dell'alleanza ma pensare alla decapitazione dell'imperatore Ghosn sembrava improbabile.

MessaggioInviato: ven dic 28, 2018 5:47 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven mag 26, 2006 12:04 pm
Messaggi: 4003
Località: Bra (CN)
Conosco bene i francesi. Le alleanze non le sanno fare.
Vogliono sempre sopraffarre.
Era inevitabile che i Jap volessero uno status paritario

Alla guida di una KIA SPORTAGE 1.6 Turbo Benza Ibrida
Guidavo una Stelvio senza Apple CarPlay
Guidavo una sorprendente svedese - V90 D4
Guidavo una bella A6 SW TDI Grigio Floret. Veloce Comoda Bella Anonima
Guidavo una anonima e puzzolente 320d Touring MSport...
Guidavo una splendida Range Rover Evoque... Si, si girano tutti al semaforo...
Guidavo una fantastica A5 Sportback S-Line, 2.0 TDI 170cv...

MessaggioInviato: ven dic 28, 2018 10:06 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
UGII ha scritto:
Conosco bene i francesi. Le alleanze non le sanno fare.
Vogliono sempre sopraffarre.
Era inevitabile che i Jap volessero uno status paritario

Sono d’accordo ma lo stesso si potrebbe dire riguardo i tedeschi, gli americani o gli italiani.
Non è che un giorno per caso Renault si è trovata alla guida di Nissan, nel 1999 i francesi sborsarono 4 miliardi di euro per il 37% di Nissan che era sull’orlo del fallimento. Grazie a Ghosn e al suo team (Tavares poi diventato ceo di PSA, Patrick Pelata, Andy Palmer attualmente ceo di Aston Martin) Nissan riuscì a rinascere dopo 15 anni di crisi che i giapponesi non erano riusciti a risolvere.
La situazione è molto intricata.

Ghosn è stato accusato tra l’altro di aver spostato perdite per quasi 20 milioni di dollari derivanti da suoi investimenti azionari fallimentari nel 2008 nei conti di Nissan. Ci manca solo che lo accusino di aver tentato di stuprare l’imperatrice del Giappone ed è a posto. :allegria

MessaggioInviato: ven gen 04, 2019 1:01 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Carlos Ghosn will finally see the inside of a Japanese court room next week, almost two months after his arrest on financial crimes.

The embattled car titan will attend a hearing of the Tokyo district court on Jan. 8, according to his chief lawyer, Motonari Otsuru. The session was called after Ghosn’s legal team requested an explanation on why the former Nissan Motor Co. chairman -- who was taken into custody Nov. 19, and has had his detention extended repeatedly -- remains in jail.

While Ghosn has been indicted by Japanese prosecutors on allegations of under-reporting his compensation, the length of his detention and the lack of clarity provided on the case has drawn criticism.

The architect behind Nissan’s alliance with France’s Renault SA, Ghosn was initially held without charge for longer than would be permitted in the U.K. for a suspected terrorist. His arrest has rocked the world’s largest auto pact, amid speculation it was part of a coup by forces within Nissan aimed at staving off a merger of the carmakers.

The two-month saga has taken several twists and turns, with Ghosn re-arrested on fresh, potentially more serious charges Dec. 21 just when it looked like he may be able to apply for bail. Prosecutors have accused him of transferring personal trading losses to Nissan, but are yet to indict him on this allegation. In Japan, indictment paves the way for prosecutors to lay formal charges.

His detention was last extended Dec. 31, putting him behind bars until at least Jan. 11.

Read more about Japan’s legal system here.

Nissan has also been indicted over under-reporting Ghosn’s income, while his former aide, Greg Kelly -- a former Nissan representative director -- was released on bail Dec. 25. He is alleged to have helped the car industry legend under-report his compensation from the carmaker by tens of millions of dollars. Both Ghosn and Kelly have denied the allegations through their lawyers.

Greg KellyPhotographer: Kentaro Takahashi/Bloomberg
Ghosn’s downfall has raised questions about the future of the decades-old alliance. While Nissan dismissed him as chairman shortly after his arrest, Renault retained Ghosn as chairman and chief executive officer, saying it needs evidence of his wrongdoing.

His arrest came after a months-long investigation by Nissan into his conduct, a probe that was largely kept from its French partner. That lack of transparency and concern that Nissan will use Ghosn’s absence to push for more power within the alliance has heightened tensions between the two automakers.

If proven, each of Ghosn’s alleged offenses may carry a sentence of as much as 10 years, prosecutors have said. Nissan has also accused Ghosn of misusing company funds, including over homes from Brazil to Lebanon and hiring his sister on an advisory contract.

Ghosn apparirà in una corte giapponese l’ 8 gennaio, quindi fino ad adesso la carcerazione è servita solo per gli interrogatori, fatti spesso senza la presenza di un avvocato. Veramente strano il sistema di giustizia del Giappone.

MessaggioInviato: ven gen 04, 2019 5:02 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10081
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
Veramente strano il sistema di giustizia del Giappone.
Strano per noi, che pretendiamo di analizzare quel mondo con i nostri occhi. Illuminante a questo proposito lo stupore del giornalista quando annota che la carcerazione preventiva di Ghosn in Giappone per ipotesi di reati finanziari/fiscali sta rivelandosi più lunga delle nmisure cautelari previste nel Regno Unito per un soggetto sospettato di terrorismo.

MessaggioInviato: dom gen 06, 2019 4:46 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
PARIS -- Japanese prosecutors want Carlos Ghosn, the detained former chairman and CEO of Nissan, who oversaw an alliance that sold 10 million vehicles a year, to confess to financial misconduct, his son told France's weekly Journal du Dimanche.

Ghosn has been held in a Tokyo detention center since his Nov. 19 arrest on allegations of under-reporting his income at Nissan Motor Co. He is also accused of aggravated breach of mistrust in transferring personal investment losses to Nissan, from which he has since been ousted as chairman.

Ghosn denies the charges against him and will mount a “vigorous defense” at his first hearing this week, his son, Anthony, told Journal Du Dimanche in an interview.

Anthony Ghosn, 24, has not been allowed by Japanese authorities to see his father, who he said had lost 10 kilograms in weight eating three bowls of rice a day in detention.

In his first interview since Japanese prosecutors seized his father as he stepped off a private jet, Anthony Ghosn said his father would fight to clear his name.

Asked if his father spoke Japanese, Anthony Ghosn said he did not. "The paradox is that the confession they want him to sign is written exclusively in Japanese."

Ghosn's arrest marked a dramatic fall for a business leader once hailed for rescuing Nissan from the brink of bankruptcy.

The executive has been treated like others in detention, held in a small, chilly room, and denied a lawyer during interrogation.

Ghosn's detention has drawn scrutiny upon the legal system in Japan, where legal experts say prosecutors often try to force confessions from suspects. Deputy prosecutor at the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office, Shin Kukimoto, last month said no such method was being used with Ghosn.

Anthony Ghosn told the Journal Du Dimanche that his father's lawyer has still not seen the prosecutor's full case file. "From what I understand, in the Japanese system, when a person is held in detention, the prosecutor reveals little by little the elements that he has at his disposal. On each occasion, my father then shares these details with his lawyers."

Ghosn is set to make his first public appearance in seven weeks at a Tokyo court on Tuesday after he requested an open hearing to hear the reason for his continued detention.

"For the first time, he will be able to answer the allegations against him, to give his version of events," Anthony Ghosn said, adding his father would appear in prison attire and be handcuffed.

“Everyone will be pretty surprised to hear his version of the story,” Anthony Ghosn told the newspaper. “Until now, we have only heard the accusation.”

Ok strano per noi ma adesso esce fuori che i procuratori giapponesi volevano che Ghosn firmasse la sua colpevolezza su un foglio scritto in giapponese senza la traduzione in inglese. Secondo il figlio Ghosn avrebbe perso 10 kg ma è pronto a controbattere alle accuse. Intanto una delle accuse formulate dalla corte di Tokyo assume contorni più chiari: Ghosn veniva pagato in Yen da Nissan e aveva sottoscritto un derivato contro l’ apprezzamento della valuta nipponica contro il dollaro. Nel 2008 il balzo dello Yen causò una perdita personale per Ghosn di 17 milioni di dollari. La banca giapponese richiese nuovi fondi per coprire le perdite e Ghosn spostò le proprie perdite personali sui fondi che Nissan forniva all’ amministratore delegato per spese inattese. Ghosn avrebbe poi ottenuto un prestito da un uomo d’ affari saudita Khaled Al Juffali, in modo da rimborsare Nissan per le spese incorse. Naturalmente questo favore fu contraccambiato perché Nissan pagò profumatamente il signor Al Juffali per aprire filiali Nissan in diversi paesi della penisola arabica. Notate bene che l’ avvocato di Ghosn sostiene che queste transazioni siano perfettamente regolari. Quantomeno io parlerei di una gestione allegra delle risorse aziendali da parte di Ghosn che fece anche assumere sua sorella per un non ben chiaro incarico di consulenza.
Nissan adesso sta investigando sulla società olandese che detiene le quote dell’ alleanza, altre accuse potrebbero essere aggiunte al già complicato caso.
Veramente una fine poco gloriosa per uno dei più importanti manager dell’auto degli ultimi 20 anni.

MessaggioInviato: dom gen 06, 2019 8:39 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven mag 26, 2006 12:04 pm
Messaggi: 4003
Località: Bra (CN)
Questo ha disposto delle finanze Nissan come fossero sue.
Me Cojo...
Delirio di onnipotenza

Alla guida di una KIA SPORTAGE 1.6 Turbo Benza Ibrida
Guidavo una Stelvio senza Apple CarPlay
Guidavo una sorprendente svedese - V90 D4
Guidavo una bella A6 SW TDI Grigio Floret. Veloce Comoda Bella Anonima
Guidavo una anonima e puzzolente 320d Touring MSport...
Guidavo una splendida Range Rover Evoque... Si, si girano tutti al semaforo...
Guidavo una fantastica A5 Sportback S-Line, 2.0 TDI 170cv...

MessaggioInviato: lun gen 07, 2019 8:58 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
All'interno di Renault le voci per una sostituzione di Ghosn si stanno facendo più rumorose. Le Mairie (ministro delle finanze) ha più volte detto che in mancanza di prove chiare Renault non può licenziare Ghosn. Tutti però sanno benissimo che per diversi mesi il manager franco-brasiliano-libanese dovrà combattere la giustizia giapponese e non potrà lasciare il paese. Silenziosamente si sta cercando un successore che riesca a dialogare con i giapponesi.

MessaggioInviato: mar gen 08, 2019 7:41 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
handcuffed Carlos Ghosn made his first public appearance since being arrested almost two months ago, telling a Tokyo court he was “wrongly accused and unfairly detained” as he mounted a point-by-point defense against the accusations facing him.

The embattled former chairman of Japan’s No. 2 automaker entered the Tokyo District Court at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in a dark suit with no tie, looking thinner than in recent photos. He was handcuffed with a rope around his waist and wearing plastic slippers, according to a pool report of the proceeding. 

He was led into the courtroom by two guards who uncuffed him and sat next to him on a bench in front of his three lawyers. The streets outside the courthouse in central Tokyo were mobbed by reporters before the hour-and-a-half hearing as helicopters hovered overhead.

Inside the courtroom, Ghosn was expected to tick off a four-point defense, according to a transcript of his prepared remarks seen by Automotive News. 

“I have always acted with integrity and have never been accused of any wrongdoing in my several-decade professional career,” Ghosn concludes. “I have been wrongly accused and unfairly detained based on meritless and unsubstantiated accusations.”

Presiding judge Yuichi Tada read out charges and declared that Ghosn is being detained because he represents a flight risk and might destroy evidence.

Tada read statements describing complicated charges that outlined Ghosn's alleged act to transfer personal investment losses to Nissan. 

The judge gave the monetary figure, which came to be around 1.85 billion yen ($17.1 million).

The hearing was called by Ghosn's lawyers through a rarely used Japanese legal proviso that allows suspects to petition the court to hear a justification of their detention. While it is unlikely to change the course of the case, it provides Ghosn a first chance to defend himself in public, influence the local media and stoke public opinion in his favor.

Nissan as pillar 
In his prepared statement, Ghosn emphasized his devotion to Nissan and his achievements in transforming it from a near-bankrupt national embarrassment when he arrived in 1999 into a “pillar of the Japanese economy” today. He cited figures to back up the radical revival.

“We transformed Nissan, moving it from a position of a debt of 2 trillion yen ($18.5 billion) in 1999 to cash of 1.8 trillion yen ($16.6 billion) at the end of 2006, from 2.5 million cars sold in 1999 at a significant loss to 5.8 million cars sold profitably in 2016,” Ghosn said. 

“These accomplishments -- secured alongside the peerless team of Nissan employees worldwide -- are the greatest joy of my life, next to my family,” he said. 

Ghosn was arrested Nov. 19 and has been unable to answer the mounting accusations from detention. His lawyers have been largely mum in public. Japanese media and people familiar with Ghosn's defense, however, say he denies wrongdoing and will fight to restore his reputation.

Following the hearing, Ghosn's Japanese lawyers -- Motonari Otsuru, Go Kondo and Masato Oshikubo -- will go on the offensive with a news conference at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan. They are expected to outline his defense and answer questions publicly for the first time.

After his arrest, Ghosn was indicted on Dec. 10 on allegations he underreported some $43.5 million in deferred compensation that should have been reported in securities filings.

Since Ghosn's indictment, he was arrested again on separate allegations of temporarily shifting ¥1.85 billion ($17.1 million) in personal swap contract losses to Nissan and having Nissan pay $14.7 million to a business associate who allegedly helped Ghosn handle the red ink.

He has yet to be indicted on those allegations.
Ghosn’s defense

In his prepared remarks, Ghosn counters the first indictment saying that the amount of deferred, post-retirement compensation had not been fixed and that he had never received any remuneration that had not been disclosed. He said he had no intent to violate the law.

“For me, the test is the ‘death test’: If I died today, could my heirs require Nissan to pay anything other than my retirement allowance?  The answer is an unequivocal ‘No,’” he says. 

Ghosn makes a twin-pronged defense against the grounds of the arrest for allegedly transferring personal losses. He admits to leveraging Nissan as collateral against his swap losses but says that the loss-making swap contracts were transferred back to him at no cost to Nissan.

He also says that the payments made to his business associate -- Saudi businessman Khaled Al Juffali -- were for legitimate business purposes, not some kind of payback for personal help.

Ghosn says the Khaled Juffali Co. helped Nissan solicit financing and restructure struggling distributors in the Middle East region. He also helped Nissan negotiate the development of a manufacturing plant in Saudi Arabia by organizing high-level meetings with Saudi officials. 

Nissan suspects that the payments to Juffali were actually payback for Juffali's assistance in arranging a new line credit line that helped Ghosn handle his swap losses. 

Nissan alleges that Ghosn then used what’s known as a CEO reserve fund, normally used for unbudgeted, one-time expenditures, to pay a company owned by Juffali in four installments totaling $14.7 million over the four fiscal years from 2009 to 2012. 

A statement issued separately on behalf of the Khaled Juffali Co. said the payments were for supporting and promoting Nissan’s business strategy in Saudi Arabia. Among the assistance was help in enabling Nissan to secure a “significant” ownership position in the Nissan Saudi Arabia joint venture established with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 

“Clearly, Khaled Juffali Company has provided manifold, tangible services that continue to inure to the substantial benefit of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. and Nissan Middle East,” the statement said.
Love for Nissan
Finally, Ghosn pleaded his contributions to Nissan.

“I have a genuine love and appreciation for Nissan,” Ghosn says in his prepared remarks. “I have acted honorably, legally, and with the knowledge and approval of the appropriate executives inside the company -- with the sole purpose of supporting and strengthening Nissan, and helping to restore its place as one of Japan’s finest and most respected companies.”

A Tokyo court has approved Ghosn's detention through Jan. 11, as prosecutors collect evidence and build their case against him, relying on a Japanese practice of interrogating suspects for hours every day in the absence of their lawyers.

On Jan. 11, prosecutors must either indict Ghosn on the additional charges or let him go. As is often the case in the Japanese system, they might also arrest him again on different but tangentially related grounds to continue holding him.

Per la prima volta Ghosn è comparso di fronte ad una giuria giapponese, dichiarandosi innocente rispetto alle accuse formulate. Non ha negato i contatti con la società dell'imprenditore saudita né il trasferimento temporaneo delle perdite sui derivati occorse nel 2008. L'11 scadono i termini di carcerazione preventiva che però possono essere senza grossi problemi allungati da nuove accuse.

MessaggioInviato: sab gen 12, 2019 12:44 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
TOKYO – Jose Munoz, Nissan’s hard-charging chief performance officer and the man who drove the company’s U.S. sales to record highs, is leaving the automaker as the scandal swirling around the suspected financial misconduct of ousted former Chairman Carlos Ghosn widens.

Munoz’s departure comes just days after Nissan said the executive had taken a leave of absence to focus on “special tasks” relating to the ongoing investigation of former Chairman Carlos Ghosn, who was arrested in Japan on Nov. 19 and now faces three indictments.

Munoz, 53, in a message to colleagues obtained by Automotive News, said he had decided to leave the company after “some period of serious contemplation.” He promised to help Nissan with its probe.

“Unfortunately, Nissan is currently involved in matters that have and will continue to divert its focus,” Munoz said. “As I have repeatedly and recently made clear to the company, I look forward to continuing to assist Nissan in its investigations.”

The developments underscore how the deepening Ghosn scandal is spilling over to operations worldwide. Munoz was a high-profile leader at the company who was often tipped to be the successor to current CEO Hiroto Saikawa.

Also on leave of absence is Senior Vice President Arun Bajaj, who heads human resources at Nissan as well as talent development at the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance. Bajaj is cooperating with Japanese prosecutors in their investigation of Ghosn, a person familiar with the matter said.

A purge?
One Nissan insider called the sidelining of Munoz and Bajaj a “purge” of Ghosn-era executives.

The reasons for Munoz’s leave and ensuing departure are unclear. Two people familiar with the matter said he was not sufficiently cooperating with Nissan’s probe against Ghosn. One source said Nissan was also questioning Munoz’s role in awarding supplier contracts, including one with a parts maker in Mexico.

Munoz, a native of Spain, is believed to have not been back to Japan since leaving the country in late November, shortly after Ghosn’s arrest.

Munoz had been scheduled to unveil the new extended-range Leaf electric vehicle Jan. 9 at CES in Las Vegas. That appearance was scrubbed. Munoz has been asked by Nissan to stay away from the office, one person familiar with his status said.

Another source close to Munoz said the former Nissan executive heard only Friday that sources inside the company were claiming he hadn’t been cooperative with the Ghosn investigation.

Munoz told the source it was “disappointing to hear the allegations,” the source said. Munoz also believes that the claim “doesn’t square with the generous compensation package” Munoz left on the table, the source said.

North America era

Munoz was chairman of Nissan’s North American operations from 2014 until last year, when he was named chairman of the carmaker’s important China operations. That appointment – to what is now Nissan’s biggest market – was seen as part of his grooming for the top post.

Munoz led the push to achieve the Power 88 midterm plan unveiled in 2011 by Ghosn, who was then CEO and chairman. The namesake targets were 8 percent operating profit margin and 8 percent global market share. Nissan missed those, but Munoz briefly delivered another top goal: 10 percent U.S. market share, a gain of more than 3 percentage points from the plan's starting point.

In 2017, the year Power 88 ended, Nissan and Infiniti combined to book record U.S. sales of 1.59 million vehicles and record market share of 9.2 percent.

Munoz’s exit leaves a “big vacuum” in the organization,” said Nissan National Dealer Advisory Board member Ray Brandt, CEO of Ray Brandt Automotive Group in Harvey, La. “You hate to see a person of that ability and knowledge who’s worked so hard, leave,” Brandt said. “Nissan has a lot invested in him and he had a lot invested in Nissan.”

Munoz was one of the “most impressive guys I’ve ever worked with,” Brandt said. “He was smart, honest, hardworking, committed to excellence.”

Push for growth
Munoz’s push for growth relied heavily on incentives and fleet sales. It was a controversial strategy that split the U.S. dealer community.

Big dealers who learned to work Nissan’s complicated incentive system flourished.

But smaller dealers felt squeezed by unrealistic targets. Some say Munoz’s approach relied on arbitrary spiff spending that made it difficult to plan long term and that Nissan used its control over zoning dealer territory to cudgel its critics

“It was a race to the bottom,” said Steve Kalafer, was so jaded by the approach that he sold his Nissan franchise.

“Standards of traditional proper reporting, in many cases, were abandoned,” he said. Kalafer, CEO and founding chairman of Flemington Car and Truck Country in Flemington, N.J., still sells the manufacturer’s luxury Infiniti brand.

Saikawa also saw the reliance on incentives and fleet sales as eroding profitability and brand value in the long term. After Saikawa took over from Ghosn as solo CEO in 2017, he shifted away from the approach, saying Nissan wouldn’t chase volume at the expense of brand value.

Last year, he tried to dial back fleet sales and incentives. It was a bumpy transition, with U.S. sales falling drastically in some months as Nissan fine-tuned the incentives system for some kind of balance. In December, it introduced a new incentives program for that month and January to help buoy sales.

Nissan Group’s U.S. sales last year fell 6.3 percent to 1.49 million vehicles in an overall market down 0.6 percent. The combined market share for the Nissan and Infiniti brands shrank to 8.6 percent from 9.2 percent the year before.

Urvaksh Karkaria contributed to this report.

Jose Munoz, capo di Nissan North America e vice presidente della società si è dimesso in aperto contrasto con Saikawa. Munoz era visto da alcuni come un possibile sostituto proprio di Saikawa. È chiara l’intenzione dei “golpisti” di Nissan di cacciare qualsiasi alleato di Ghosn, dovrebbero ricordarsi che l’ ex presidente è stato in carica per 20 anni quindi il top management è tutto stato nominato da lui. Renault per adesso non ha compiuto nessun passo a favore di Nissan nel ridefinire l’ alleanza.

MessaggioInviato: mer gen 16, 2019 6:19 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
French government is moving to dismiss Renault's scandal-hit Chairman and CEO Carlos Ghosn and has requested a board meeting to consider candidates to replace him, sources with knowledge of the matter told Reuters.

France, Renault's biggest shareholder, had until now supported the company's decision to keep Ghosn in office while he awaits trial in Japan for alleged misconduct at Nissan, the French carmaker's alliance partner he also chaired until his dismissal in November.

But the government, which commands a 15 percent Renault stake and two board seats, has asked the company to convene its nominations committee followed by a full board meeting on Jan. 20 to begin the process of appointing one or more successors to Ghosn, according to three people briefed on the process.

A spokesman for Renault and a French finance ministry official both said they had no knowledge of plans for a weekend board meeting.

Ghosn's Nov. 19 arrest in Japan and swift firing by Nissan have deepened tensions with Renault, which owns a 43.4 percent stake in the Japanese carmaker.

The French move to replace Ghosn follows a decision by the Tokyo District Court earlier on Tuesday to deny the ousted chairman's request for release on bail.

Ghosn has been charged over allegations he failed to disclose close to $80 million in additional compensation for 2010-18 that he had arranged to be paid later. Nissan director Greg Kelly and the company itself have also been indicted.

Both men deny the deferred pay agreements were illegal or required disclosure, while former alliance boss Ghosn has denied a separate breach of trust charge over personal investment losses he temporarily transferred to Nissan in 2008.

Possible successor

Jean-Dominique Senard, who is soon to step down as CEO of tire maker Michelin, is likely to replace Ghosn as Renault chairman, according to two sources.

The French state and its advisers are also considering candidates for the Renault CEO role currently occupied on an interim basis by Ghosn's deputy Thierry Bollore.

Bollore is among contenders for the permanent CEO appointment. Others under consideration include senior Toyota executive Didier Leroy, Elior boss Philippe Guillemot and one other potential candidate, a source involved in the discussions said.

"Philippe Guillemot denies being a candidate for Ghosn's succession," said a spokesman for food services group Elior. "It's possible that people considered him, but no more than that."

Senard could alternatively be appointed chairman and CEO, taking over both of Ghosn's current roles, the source said. "All these options are on the table."

Leroy declined to comment, and attempts by Reuters to reach Senard at Michelin were unsuccessful. Headhunting firms Korn Ferry and Emeric Lepoutre & Partners, which are involved in the executive search, could not be reached after hours.

Internal debate

French officials had said Ghosn should be kept in office unless it became clear he would remain "incapacitated" for much longer, also hinting that Tuesday's court decision would be an "important development".

Two senior French finance ministry officials were travelling to Tokyo on Tuesday for talks with Nissan stakeholders aimed at stabilizing the alliance with Renault, daily Le Figaro reported.

Nissan CEO Hiroto Saikawa said in a Monday interview he expected Renault to back the Japanese carmaker's ouster of Ghosn when its board of directors were finally given full access to the findings of its internal investigation.

C’è qualche movimento nell’ affaire Ghosn. Per la prima volta Saikawa e alcuni alti dirigenti Nissan hanno (almeno pubblicamente) chiarito che l’ alleanza deve andare avanti anche senza significativi cambiamenti. Il tribunale giapponese ha rifiutato per l’ ennesima volta la scarcerazione di Ghosn, è probabile che rimanga in detenzione fino all’ inizio del processo, cioè tra 6 mesi. In queste condizioni Renault deve trovare un successore e sembra che lo stia facendo. A fine gennaio ci sarà una riunione del board, è possibile (ma non sicuro) che il manager caduto in disgrazia perda la sua ultima poltrona.

MessaggioInviato: gio gen 17, 2019 10:44 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
PARIS -- French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire called for the dismissal of jailed Renault CEO Carlos Ghosn, all but assuring the celebrated auto executive will lose his last toehold on power.

“We are entering now a new phase,” Le Maire said Wednesday evening in an interview with LCI Television. “In this new phase we need a new and durable governance for Renault.”

France is Renault’s most important shareholder, with a 15 percent stake, extra voting rights and two seats on the board. The government had stood by the 64-year-old executive during his almost two-month interrogation in Japan on allegations of financial misconduct -- even as its alliance partners, Nissan and Mitsubishi Motors ousted him. But this week the French stance started to shift.

Renault’s board will probably meet in coming days to replace him, people familiar with the matter said earlier, asking not be identified because the information is not public. The board was spurred into action by Ghosn’s failure this week to win bail, which points to a lengthy incarceration and would prevent him from carrying out his roles at Renault, they said. The embattled executive was arrested on Nov. 19 in Japan.

French officials are visiting Tokyo to discuss the future of the alliance between the automakers, government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux said earlier in Paris. The state’s priority is to defend the “stability” of the partnership and the jobs it provides, he said.

The delegation includes Martin Vial, who heads the agency that oversees French state shareholdings and sits on Renault’s board, and Emmanuel Moulin, Le Maire’s chief of staff, a ministry spokesman said.

Presumed innocence

Renault and the French state had cited the principle of presumed innocence in backing Ghosn, while Nissan and smaller alliance partner Mitsubishi removed him as chairman. Accusations against Ghosn mounted this week, including a reported 7 million-euro payment ($8 million) from a Dutch entity named NMBV that is part of the manufacturing partnership he assembled between the three automakers.

Nissan CEO Hiroto Saikawa was interviewed in the French press this week, defending his efforts to remove Ghosn and seeking to downplay the portrayal of the saga as a power struggle. Ghosn’s arrest created a climate of suspicion between the companies, whose alliance has been held together by the globe-trotting executive for almost two decades.

While both firms have repeatedly said they are committed to the alliance, Nissan has long been unhappy about what it considers an outsized French role in the partnership. Renault, which rescued the Japanese automaker two decades ago, has a 43 percent voting stake in Nissan, which in turn owns just 15 percent of the French company, with no voting rights.

Ghosn is accused by prosecutors of understating his income at Nissan by tens of millions of dollars and of transferring personal trading losses to the automaker. The executive has said he’s innocent and has called the accusations “meritless and unsubstantiated.”

Decision needed

Some Renault board members have concluded that a decision on Ghosn’s position is needed fast, one of the people familiar with the matter said. There’s no way Ghosn can stay in charge of Renault, no matter how the legal saga ends, the person said.

“Renault must realize Ghosn had stepped beyond what is appropriate,” said Janet Lewis, a Tokyo-based auto analyst with Macquarie Group. “Too much power would appear to have accrued to one person, so it is important to try and develop a leadership team that can continue the work of the alliance.”

A spokesman for Renault earlier declined to comment on any possible changes in governance at the automaker.

A spokesman for Nissan reiterated the company’s internal investigation uncovered “substantial and convincing evidence of misconduct.” The spokesman declined to comment on managerial decisions at Renault. Ghosn’s lawyers, represented by Motonari Otsuru, had no comment.

The state has called for a Renault board meeting in the next few days, Le Maire said. Interim CEO Thierry Bollore’s mandate could be made more permanent, while Michelin CEO Jean-Dominique Senard is the leading candidate to become chairman, one of the people told Bloomberg.

Le Maire, asked about Senard in the TV interview, described him as a “great industrial manager.”

Finis Ghosn. Il ministro delle finanze francese lo ha scaricato. Ci sarebbero pagamenti sospetti anche all’ interno della società olandese che detiene le quote delle 3 società. Povero Carlos.

MessaggioInviato: gio gen 17, 2019 11:46 am 
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Iscritto il: lun mar 13, 2006 8:29 pm
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A differenza delle prime ore dalla notizia, dove sembrava fosse stato volutamente incastrato, a vedere come stanno ora le cose sembra che ci abbia messo parecchio del suo.
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Toyota RAV4 2.5 Hybrid Lounge - 2019 Immagine
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Saab 9.3 Cabrio 2.0T SE- 1998

MessaggioInviato: gio gen 17, 2019 11:50 am 
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Iscritto il: mar gen 23, 2007 3:06 pm
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:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Fiat Panda Hobby - 39 cavalli, sì, ma non per tonnellata :alastio:

MessaggioInviato: gio gen 17, 2019 11:52 am 
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Iscritto il: ven gen 11, 2019 2:47 pm
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Ancora non hanno dimostrato nulla, ad esser sinceri, solo accuse.

MessaggioInviato: gio gen 17, 2019 11:55 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Multiplone ha scritto:
A differenza delle prime ore dalla notizia, dove sembrava fosse stato volutamente incastrato, a vedere come stanno ora le cose sembra che ci abbia messo parecchio del suo.
Come se ne avesse avuto davvero bisogno, tra l'altro...

Io rimango fermamente convinto che tutto questo caos sia figlio della resistenza del management Nissan alla fusione con Renault. Nel 2017 il board of directors della casa francese aveva dato chiaro mandato a Ghosn per una fusione (secondo i termini di Parigi) che fino a quel momento il manager era stato più che esitante a considerare.
Detto ciò il comportamento di Ghosn è chiaramente colpevole.

MessaggioInviato: gio gen 17, 2019 4:47 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven mag 26, 2006 12:04 pm
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Località: Bra (CN)
DCX. Oddio, povero Carlos...

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Guidavo una anonima e puzzolente 320d Touring MSport...
Guidavo una splendida Range Rover Evoque... Si, si girano tutti al semaforo...
Guidavo una fantastica A5 Sportback S-Line, 2.0 TDI 170cv...

MessaggioInviato: gio gen 17, 2019 11:02 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
UGII ha scritto:
DCX. Oddio, povero Carlos...

Mi spiego meglio, dopo che avrà perso il titolo di ceo di Renault, difficilmente la Francia si spenderà per ottenere la liberazione. In Giappone circa il 93% dei casi portati a giudizio risulta in condanna. In più Ghosn ha pochissimo accesso ai suoi avvocati, fino ad adesso non ha potuto ne’ parlare ne’ scrivere alla famiglia.
Preciso che i comportamenti e le accuse rivolte a Ghosn sono secondo me pesanti e denotano un atteggiamento da padrone e non da impiegato nei confronti di Nissan. Rimango comunque dell’ opinione che i giapponesi abbiano teso una trappola e ciò e’ chiaro quando si leggono i retroscena della partenza di Greg Kelly.
In Giappone per casi ben più pesanti mega dirigenti non hanno passato neanche un giorno in carcere.

Nissan vuole anche sporgere denuncia contro Ghosn, potrebbero richiedere decine di milioni di dollari.

MessaggioInviato: ven gen 18, 2019 11:53 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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TOKYO -- Carlos Ghosn improperly received 7.8 million euros ($9 million) in compensation from a joint venture between Nissan and Mitsubishi Motors, the companies said on Friday.

A joint investigation found that Ghosn, ousted as chairman from both automakers, was compensated by the Netherlands-based JV without any discussion with two other board members, Nissan CEO Hiroto Saikawa and Mitsubishi CEO Osamu Masuko.

Nissan holds a controlling stake in Mitsubishi Motors.

Ghosn, arrested and detained in Tokyo since Nov. 19, has been indicted in Japan on charges of under-reporting his salary for eight years through March 2018, and temporarily transferring personal investment losses to Nissan during the global financial crisis.

Ghosn denies the charges against him. His lawyer, Motonari Otsuru, could not immediately be reached by telephone on Friday.

Reuters reported earlier this week about the alleged improper compensation to Ghosn by the JV and that Nissan was considering filing for damages, citing a source.

Nissan said on Friday that it would consider ways to recover the full amount from Ghosn, and Mitsubishi said it would consider ways to hold him responsible.

The latest allegations are likely to add pressure on the Japanese automakers' partner Renault to cut ties with Ghosn. Unlike Mitsubishi and Nissan, Renault has kept Ghosn as CEO and chairman, but its biggest shareholder, the French government, has been urging it to replace him.

The French automaker holds around 43 percent of Nissan, the biggest partner in the alliance by sales and which in turn holds a non-voting 15 percent stake in Renault.

Mitsubishi became the smallest member of the three-way automaking alliance when Nissan in 2016 took a 34 percent stake in the company.

Ghosn avrebbe erroneamente :? ricevuto 7 milioni di dollari dalla società olandese che detiene le quote di RNM, intanto sembra probabile che l’ attuale ceo di Michelin diventerà l’ erede di Ghosn.

MessaggioInviato: mar gen 22, 2019 5:17 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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Renault Chairman and CEO Carlos Ghosn has agreed to resign his posts, reports said, ahead of a meeting of the board Thursday to discuss how to replace the embattled executive.

Ghosn agreed to resign from Renault, three sources familiar with the matter told Reuters, after the French government, the automaker's biggest shareholder, called for leadership change and his bail requests were rejected by the Japanese courts. French newspaper Les Echos also said Ghosn will resign.

Renault confirmed that an emergency board meeting was planned for Thursday, but a spokesman did not respond to questions about its agenda or Ghosn's replacement.

The board on Thursday will consider the proposed appointment of outgoing Michelin CEO Jean-Dominique Senard as chairman and the promotion of Ghosn's deputy Thierry Bollore to CEO, three sources said.

Ghosn's resignation, after his Nov. 19 arrest and swift dismissal as Nissan chairman, turns a page on his two decades at the helm of the partnership he transformed into a global carmaking giant, following Renault's acquisition of a near-bankrupt Nissan in 1999.

Soothing relations

Senard, 65, will face the immediate task of soothing relations with Nissan, which is 43.4 percent-owned by Renault. Since Ghosn's arrest, Nissan CEO Hiroto Saikawa has sought to weaken Renault's control and resisted its attempts to nominate new directors to the Japanese carmaker's board.

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Nissan currently owns a 15 percent non-voting stake in its French parent and 34 percent in Mitsubishi Motors, a third major partner in their manufacturing alliance.

Once its new management is settled, French officials want work to resume on a new ownership structure cementing the partnership - which Ghosn had been mandated to explore when his Renault contract was renewed last year with government backing.

Nissan is wary of any such move. In an interview last week, Saikawa acknowledged shareholders' concerns that the current structure undervalues their investment, but added that changing it was "really not the current priority."

French finance Minister Bruno Le Maire on Sunday denied Japanese press reports that France was actively pushing for a Renault-Nissan merger.

The rejection of Ghosn's latest bail application raises the likelihood that the 64-year-old executive will remain in custody for months until his trial in Japan.

Ghosn has been in detention since Nov. 19, accused of financial crimes that could put him behind bars for decades. He has been indicted for understating his income at Nissan by tens of millions of dollars and transferring personal trading losses to the carmaker. Nissan also claims that Ghosn misused company funds, including for homes from Brazil to Lebanon, and hired his sister on an advisory contract. Ghosn has denied wrongdoing.

Reuters and Bloomberg contributed to this report

Secondo les Echos domani Ghosn si dimetterà da ceo di Renault, preparando così la via per la nomina a presidente dell’ ex ceo di Michelin Senard e la promozione di Thierry Bolloré ad amministratore delegato. Adesso sarà fondamentale ricostruire il rapporto con Nissan. Secondo le indiscrezioni i francesi non vogliono cedere 1 mm sul controllo.

MessaggioInviato: mer gen 23, 2019 9:22 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Nel mondo dell'automotive la vicenda Ghosn è stata osservata come il crollo di un titano. Da salvatore di Renault (era coo di Schweitzer nei primi anni 90) a eroe di Nissan, da primo sostenitore della rivoluzione elettrica a creatore del primo costruttore mondiale grazie allo sbarco in Mitsubishi.
Ha perso tutte le cariche e scampare alla condanna sara' quasi impossibile, dato che Nissan ha molti appoggi governativi

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