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MessaggioInviato: ven giu 21, 2019 12:38 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven gen 11, 2019 2:47 pm
Messaggi: 6168
Località: Bologna
mauro65 ha scritto:
mjazz ha scritto:
Fa che se Nissan riesce a sfanculare i francesi (ancora non ho capito come i Jap possano permettersi tutte queste libertà con il 43% in mano altrui...) Renault si ritrova in una situazione peggiore di quella di FCA.
Citofonare Ghosn per chiarimenti :okk

Certo, ma se rompi troppo le balle ti compro tutta intera e poi trasferisco tutto in Slovacchia.

MessaggioInviato: ven giu 21, 2019 12:41 pm 
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Iscritto il: mar apr 08, 2008 1:42 pm
Messaggi: 13955
Località: Sardinia
mjazz ha scritto:
mauro65 ha scritto:
mjazz ha scritto:
Fa che se Nissan riesce a sfanculare i francesi (ancora non ho capito come i Jap possano permettersi tutte queste libertà con il 43% in mano altrui...) Renault si ritrova in una situazione peggiore di quella di FCA.
Citofonare Ghosn per chiarimenti :okk

Certo, ma se rompi troppo le balle ti compro tutta intera e poi trasferisco tutto in Slovacchia.

E' quello che avrei fatto fin dall'inizio

- Renault New Laguna Sportour 4Control 2.0 dCi 150cv - 06/2010 -
- Suzuki GSR 600 K6 - 04/2006 -
- Ford Transit VII T350L 2.2 Tdci 140 cv - 06/2008
- [New entry] Lancia Delta Oro 1.4 T-Jet GPL 120 cv - 09/2008

MessaggioInviato: ven giu 21, 2019 1:39 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10077
mjazz ha scritto:
Certo, ma se rompi troppo le balle ti compro tutta intera e poi trasferisco tutto in Slovacchia.
Non dimentricarti con quale cultura ti confronti ... giapponesi

MessaggioInviato: ven giu 21, 2019 9:16 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17329
Nissan CEO Hiroto Saikawa is due to be questioned by the automaker's board on Monday about allegations by a former senior executive that he broke company rules to pay for a house in Tokyo, according to people familiar with the matter.

Saikawa will be asked at the extraordinary meeting whether date restrictions on selling compensation-linked stock were altered in 2013, earning him a higher profit and facilitating payments for the property, said the people, who asked not to be named because the details aren’t public.

Saikawa will also be questioned about whether he asked the Japanese carmaker to buy the house, and be repaid later in installments, they said.

The possible misconduct was alleged by Greg Kelly in an interview published earlier in June in monthly magazine Bungei Shunju. Kelly was arrested on the same day in November as former Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn.

Saikawa has denied using company funds to buy his house, saying he bought it with his own money. He has also so far refused to discuss the transaction with the Nissan board, the people said.

A representative of Nissan declined to comment.

The board’s questions to Saikawa -- Ghosn’s former protege-turned-accuser -- would come a day before he faces shareholders on Tuesday at the company’s annual meeting, where he may also be asked about the home. Ghosn has been charged by Japanese authorities for financial crimes, which he has denied.

Saikawa’s leadership has come under question since Ghosn was arrested, though he has since been recommended to continue to serve as CEO by Nissan’s governance panel. Saikawa initially voiced his intention to step down once Nissan’s governance was improved, but he later backtracked, saying that he would continue to serve as a way to take responsibility for a lack of oversight over Ghosn.

Saikawa has come under more pressure as relations deteriorate with partner Renault, which owns 43 percent of Nissan.

Tensions broke out into the open after Ghosn was arrested, and have worsened in recent months when Renault’s new chairman, Jean-Dominique Senard, pressed Nissan for a merger it didn’t want, then pursued a deal with rival Fiat Chrysler Automobiles without telling the Japanese company.

Meglio di beautiful. Saikawa è accusato di aver usato soldi aziendali per comprarsi un lussuoso appartamento a Tokio. Le accuse sono state formulate da Greg Kelly, proprio il dirigente Nissan arrestato con Ghosn.

MessaggioInviato: ven giu 21, 2019 10:21 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10077
Prima o poi Ghosn potrà parlare in sede processuale ed immagino che avrà prove a suo discarico. La faccenda rischia di diventare imbarazzante per Tokyo.

MessaggioInviato: ven giu 21, 2019 11:46 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven gen 11, 2019 2:47 pm
Messaggi: 6168
Località: Bologna
PRove a suo discarico ma anche a carico altrui, non li vedo così perfettini sti giappi...

MessaggioInviato: dom giu 23, 2019 6:56 am 
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Iscritto il: mar apr 08, 2008 1:42 pm
Messaggi: 13955
Località: Sardinia
mjazz ha scritto:
PRove a suo discarico ma anche a carico altrui, non li vedo così perfettini sti giappi...

A giudicare dalle loro tipologie di porno preferite, direi che sono strani assai

- Renault New Laguna Sportour 4Control 2.0 dCi 150cv - 06/2010 -
- Suzuki GSR 600 K6 - 04/2006 -
- Ford Transit VII T350L 2.2 Tdci 140 cv - 06/2008
- [New entry] Lancia Delta Oro 1.4 T-Jet GPL 120 cv - 09/2008

MessaggioInviato: mar giu 25, 2019 10:58 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17329
Nissan shareholders approved sweeping reforms to improve corporate governance at the automaker following last year’s arrest and ouster of former Chairman Carlos Ghosn, while embattled CEO Hiroto Saikawa signaled he was preparing to step aside.

Saikawa, saying it was his intention to take responsibility for the scandal, said that implementing the structural overhaul marked an important “personal” milestone. He said his focus would now turn to developing a next-generation leadership to take the helm of the company.

“I am reaching a big milestone personally in terms of fulfilling my responsibility,” Saikawa said during the Japanese automaker’s June 25 annual shareholders’ meeting at a convention center here not far from its global headquarters. “We need to think about the future of the company and succession plan, preparation for that, and be ready for the next step… In order to fulfill my remaining responsibilities, I would like to focus on and prepare the successors.”

Added Saikawa: “That is another imminent challenge.”

Saikawa reappointed
The reforms ratified by shareholders were in motion for months and are a top Saikawa priority. They create a new board with a majority of independent directors. They also create separate committees overseeing executive nomination, executive remuneration and corporate auditing.

The new structure is supposed to improve accountability and transparency, while helping prevent the kind of concentration of power critics say occurred at Nissan during Ghosn's tenure.

Ghosn’s arrest and allegations of financial misdeeds have plunged the 20-year alliance between Nissan and Renault into chaos. Nissan has leveraged the crisis to push for greater independence and control over its own affairs, while Renault -- the Japanese automaker’s biggest shareholder with a controlling 43 percent stake -- tries to push ahead with its vision of greater integration.

During the question-and-answer period, some of the 2,800 shareholders at the three-hour, 22-minute gathering asked why Saikawa and other executives were unable to spot the alleged misconduct. One shareholder said Saikawa, as a top Ghosn lieutenant during the period, should resign.

But Nissan shareholders nevertheless approved Saikawa’s reappointment to the board, despite growing controversy about his oversight during the time of Ghosn’s alleged misdeeds.

Indeed, Saikawa will stay on as CEO following approval when the new board meets after the shareholders’ gathering. Saikawa had earlier said he would take a 50 percent pay cut for the current fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, to partly atone for the scandal.

That cuts his annual paycheck to 200 million yen ($1.86 million), Saikawa said.

Next generation
Improving corporate governance at Nissan was a signature priority of Saikawa.

With that complete, he said he wants to work with the newly created nomination committee to begin selecting a successor. He said he couldn't give a timeline but wanted it prioritized.

“Under the new nomination committee, I personally want the committee to think about not only me but also the next generation of leadership,” Saikawa said. “I want the committee to accelerate preparation so we can hand over to the next generation of leaders.”

Saikawa spent months preparing the overhaul put before shareholders. “Transitioning to three statutory committee is a must-have,” Saikawa said before the vote. “I cannot give up on this.”

At the June 25 meeting, shareholders also approved the appointment of a new outside board member who was expected to be named the next chairman, succeeding Ghosn.

The chairmanship has been vacant since Ghosn’s removal from the post in November.

Filling the role will be Yasushi Kimura, 71, pending board approval. He is an advisor at JXTG Holdings, a leading Japanese oil and gas distributor and metals conglomerate.

Renault Chairman Jean-Dominique Senard will serve as vice chairman.

As part of a compromise with Renault, Nissan will also give Renault more representation in the Japanese company’s new three-pronged committee structure. Senard will sit on the new nomination committee, and Renault CEO Tierry Bollore will be on the audit committee.

Renault relations
Renault had threatened to abstain from voting on Saikawa’s overhaul plan, if its concerns about representation were not addressed. Sitting out would have effectively blocked ratification.

The sparring between the alliance partners came after Nissan reportedly undercut Renault's proposed merger with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles by deciding to abstain from supporting that deal.

Under the new structure, seven of the 11 board members will be outside directors. Renault will be represented by Senard and Bollore, Nissan by Saikawa and COO Yasuhiro Yamauchi.

The governance overhauls were recommendations in the final report of a special committee Saikawa set up in December to examine ways of improving corporate oversight. The panel's said “the primary root cause of the misconduct was the concentration of all authority in Mr. Ghosn.”

The report described the alleged falsification of documents dealing with compensation, and a scenario in which Ghosn supposedly had full freedom to single-handedly decide pay for directors and top executives, including himself. Checks and balances failed, it said, because Ghosn coalesced key administrative authority in a few trusted lieutenants.

“Ghosn made the certain administrative departments which would be able to discover management misconduct opaque by concentrating authority,” the committee wrote.

“The checks and balances functions of the certain departments did not necessarily function effectively with respect to Mr. Ghosn’s demands for his personal gain,” it said.

Ghosn denies all wrongdoing and says he is the victim of a corporate coup by Japanese executives at Nissan who fear losing power through closer integration with Renault. Ghosn defends himself saying that he always acted with the full authority of the Nissan board.

Nissan ha rieletto Saikawa come ceo, personalmente la trovo una scelta pessima dato che questo manager è responsabile del pessimo andamento di Nissan negli ultimi 2 anni. Tralascio volutamente lo scandalo Ghosn dove nel migliore dei casi Saikawa è corresponsabile. Renault ha ottenuto importanti posizioni nei diversi board e così ha confermato la fiducia in Saikawa. Il ceo giapponese ha apertamente dichiarato di volere un nuovo equilibrio azionario con Renault, vedremo se l’eventuale fusione con FCA farà passi avanti e che posizione assumerà Nissan.

MessaggioInviato: mer lug 24, 2019 9:19 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17329
La Nissan potrebbe varare presto un pesante programma di ristrutturazione. La notizia è stata riportata da diversi organi di informazione giapponesi, tra cui l'agenzia Kyodo News e il quotidiano Nikkei, secondo cui i vertici aziendali potrebbero annunciare domani, in occasione della pubblicazione dei risultati trimestrali, il taglio di oltre 10 mila posti di lavoro in tutto il mondo.

Serve invertire la rotta. Domani la Casa di Yokohama potrebbe dunque rivelare i dettagli di un riassetto, che l'amministratore delegato Hiroto Saikawa aveva in parte anticipato a maggio. Commentando i risultati dell'esercizio fiscale al 31 marzo 2019, Saikawa aveva promesso "drastiche misure", con possibili ripercussioni su poco meno di 5 mila lavoratori, pur di rimettere in carreggiata le performance finanziarie aziendali, nell'ultimo anno in progressivo peggioramento soprattutto sul fronte della redditività. A fronte di vendite in calo del 4,4% per colpa soprattutto dell'andamento deficitario riscontrato in Europa e negli Usa, il fatturato ha subito una flessione del 3%, mentre l'utile operativo è peggiorato del 44%. L'utile netto, poi, è sceso del 57% attestandosi a 319 miliardi (2,6 miliardi di euro), ai minimi da quasi un decennio. Inoltre, i profitti sono previsti in ulteriore contrazione nell'esercizio corrente: dovrebbero, infatti, scendere a 170 miliardi di yen.

Il peso su Renault. ll deterioramento dei risultati finanziari ha infine determinato un impatto negativo di 56 milioni di euro sulla redditività della Renault, dal 1999 maggior azionista della Nissan nel quadro di un'Alleanza che ha visto negli ultimi mesi un peggioramento delle relazioni e del clima di collaborazione, in particolare dopo l'arresto di Carlos Ghosn e il fallimentare tentativo di fusione tra i francesi e la Fiat Chrysler. E da Parigi è stato lanciato un chiaro segnale ai giapponesi. Il presidente del gruppo transalpino Jean-Dominique Senard ha infatti chiesto pochi giorni fa al consiglio di amministrazione di valutare tutte le opzioni possibili per migliorare le performance finanziarie della Nissan.

Colpito il Sud America. I tagli, che a maggio hanno visto una prima anticipazione con l'accordo raggiunto in Spagna per eliminare 600 posizioni a Barcellona, dovrebbero interessare nel complesso oltre il 7% dei 139 mila dipendenti della Nissan. A essere colpite maggiormente dovrebbero essere le fabbriche del Sud America e, comunque, tutte quelle attività caratterizzate da una bassa redditività. Da Yokohama non sono arrivate conferme alle indiscrezioni della stampa giapponese.

Nissan si prepara ad annunciare 10.000 tagli a livello globale. La crisi c’è, è inutile discuterne ulteriormente.

MessaggioInviato: gio lug 25, 2019 10:06 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17329
Un'altra casa automobilistica ricorre ai tagli per far fronte alle difficoltà finanziarie e il repentino calo delle vendite. Nissan, già martoriata dallo scandalo che ha coinvolto l'ex presidente Carlos Ghosn, ha deciso il taglio di 12.500 posti di lavoro da qui al 2023 e la riduzione della capacità produttiva globale del 10%.

Una notizia data insieme al crollo del 95% degli utili netti nel primo trimestre a 6,4 miliardi di yen (59 milioni di dollari), a causa della forte discesa delle vendite soprattutto negli Usa e in Europa.

Con i risultati societari, Nissan ha mantenuto le previsioni invariate per l'intero anno fiscale 2019. L'azienda con sede a Yokohama stima un utile netto a 170 miliardi di yen.

L'ex presidente del gruppo Nissan-Renault-Mitsubishi Motors, Ghosn, è stato arrestato lo scorso novembre e successivamente rilasciato su cauzione, e dovrà rispondere di illeciti finanziari e abuso di fiducia aggravata. Nel frattempo la casa auto nipponica sta tentando di ridefinire l'alleanza con la partner francese Renault, nel tentativo di riequilibrare le partecipazioni azionarie e la gerarchia di controllo del gruppo, giudicate inadeguate. Nella partita sarebbe dovuta entrare anche Fca, poi la proposta di nozze sull'asse Italia-Francia si è affossata.

12.500 tagli per Nissan, gli utili sono precipitati del 95%.

MessaggioInviato: gio lug 25, 2019 10:09 am 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10077
Ho sentito da qualche parte che Nissan (e Mitsubishi) sono state tagliate fuori da un'accordo su ibrido, plug-in ed elettrico stipulato tra i produttori nipponici (carmaer e filiera), proprio a causa della presenza di Renault: ti risulta?

MessaggioInviato: gio lug 25, 2019 10:10 am 
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Iscritto il: lun lug 24, 2006 7:51 pm
Messaggi: 7422
Località: Milano
Nissan ha una gamma di 4 modelli, di cui 2 ormai non più freschi (QQ e Xtrail), la Micra che non fa ormai più grandi numeri e la Leaf di nicchia.
Non mi stupisco che le vendite siano in calo e che i profitti crollino (devono scontare parecchio per vendere).

Seat Leon 1.4 E-Hybrid Phev 204 cv

MessaggioInviato: gio lug 25, 2019 10:22 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17329
mauro65 ha scritto:
Ho sentito da qualche parte che Nissan (e Mitsubishi) sono state tagliate fuori da un'accordo su ibrido, plug-in ed elettrico stipulato tra i produttori nipponici (carmaer e filiera), proprio a causa della presenza di Renault: ti risulta?

Non ho letto niente in riguardo.

In Europa Nissan va malissimo ma i veri guai sono in Cina e negli USA.

MessaggioInviato: gio lug 25, 2019 10:25 am 
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Iscritto il: ven gen 11, 2019 2:47 pm
Messaggi: 6168
Località: Bologna
Leon83 ha scritto:
Nissan ha una gamma di 4 modelli

In EU.
Negli altri continenti la gamma è ben più ricca ed articolata.

MessaggioInviato: gio lug 25, 2019 10:38 am 
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Iscritto il: lun lug 24, 2006 7:51 pm
Messaggi: 7422
Località: Milano
mjazz ha scritto:
Leon83 ha scritto:
Nissan ha una gamma di 4 modelli

In EU.
Negli altri continenti la gamma è ben più ricca ed articolata.

Si, ad esempio negli Emirati hanno altri 2 suv in gamma più la berlina, ma non sono certo modelli freschissimi.
Inoltre in Europa hanno anche la Juke che è in via di sostituzione.

Seat Leon 1.4 E-Hybrid Phev 204 cv

MessaggioInviato: gio lug 25, 2019 2:00 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10077
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
mauro65 ha scritto:
Ho sentito da qualche parte che Nissan (e Mitsubishi) sono state tagliate fuori da un'accordo su ibrido, plug-in ed elettrico stipulato tra i produttori nipponici (carmaer e filiera), proprio a causa della presenza di Renault: ti risulta?
Non ho letto niente in riguardo.
In Europa Nissan va malissimo ma i veri guai sono in Cina e negli USA.
Probabilmente mi sono confuso con la guida autonoma. ... a-autonoma

MessaggioInviato: gio lug 25, 2019 8:01 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17329
Per adesso le case si sono così alleate nella guida autonoma:

Gm-Honda-Softbank in Cruze (n.b. GM rimane il primo azionista)

Ford-Vw in Argo (quote paritetiche).

Daimler e BMW

FCA e Hyundai Kia con Waymo.

MessaggioInviato: ven lug 26, 2019 7:49 am 
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Iscritto il: mar set 26, 2006 4:08 pm
Messaggi: 16612
Località: Monza
l'articolo postato da Mauro dice che anche Honda collabora con le altre giapponesi.. può stare in due progetti diversi?

"Scusi, ma lei ha preso la patente di guida veloce?"

MessaggioInviato: ven lug 26, 2019 8:04 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17329
Sì certo, il progetto giapponese riguarda la definizione degli standard domestici per regole e normative. Honda poi utilizzerà la tecnologia Cruze cioè GM.

MessaggioInviato: mar lug 30, 2019 5:47 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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Faced with evaporating profits, Nissan Motor trim a global lineup that includes more than 60 nameplates across the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands.

The Japanese automaker last week said it will reduce its product portfolio by at least 10 percent by March 31, 2022. It's part of a sweeping renovation that also involves cuts in work force and production capacity.

The product reductions will focus mainly on small vehicles, including emerging-market Datsun models, Nissan Motor CEO Hiroto Saikawa said last week at a press conference.

Nissan could also shrink the options and packages offered on its vehicles. The numerous variations are proving expensive and complicated as marketing and incentive supports are strained.

Nissan's compact cars are low-hanging fruit for consolidation in a U.S. market that has lost much of its enthusiasm for sedans.

"They've just got too many sedans for this market," said Jeff Schuster, president of global forecasting at LMC Automotive. "I don't see them all go, but I could see consolidation if Nissan looks to the U.S. for the cuts."

Analysts see the Versa subcompact and Sentra compact as redundant in a shrinking sector. Both cars are favorites of rental fleets, a market Nissan historically leaned on to grab market share. Nissan's latest business reboot, however, has it steering away from profit-sapping rental-fleet customers.

"The people who are buying small sedans are people who are really price-conscious," AutoPacific analyst Ed Kim said. "The Versa has a strong value proposition and is well-equipped for its price point."

The market appears to agree. Versa sales are up 6.6 percent through June, compared with a 5 percent decline in Sentra deliveries.


Nissan is not alone in taking cutting an overgrown portfolio. In May, Mercedes-Benz told its U.S. dealers it will drop some models and equipment packages in the coming year. Shifting U.S. consumer preferences have created opportunities for automakers to rethink their lineups.

Nissan has its "bases well covered," Kim said. But he said there is "opportunity to trim the fat" from segments receiving less consumer interest.

But for an automaker that makes product decisions with a global outlook, as Nissan does, killing a model is not so easy. Small sedans may be losing the interest of U.S. consumers, but they are favored by shoppers in the crowded urban areas of Asia.

Sedans are being jettisoned in North America because heavy fleet use makes them unprofitable, said Sam Fiorani, vice president at AutoForecast Solutions. "But most of those vehicles are profitable somewhere else in the world and important to growth of emerging markets," Fiorani said.

Sporty coupes, like subcompacts, find themselves getting Americans' cold shoulders. The two-door Infiniti Q60 had U.S. deliveries nosedive 49 percent through June from a year earlier. Meanwhile, U.S. sales of the Nissan 370Z roadster tumbled 36 percent in the same period.

"There's not much of a market for entry luxury, two-door sporty coupes," Kim said.

Nissan has less wiggle room with its SUV/crossover lineup in North America.

"That's where the market is heading and Nissan covers it very well with a range that extends from the entry-level Kicks to the luxury Armada," Fiorani said.

Like its industry peers, Nissan has committed itself to electrification.

Last year, the automaker outlined plans to launch eight new EVs to hit annual sales of 1 million electrified vehicles by 2022. The Nissan Maxima large sedan, for instance, could return as an EV, inspired by the IMs "elevated sports sedan" concept shown at the 2019 Detroit auto show.

"In its financial state, Nissan cannot afford to keep all these current models and add the electric ones, too," Kim said.

Di fronte al collasso dei profitti Saikawa vuole rispondere tagliando il 10% della gamma mondiale entro il 2022. A rischio sono diversi modelli di Datsun (che al contrario di Dacia non va affatto bene), le coupé di Infiniti, la Sentra, la 370Z e la Versa (da noi Note).

MessaggioInviato: mar ago 06, 2019 5:02 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17329
Even after a relationship is dead, couples often go through the motions of remaining in a marriage. That’s the best way to characterize what’s left of the alliance between Renault SA and Nissan Motor Co. 

Renault must sell down its 43.4% stake in its Japanese partner to 5%-10% and both sides should “invest in new ventures,” Nissan’s Senior Vice President Hari Nada wrote in an e-mail to colleagues, saying this was the view of independent director Masakazu Toyoda, the Wall Street Journal reported at the weekend. In Toyoda’s view, the two sides should come up with some sort of joint venture in order to show that the alliance isn’t dead, giving Renault Chairman Jean-Dominique Senard the room to unwind the cross-shareholdings that underpin the relationship, the Journal reported.

To judge by the picture this paints of internal discussions within Nissan, the Japanese company is only interested in maintaining the appearance of an alliance with Renault and its 15% shareholder, the French government. Making a joint commitment to reaffirm a bond isn’t uncommon for people in a failing relationship, but it’s no way to run a business.

If Nissan is sincerely committed to a joint venture, the first thing it should do is identify a strategic opportunity, work out what synergies it would bring, and find a way to operate it. Forming a JV just to get your partner to agree to the terms of a divorce puts your employees’ careers at the mercy of these corporate maneuverings.

Tables Turned

Nissan has been the dominant partner to Renault in terms of net income almost since the Alliance was struck. That's now reversing

Note: Renault figure is for net income from Renault's own operations. Derived by subtracting associated company net income from the company total. Nissan figure is the reported net income number, minus the equity-accounted share of Mitsubishi Motor earnings since 2016. Nissan fiscal year ends in March; figure has been backdated to match Renault's December year-end.

For those at Renault most committed to the logic of the merger with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV that was declared dead in June, this might count as good news. Senard has publicly talked down the prospect of the tie-up being renewed, but this suggests that Renault has been looking for ways to revive the alliance behind the scenes.

A tie-up between European giants, in the manner of the mergers that created Airbus SE, Air France-KLM, and IAG SA, seems a far more congenial outcome than the bitter remains of the Renault-Nissan marriage. Fiat Chrysler’s strong business in SUVs and North America would also complement one of the most obvious shortcomings that Renault would suffer if it lost its alliance with Nissan.

At the same time, the writing is on the wall for any further integration between France and Japan. Nissan seems committed to preventing any further convergence. Whether or not a Potemkin village JV is agreed to, the sort of ambitious activities pushed in the Carlos Ghosn era – development of modular designs shared between Renault and Nissan vehicles, or moving the manufacturing of the Nissan Micra from the Japanese company’s Chennai plant to a Renault factory north of Paris – are unlikely to see the light of day again. The more likely outcome would be something eventually resembling the far more limited cooperation between Daimler AG and the alliance.

Crash Test

The Renault-Nissan alliance hasn't prospered since the arrest of Carlos Ghosn

Does it matter whether Renault and Nissan are married, or merely cohabiting? In many ways, the alliance has been dead since Ghosn and his deputy Greg Kelly were arrested by Japanese authorities last November. As my colleague Anjani Trivedi has written, Nissan in particular may be better off resolving its substantial problems on its own rather than getting involved in the complexity of another multi-billion dollar cross-border merger.

Still, the risk for Nissan is that by turning away from its European partnership it will leave itself too small to manage the vast capital expenditures and research and development costs necessary as the global car industry seeks to reverse slumping sales and manage the transition to electric vehicles and greater automation. 

Ghosn’s pursuit of volume growth at any cost is one reason why Nissan is now plagued with overcapacity and facing drastic job cuts. But the vision he was pursuing before his arrest – of a company as transnational as he is, headquartered in the Netherlands and with operations all over the world, and not especially beholden to either the Japanese or French governments – is now unlikely ever to materialize.

That’s a tragedy. A Renault-Nissan alliance free to pursue profitable growth in the interests of the business as a whole, rather than being turned into the plaything of nationalist interests, is the likeliest way for the two companies and their workforces to prosper. If management in Paris and Yokohama are quietly giving up on that future, both companies may live to regret it.

A marriage where neither partner is committed is the worst of all worlds. If separation is out of the question, Nissan and Renault need to find a way to make this relationship work

Stranamente (sì, come no) una email di uno dei vice presidenti di Nissan è stata pubblicata dalla stampa nipponica e per la prima volta pubblicamente un dirigente di Nissan chiede la rottura dell'alleanza. Secondo la proposta Renault dovrebbe scendere al 5-10% di Nissan e le 2 società dovrebbero limitarsi a creare delle joint ventures su specifici progetti. Significherebbe buttare a mare un buon 90% dei 7 miliardi di risparmi comuni che le 2 case realizzano ogni anno. In pratica Nissan vorrebbe avere con Renault lo stesso rapporto che con Daimler. Le 2 parti stanno trattando e forse già a settembre un memorandum potrebbe essere raggiunto. Se l'alleanza con Nissan si esaurisce Renault sarà praticamente costretta a fondersi con FCA.

Non esagerano gli analisti finanziari quando sostenevano che Ghosn era il solo a poter tenere unite Nissan e Renault.

MessaggioInviato: mer ago 07, 2019 12:00 am 
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Iscritto il: mar apr 08, 2008 1:42 pm
Messaggi: 13955
Località: Sardinia
Sti jap del cacchio li sto odiando sempre più (complice una settimana a Praga, dove questi elementi che sono tanto ligi alle regole in terra propria, se ne fottono allegramente in terra straniera): in sostanza, dopo essere stati salvati dal fallimento e riportati ai fasti ante 90, ora fanno i galletti e vogliono rompere l’alleanza? Ma che si fottano... senza contare che tutta la storia di Ghosn è stata tirata fuori ad hoc per giustificare la rottura. Il suo errore è stato far diventare i propri scheletri nell’armadio, di dominio pubblico.
Ancora non capisco come chi sta in minoranza possa avanzare richieste di questo tipo.

- Renault New Laguna Sportour 4Control 2.0 dCi 150cv - 06/2010 -
- Suzuki GSR 600 K6 - 04/2006 -
- Ford Transit VII T350L 2.2 Tdci 140 cv - 06/2008
- [New entry] Lancia Delta Oro 1.4 T-Jet GPL 120 cv - 09/2008

MessaggioInviato: mer ago 07, 2019 2:39 pm 
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Iscritto il: gio mar 30, 2006 6:17 pm
Messaggi: 16021
Località: 1640 Riverside Drive, Hill Valley
Rifaranno la 147 con la carrozzeria della Clio :amore2

Vw T-Roc 1.0 Immagine
Guidavo Alfa 147 JTDm e Mazda MX-5 NC 1.8

MessaggioInviato: mar set 03, 2019 2:43 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17329
Talks between the economy ministers of Japan and France to strengthen the partnership between Nissan Motor Co. and Renault SA are the latest sign that the two sides are working toward resolving a dispute between the carmakers.

Hiroshige Seko, the economy and trade minister of Japan, and Bruno Le Maire, the French Finance Minister, reaffirmed their support for the alliance in a phone call, the two governments said in a joint statement on Monday.

France's Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire Meets Japan's Economy Minister Hiroshige Seko
Bruno Le Maire and Hiroshige Seko Photographer: Christophe Morin/Bloomberg
The carmakers are working on ways to end the discord in their two-decade alliance, people with knowledge of the companies’ plans said. The partnership was destabilized following the arrest of Carlos Ghosn last year and his subsequent ouster from both companies. Although they have tried to mend the relationship, both sides have also sought greater sway. Sorting out those issues would set the stage for a potential revival of Renault’s attempt to merge with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV, the people said, asking not to be identified because the matter is private.

Representatives of Nissan, Renault and Fiat Chrysler declined to comment.

Renault shares reversed earlier losses to rise as much as 2.1% after Bloomberg reported on the developments. It was trading up 1.1% as of 12:33 p.m. in Paris, giving the company a market value of 15.5 billion euros ($17 billion). Fiat gained as much as 3.4% in Milan, and was up 1.7% for a market value of 18.8 billion euros.

Failed Deal

The Fiat proposal was called off in June, after Renault failed to win the backing of its Japanese partner and government representatives on the French carmaker’s board refused to sign off on the plan.

Last month, the Wall Street Journal reported that Renault and Nissan were working on a deal to balance out their lopsided relationship. As part of the plan, the French carmaker would reduce its 43% stake in its Japanese partner, according to two people familiar with the matter.

Last week the French government, Renault’s most powerful shareholder, indicated flexibility to tweak the ownership balance. In an interview on French radio, Martin Vial, the head of the state shareholding agency, didn’t reject the idea of possible modifications to the ties between the companies or a potential cut to France’s 15% stake in Renault -- so long as such a move created value for France. He emphasized that cooperation between the companies must come first, however.

That was followed up on Monday, when Le Maire and Seko announced a cooperation agreement for the countries to work together in areas such as autonomous driving, batteries and electric cars. They said they exchanged views and information on the three-way alliance that also includes Mitsubishi Motors Corp.

“The two ministers reaffirmed their strong support for the Nissan-Renault alliance and discussed the two companies’ discussions to strengthen the alliance’s competitiveness,” they said in a joint statement.

Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry isn’t aware of the substance of Renault and Nissan’s discussions, which aren’t related to its announcement, according to Futoshi Kono, director of its automobile division. “The announcement we made was regarding cooperation between the French and Japanese governments,” he said.

France’s economy ministry had no comment beyond the joint statement.

Equal Footing

Nissan has long sought to equalize the cross-shareholdings that favor the French side of the partnership and reduce the influence of the French government on the alliance. Nissan has a 15% stake in Renault with no voting rights.

Their differences have led to huge strains since the November arrest of former Chairman Ghosn, who held the partnership together for almost two decades. He is awaiting trial in Japan on allegations of financial wrongdoing, and has denied misconduct.

The alliance partners together produce some 10.8 million cars a year, almost double Ford Motor Co.’s global deliveries. Were it a single company, the alliance would be second in vehicle sales only to Germany’s Volkswagen AG, with Toyota Motor Corp. a close third.

Secondo Bloomberg Nissan e Renault starebbero facendo dei passi avanti nel riequilibrare la loro alleanza. Non vengono forniti dettagli, secondo alcune notizie interne Renault potrebbe ridurre la propria quota in Nissan dal 43 al 15%. Verrebbero firmati alcuni contratti per una collaborazione più limitata di quella attuale.
Nel frattempo i colloqui tra FCA e Renault sono continuati per tutta l’estate e l’accordo di fusione è in pratica una limatura di quello di primavera. Se viene risolta la questione Nissan l’abbraccio tra Torino e Parigi è cosa fatta.

MessaggioInviato: gio set 05, 2019 3:06 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17329 ... ikawa.html

Oh che strano. Saikawa ha ricevuto compensi indebiti, chissà se gli faranno fare la fine di Ghosn. Penso di no. :?

MessaggioInviato: gio set 05, 2019 4:21 pm 
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Iscritto il: gio mar 30, 2006 6:17 pm
Messaggi: 16021
Località: 1640 Riverside Drive, Hill Valley
No, ma potrebbero con la medesima scusa gettarlo nei bassifondi della Bastiglia (o ciò che ne resta)

Vw T-Roc 1.0 Immagine
Guidavo Alfa 147 JTDm e Mazda MX-5 NC 1.8

MessaggioInviato: sab set 07, 2019 5:33 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17329 ... 91196.html

Secondo il Financial Times Nissan starebbe cercando un successore per Saikawa. Io mi domando perché sia ancora al suo posto. Sicuramente l’essere stato uno dei capi del putsch contro Ghosn gli avrà fatto guadagnare galloni agli occhi del governo giapponese ma è stato beccato per essersi intascato almeno 7 milioni di euro non dovuti. Sotto Saikawa i profitti sono crollati del 90%, ci saranno 14.000 licenziamenti, il ritiro di Infiniti dall’ Europa, le perdite in Europa e USA, l’implosione dell’alleanza con Renault.
Un curriculum spaventoso.

MessaggioInviato: dom set 08, 2019 5:21 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17329 ... ikawa.html

Pare certo che Saikawa salterà.

MessaggioInviato: lun set 09, 2019 8:49 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17329 ... rici_.html

Quattroruote ha intervistato Normand capo dello sviluppo tecnico delle vetture elettriche di Renault. L'alleanza RNM è stata indubbiamente la prima a credere nelle potenzialità dei veicoli elettrici ma negli ultimi anni sembra essere stata messa in ombra dagli annunci roboanti del gruppo Vw. In realtà Renault non solo lancerà per prima una minicar elettrica lowcost (E-Kwid a 7.000 dollari per la Cina) ma entro il 2021 avrà pronta una piattaforma esclusivamente elettrica per sfidare la MEB di casa Vw.

MessaggioInviato: lun set 09, 2019 1:57 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven gen 11, 2019 2:47 pm
Messaggi: 6168
Località: Bologna
Seccato Saikawa a fine mese.

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