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MessaggioInviato: lun mar 02, 2020 11:24 am 
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Iscritto il: dom mar 12, 2006 7:02 pm
Messaggi: 35743
Località: Ovunque ci sia una birra ghiacciata
Mr.Civic ha scritto:
L'elettrico ci viene imposto quindi si venderà quello o niente.

Mi sa che ci hai visto giusto

MessaggioInviato: ven mar 13, 2020 7:23 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17259
Febbraio ha chiaramente mostrato i primi danni del Coronavirus sul mercato dell’auto. Ecco i numeri del gruppo Vw.

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MessaggioInviato: mar mar 17, 2020 11:38 am 
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Iscritto il: ven gen 11, 2019 2:47 pm
Messaggi: 6096
Località: Bologna
Il gruppo Vw chiude le fabbriche in Spagna, Portogallo, Italia e Slovacchia. Restano aperti, per ora, gli stabilimenti tedeschi.

FRANKFURT -- Volkswagen Group will suspend production this week at plants in Italy, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain and is preparing to shut down the rest of its factories across Europe due to the spread of coronavirus.

"Given the present significant deterioration in the sales situation and the heightened uncertainty regarding parts supplies to our plants, production is to be suspended in the near future at factories operated by group brands," VW Group CEO Herbert Diess said on Tuesday.

Production will be halted at VW's Spanish plants, Setubal in Portugal, Bratislava in Slovakia and the Lamborghini and Ducati plants in Italy before the end of this week, Diess said.

Most of the other German and European plants will begin preparing to suspend production, probably for two weeks.

"The individual brands will communicate details of operating plans as soon as possible," Diess said.

VW Group's powerful works council has concluded it's not possible for workers at its plants to maintain a safe distance from one another to prevent contagion and recommended a suspension of production.

VW Group, which owns the Audi, Bentley, Bugatti, Ducati, Lamborghini, Porsche, Seat and Skoda brands, said on Tuesday that the uncertainty about the fallout from the pandemic meant it was impossible to give any forecasts for its performance this year.

"2020 will be a very difficult year. The corona pandemic presents us with unknown operational and financial challenges. At the same time, there are concerns about sustained economic impacts," Diess said.

MessaggioInviato: mar mar 17, 2020 5:53 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17259
Però in Cina la riproduzione sta ripartendo, significa che i costruttori soffriranno 3-4 mesi di crollo verticale per poi rivedere la luce. Lo stesso dovrebbe capitare in Europa.

MessaggioInviato: mar mar 17, 2020 6:11 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven gen 11, 2019 2:47 pm
Messaggi: 6096
Località: Bologna
Dipende da come l'Europa affronterà il Covid, non vedo altrettanta solerzia rispetto alla Cina per cui non mi sorprenderebbe che da noi andasse per le lunghe.

MessaggioInviato: mer mar 18, 2020 6:44 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17259
mjazz ha scritto:
Dipende da come l'Europa affronterà il Covid, non vedo altrettanta solerzia rispetto alla Cina per cui non mi sorprenderebbe che da noi andasse per le lunghe.

La mia previsione (che vale pressoché zero) è che l’economia subirà un crollo molto accentuato nel primo trimestre per poi iniziare a riprendersi lentamente, non scordiamoci che a fine 2019 eravamo già entrati in una fase di rallentamento quindi al massimo nella seconda metà dell’anno ci sarà un calo meno pesante.

MessaggioInviato: mer mar 18, 2020 9:31 pm 
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Iscritto il: dom mar 12, 2006 7:02 pm
Messaggi: 35743
Località: Ovunque ci sia una birra ghiacciata
Temo che il crollo si sentirà anche nel secondo trimestre, perche ogni stato avrà tempi di uscita diversi dal virus, e questi si protrarranno almeno fino a questa estate

MessaggioInviato: ven mar 27, 2020 7:10 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17259
Mr. Witter, it was announced in February that you would be retiring as CFO of Volkswagen in mid-2021. Will this be the case in the wake of the corona crisis, which has intensified since then, and the dimensions of which cannot yet be estimated?
From today’s perspective, there is no reason to reconsider the plan. This corresponds to my personal life plans and the promise to my family. I have agreed to the Supervisory Board’s request to extend my contract by nine months and I am convinced that we will find a good succession arrangement during this time.

How does the coronavirus pandemic impact your work as Chief Financial Officer? Are you working from home?
So far, I’m working from the office. Chief Human Resources Officer Gunnar Kilian and I are in a way the Group’s guardians for the crisis task force set up in January. Of course, many meetings currently run digitally, but in some cases, attendance makes it easier to make quick decisions. There are interruptions in production at numerous plants and an increased proportion of home office-based staff and management. But it’s not as if the corporate headquarters were deserted.

The spread of the coronavirus is presenting the world with the greatest challenges in decades. In many countries, public life has come to a standstill. How do you assess this crisis?
At the age of 60, I have already experienced several crises, but never anything like this pandemic. It presents us in Germany and the world with new challenges. There have already been severe economic and public finance crises. Now, however, there is also the concern and fear for life and limb. That is a new dimension. However, the shutdown of public life, which is imposed on us by the necessary political decisions, also offers us the chance to reflect anew, in addition to the many critical aspects. This crisis enables a grounding which hopefully will have a lasting effect. We can reflect on what is real and not only supposedly important and how we want to live and work together in the future. We are all gaining new and sometimes very painful experiences during this crisis.

In China, signs of recovery from the corona shock are emerging with the ramp-up of production, while in other markets the spread of the virus has not yet peaked. How long do you currently expect the crisis to last?
If I need a psychological and moral energy boost, I call China in the morning and talk to my colleagues. There are clear signs of normalization there, albeit starting from a low level. These signals are currently giving people a lot of courage and hope. We have not yet seen the peak of the spread of the coronavirus in Europe and America. But if the developments are at least close to what is happening in China, that can give us confidence. However, the coming weeks are likely to be difficult and complicated.

All over the world, governments and central banks are making immense efforts to counteract the serious consequences of the crisis and a prolonged recession. What consequences do you expect for the economy in the wake of the corona crisis?
The question of whether we will experience a V-shaped or rather a U-shaped economic cycle cannot be estimated at present – this also applies to China. Setbacks are possible, but even there it is still far too early to give the all-clear. In many countries, there are now government programs of measures with huge sums of money. Dealing with high levels of public debt is therefore likely to become an urgent issue again in the foreseeable future. But it is right to try with great strength and determination to ensure sufficient liquidity and stability now. It is unclear how quickly the virus will disappear. The effects of the coronavirus pandemic will certainly still be felt in 2021.

Vehicle production and sales have come to a standstill at many locations. From today’s perspective, how do you assess the sales prospects of your Group in the current year? Industry observers believe that a decline below the 10 million vehicle mark is possible in 2020.
As we said at our annual press conference on March 17, a serious forecast for the year is simply not possible at present. This also applies to deliveries, which are currently subject to considerable monthly fluctuations. In the world’s largest single market, China, for example, the total market in January was 1.8 million vehicles, in February 250,000, and in March it could be in the region of 1 million. Although a significant recovery is emerging. Nevertheless, the March figures are still about 40% below the level normally expected. Where do we go from here? When will traders be able to reopen in other markets as well? When will global supply chains be able to function reliably again? It is not possible to estimate all that at the moment. We are currently hoping that by mid-April some plants that are currently closed will be able to resume production. At the same time of course, the car dealerships should also reopen.

How many Group plants are currently dormant?
The vast majority outside China. In China, all but two plants are back online, although not yet at full capacity. The dealer network is also largely open again, and the supply of parts is up and running.

The production stoppage is leading to short-time working across all industries. How is the situation across the Volkswagen Group?
We are in close coordination with the employment agencies. Short-time work is not available in every country, there are different regulations. In Germany, we have currently registered short-time working for three weeks until April 9 for around 80,000 employees of the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand, the Group Components and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles. The other Group brands are following a similar procedure in Germany.

Companies in the aviation and tourism industry are reaching for state aid. Could Volkswagen also be forced to take such a step in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, or are you ruling it out?
From today’s perspective, I can rule that out. We have laid a good foundation with the 2019 financial year. We have a strong cash flow in the Automotive Division and a respectable net liquidity. The discussion in the coming weeks and months will focus primarily on securing liquidity. We have a substantial network of confirmed, partly syndicated credit lines. We have access to the money and capital markets. The European Central Bank (ECB) is buying corporate bonds. It is intensively examining whether it should also purchase commercial papers from non-financial institutions. We have Volkswagen Bank, which has access to the entire range of ECB instruments for its purposes. It also has deposits of around 30 billion euros. This means that the Volkswagen Group is in a relatively stable position based on the scenarios currently in use. We should have the strength to get through the corona crisis with these instruments and maintain liquidity at the necessary level.

When the diesel emissions manipulations became known in September 2015, your Supervisory Board Chairman spoke of a crisis that could threaten the existence of the Group. As a result of “Dieselgate”, the cash outflows now amount to more than 26 billion euros. You don’t expect the corona crisis to have such effects?
Many smaller companies in the trade and supply sector are currently worried about their existence. The situation is dramatic and cannot be taken seriously enough. Volkswagen Group is fundamentally in a relatively stable position. But of course, no one can feel completely secure. The all-important factor is how long the corona crisis will last and what its extent will be. Even though we are in a good starting position compared with many other companies, we are naturally also very concerned today about those areas that are part of our value chain – such as suppliers and the dealership. But apart from that, I would also like to emphasize how impressive I find the level of helpfulness on the ground in the current crisis situation. The heroes of everyday life in the healthcare system or in the retail trade, who do their indispensable work for us day in, day out, securing basic care and exposing themselves to health risks, cannot be appreciated enough.

How much does the experience in dealing with the diesel emissions crisis help you in the current situation?
The corona crisis must be taken very seriously by everyone, and rightly so it will be. The programs and measures of governments and central banks show that. Against the background of the current challenges, we welcome the powerful measures. Aid must now get to where it is needed quickly. The corona crisis is, however, fundamentally different from the diesel emissions affair, which, unfortunately, was our own fault. So the experience is not directly transferable. But one thing is the same in every crisis: we must pay more attention to our liquidity.

In order to remain fully operational in 2015, bridge financing of up to 20 billion dollars was agreed with banks – which was ultimately not needed. Are special measures planned to ensure liquidity in the wake of the corona crisis?
To emphasize this once again, we have a sound foundation with our net liquidity, confirmed credit lines and our access to various refinancing options, such as through VW Bank. But of course, in the current phase it is also crucial to set priorities correctly. That’s why, in addition to the health of our employees and their families, securing liquidity is now a top priority for us. This also includes reducing disbursements and subjecting all programs, investments, advisory services and other matters to a very critical review. The cash inflow has narrowed considerably due to the lack of vehicle sales, so we must also limit the cash outflow to what is really important at the moment. The Volkswagen Group has proven in previous crises that it is able to respond quickly to critical requirements. We are also building on this now. There is a high level of understanding for the measures taken within the Group.

How does it fit in with the fact that you want to increase the dividend for the past financial year by 35% and distribute around €3 billion to shareholders after the Annual General Meeting in May? Could it be that the proposal will still be changed? Or will it stay as it is?
We made this proposal against the backdrop of a good fiscal year 2019 and the fact that our payout ratio - which was around 20% in 2018 – remained well below the legitimate expectations of investors. The payout ratio of a good 24% now envisaged represents a significant improvement. However, it is still below the internationally customary target level of over 30%. I would like to emphasize that the proposal relates to the past fiscal year and the interests of investors. But in order to pay a dividend, the final decision must be made by the Annual General Meeting.

From today’s perspective, how realistic is it that the current dividend proposal will not take effect?
It is important in planning to separate short and long-term issues. But of course, like all other companies, we are also required to consider all payouts in light of current developments. At the moment, I consider the proposal to be appropriate. But it may take even longer until the Annual General Meeting: We are checking whether it can take place on May 7 as planned or whether we have to find another, later date.

Which consequences would arise for financing in the current crisis phase if rating agencies were now to downgrade Volkswagen’s credit ratings?
A lower rating usually has two consequences. The credit spread that has to be paid will tend to widen. Depending on whether you are still in the investment grade range or not, the circle of investors will also narrow. The pool of funds could therefore narrow. We are in close contact with the rating agencies, where there is complete transparency. The agencies know our liquidity, our credit lines, the quality of the assets we have on our books. Of course, they also have to carry out sector and company-specific analyses to assess how likely a rated company is to be able to service its own debt. We are in a comfortable position – with all due caution in view of the challenges that may still arise – so I am cautiously confident.

What role do possible sales of investments currently play in securing liquidity?
We are not currently planning any further measures apart from the topics we have announced in the Power Engineering area. If you look at the money and capital markets at the moment, you quickly realize that the need and appetite for M&A transactions is very low.

Keyword spending discipline: What specific measures do you have in mind at present to secure liquidity?
We scrutinize all projects with regard to their timing, the fixed cost block, capital expenditure on property, plant and equipment, including investments in research and development. All Group brands are involved. Of course, we will continue to work on the new modular electrification system and on ID.3, which is scheduled to be launched on the market this summer. It goes without saying that we will continue to press ahead with the strategically extremely important expansion of our software expertise. But topics that are not relevant in the short term, such as the two mentioned above, we will examine critically. This may also affect the one or other vehicle project before the perspective changes in the markets.

How great is the danger that the residual values of your leasing fleet will come under pressure in the course of the corona crisis and that adjustments will be necessary in the valuation?
We have to make a distinction between the portfolio that is on the books and for which certain residual values are assumed, and the question of at what residual values new leases are entered into. They are two very different animals. It’s no secret that we have traditionally taken a very conservative view of the setting of residual values. It is difficult to predict how residual values will develop during the crisis. However, we see ourselves as fundamentally solidly positioned in this respect. The need for mobility is not fundamentally put into question.

In Europe, in the EU-5 markets, about half of the business is fleet business, especially corporate fleets.
Yes, but even this need will not fall into the bottomless pit. We also have a solid order backlog. But we will also look at where we can provide new financing in the used car business to make sure that the pipeline is free, that dealers are given financing options for used cars. We know how to manage large used car fleets. We build on this with the quality of our portfolio. Nevertheless, the pressure on loan portfolios and on residual values is expected to increase. But I assume that our conservative policy of the past and the financial stability of our Financial Services Division, including the provisions we have made, will once again prove themselves in the books.

I Ceo delle varie case stanno cercando di rassicurare i mercati e la clientela. Diess e Witter hanno spiegato la serietà della situazione. Vw entra indubbiamente in ottima forma nella crisi però secondo le dichiarazioni di Diess attualmente Vw produce meno del 20% del livello del 2019, è un vero e proprio collasso con fatturati in caduta libera. La Cina è la prima a riprendersi ma il calo previsto è del 50% a marzo. La stessa Vw non può sopportare a lungo un colpo così duro, Diess ha quantificato in 2 miliardi di cassa bruciata ogni mese. Progetti fondamentali come quello della Id3 verranno continuati ma molti altri verranno bloccati per conservare la liquidità.

MessaggioInviato: ven mar 27, 2020 10:42 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 9940
La Cina nel suo complesso pare essere al 60% della sua normale capacità produttiva, segno che la crisi sanitaria non era localizzata prevalentemente nella provincia di Hubei ma era abbastanza diffusa, per non parlare delle dimensioni reali del contagio e delle vittime. L’interrogativo è se la domanda interna sarà abbastanza forte da coprire il calo di quella estera, per non parlare della rilocalizzazione di certe filiere che probabilmente avrà luogo. I 21 mld di cassa di Wolfsburg potrebbero non bastare (l’uso di linee di credito in fase recessiva rischia di avere un prezzo troppo alto oltre che essere “contro natura”)

MessaggioInviato: ven mar 27, 2020 11:36 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17259
La Cina ha adottato misure draconiane ma io non credo neanche per un secondo che siano riusciti a debellare in modo così rapido il Coronavirus. I cinesi sono un popolo che si sposta moltissimo tramite i treni e prima dello shutdown i contagiati potevano spostarsi liberamente.
Secondo Diess e Kållenius le vendite in Cina sono circa il 60% del livello pre Coronavirus, nel resto del mondo parliamo di cali tra il 40% e l’80%. Nell’indistria dell’auto per passare dall’attivo al passivo basta un -5%.
Anche quando la domanda ricomincerà a partire le case costruttrici dovranno avere a che fare con enormi problemi di fornitura dato che molte aziende di componentistica saranno fallite nel frattempo. Molti concessionari saranno spazzati via e non è un caso che le varie case li stiano già aiutando.

MessaggioInviato: ven mar 27, 2020 11:40 pm 
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Iscritto il: dom mar 12, 2006 7:02 pm
Messaggi: 35743
Località: Ovunque ci sia una birra ghiacciata
Il rischio di "risvegliarci" in un mondo diverso da come lo ricordavamo, sia dal punto di vista sociale che economico, è tutto tranne che impossibile. Non ho la più pallida idea di come sarà il futuro, ma temo non la abbiano manco gli analisti. La situazione muta di settimana in settimana, fare previsioni anche solo di medio periodo è complicato

MessaggioInviato: sab mar 28, 2020 8:01 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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cometa rossa ha scritto:
Il rischio di "risvegliarci" in un mondo diverso da come lo ricordavamo, sia dal punto di vista sociale che economico, è tutto tranne che impossibile. Non ho la più pallida idea di come sarà il futuro, ma temo non la abbiano manco gli analisti. La situazione muta di settimana in settimana, fare previsioni anche solo di medio periodo è complicato

Perfettamente d’accordo. Guardate Johnson (che attenzione può sembrare ridicolo in certi atteggiamenti ma è tutt’altro che un idiota), prima ha detto che non ci sarebbe stata nessuna restrizione, adesso ha cambiato idea completamente.
Trump ha appena firmato un mega piano di stimolo fiscale completamente privo di dettagli.
Sperare che tutto ritorni come prima è abbastanza vano e concordo con Mauro che costruttori che hanno puntato molto pesantemente sul l’elettrico come Vw rischiano di rimanere assai delusi.

MessaggioInviato: sab mar 28, 2020 10:22 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17259
Die spanische Volkswagen-Tochter Seat verschiebt überraschend den Marktstart in China auf unbestimmte Zeit. "Der chinesische Markt ist in den letzten zwei Jahren geschrumpft und kleinere Marken im Volumensegment haben darunter gelitten. Die Corona-Krise ist jetzt noch dazu gekommen", sagte Vertriebschef Wayne Griffiths der Automobilwoche.
Daher verschiebe Seat den Start in China auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt und werde auch nicht dem Joint Venture der Volkswagen Group China und dem chinesischen Hersteller JAC beitreten. Seat sollte dabei die Herstellung und den Vertrieb von Elektrofahrzeugen vorantreiben. "Seat wird aber weiterhin mit diesem Joint Venture in Design- sowie Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-Projekten zusammenarbeiten", erklärte Griffiths. Seat will sich nach eigenen Angaben nun neben dem Kernmarkt Europa auf die Expansion in Lateinamerika konzentrieren.
Die Absage des Comebacks ist ein Rückschlag für die stark wachsende spanische VW-Tochter. Seat verbuchte 2019 ein Rekordjahr bei Ergebnis und Absatz. China ist der größte Einzelmarkt des Volkswagen-Konzerns. Rund 40 Prozent aller Modelle werden hier verkauft. Seat hatte sich 2014 nach zwei erfolglosen Jahren vom chinesischen Markt zurückgezogen.

Seat ha bloccato il suo ritorno sul mercato cinese. Era previsto nel 2022 con modelli esclusivamente elettrici. Diess personalmente si era detto contrario a questa scelta, secondo il ceo già Skoda sta soffrendo troppo su quel mercato, introdurre un altro marchio con aspettative di vendite limitate non sarebbe stata una grande idea.
Nel frattempo il costo per il dieselgate ha sfondato i 31 miliardi di euro e non è finita qui.

MessaggioInviato: sab mar 28, 2020 1:46 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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Volkswagen AG’s unprecedented move to halt output on both sides of the Atlantic costs the world’s largest automaker 2 billion euros ($2.2 billion) per week, and Chief Executive Officer Herbert Diess said decisive action is critical to overcome the coronavirus pandemic.

Sales outside China have effectively come to a standstill, while demand in the country, VW’s largest single market, has clawed back to about 50% of pre-crisis levels, Diess said during a panel discussion broadcast by ZDF late Thursday.

VW can endure the factory shutdowns in Europe and the Americas for several weeks, “but not indefinitely,” Diess said. The company is in a strong financial position, but he didn’t rule out “structural measures” if the crisis drags on for many months or even years in a worst-case scenario.

“Even for the financially strong company Volkswagen, the current exceptional situation represents an acute economic danger,” Diess, Chairman Hans Dieter Poetsch, and works council chief Bernd Osterloh said Friday in a joint letter to workers. Last year, VW generated 50 million euros in profit daily, money that’s “urgently needed” to fund investments in new technology and products, they added.

Recouping incurred losses will be difficult and take a long time, “much longer than the coronacrisis itself. And with every crisis day, it’s becoming more difficult,” the top executives said in the letter seen by Bloomberg.

Read more: Daimler Seeks Over $11 Billion Credit Line to Weather Crisis

In a separate interview, Chief Financial Officer Frank Witter said that, as things stand, VW won’t need financial support from the German government, beyond tapping into cash for employees on short-time work.

“Seen from today’s perspective, I rule that out,” Witter told Boersen-Zeitung newspaper Friday. “In the car unit, we have strong cash flow and decent net liquidity.”

Witter flagged what he called a “significant network of confirmed, partly syndicated credit lines” of more than 30 billion euros. “Using these instruments, we should have the strength to get through the corona crisis and maintain liquidity at the necessary level,” Witter said.

“The threat of the coronavirus is more punitive to auto credit quality than the Great Recession,” Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Joel Levington said in a note. “Credit profiles can be swiftly decimated during global auto-sector downturns,” he said.

Diess stressed that strict discipline in following medical advice is key to fighting the spread of the virus and said VW is already preparing to resume operations. These efforts include intensified sanitary measures and ensuring more distance between employees in work spaces.

He’s “confident” VW can roll out its important ID.3 electric car this summer as planned but said that business conditions overall remain difficult to predict.

VW shares dropped 8% to 116.85 euros as of 3:00 p.m. in Frankfurt, amid a regional decline in share prices across Europe.

Errata corrige: Vw brucia 2 miliardi di euro a settimana a causa del Coronavirus. Avevo capito 2 miliardi al mese.

MessaggioInviato: mer apr 08, 2020 8:41 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17259
Nuovo simbolo della Lamborghini: la Urus.

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MessaggioInviato: ven apr 10, 2020 7:28 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17259
Dati di vendita di Bentley nel 2019, dopo un paio di anni catastrofici Il marchio di Crewe è tornato in attivo ma è un risultato piuttosto magro rispetto alle attese.
Bentley fu fortemente voluta da Piech ma non è mai stata stabilmente redditizia, ultimamente si è parlato di cessione soprattutto se avverrà una Hard Brexit.
Lamborghini è passata dall’essere appena in attivo a margini del 12% esclusivamente grazie alla Urus, adesso già straparlano di diventare la nuova Ferrari :briaco. Sì come no. Aston Martin diceva lo stesso ed è praticamente fallita.
Si dice a Wolfsburg che la pazienza di Diess e della famiglia Porsche con Bentley sia finita, è possibile che dopo la fine della crisi (quindi tra un paio di anni) si cerchi un nuovo compratore.
Intanto i piani di Bentley prevedono una Bentayga ancora più grossa è una sportiva elettrica ma solo nel 2025.

B8883C83-6C6C-40BE-8D5C-9094060EE45A.jpeg [ 442.69 KiB | Visto 4912 volte ]
MessaggioInviato: gio apr 16, 2020 4:37 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17259
Porsche's push into full-electric cars is not an effort to challenge Tesla's dominance in the sector. That is because the Volkswagen Group subsidiary says the U.S. EV maker's aspiration is to be a volume producer, something that is not in the premium German brand's plans. Porsche R&D boss Michael Steiner discussed that and more with Automotive News Europe Correspondent Christiaan Hetzner.

Porsche is electrifying its model range. In the interest of transparency, should the company disclose its fleet CO2 emissions figure?
There are markets where regulators assess us separately, in China for example, while in Europe we are pooled together with Volkswagen. While we keep an account internally, it doesn't make sense for individual brands such as Porsche to publish separate figures in the latter case.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has attempted to beat the Porsche Taycan electric sedan's Nurburgring lap time record with the Model S. Is Tesla a rival?
Although people like to play us off against each other, we do not consider Tesla to be a direct rival. With the Model 3, it's clear that they are more aggressively targeting the volume segment.

How far ahead is Tesla in terms of its battery technology?
Tesla employs round cells, a slightly different chemistry and another cooling concept, all of which have their specific advantages and disadvantages. In our opinion the kind of high battery capacities you might find installed in a Model S are not ideal in terms of sustainability. We believe in smaller, lighter and therefore less expensive batteries that can be recharged more quickly. It's not our aspiration to be the leader in electric range. Also, while we don't currently plan to develop another combustion engine architecture, that doesn't mean that we cannot maintain and improve models using the existing ones. That is valid for the Macan, because we cannot expect electric mobility to advance in all regions at the same pace, so we currently anticipate that in specific segments there will be a need to offer both a combustion engine and a full-electric or plug-in hybrid version in parallel. Customers and regulators will determine how long it will be necessary to maintain this.

Does that mean there will be identical-looking Macans and the only difference is that one won't have a tailpipe?
No, we will considerably differentiate them in terms of design so that it's possible to immediately identify which is which. We believe that during the transition to EVs customers want to be seen as driving electric.

NAME: Michael Steiner
POSITION: Porsche board member for R&D
AGE: 55
Will you discontinue the Panamera's MSB rear-wheel-drive platform?
The Panamera platform is not old, it debuted in 2016. We still have a lot of ideas for it in terms of infotainment and connectivity. But there is currently no plan to replace this platform, instead, we want to keep it fresh and attractive as long as possible.

What factors will make your forthcoming SPE electric platform unique?
We are convinced that very sporty cars, and roadsters in particular, need to be really flat. Drivers of a 911 or 718 want to sit as close as possible to the road. While electric cars have a low center of gravity thanks to their batteries being installed in the floor, that is not the only relevant aspect. To experience that sports car feeling it's also about your body's own center of gravity and how high up you are seated. That's why we want to develop such a platform, but there has not been a final decision on this matter.

How attractive are fuel cell models to Porsche, considering that the stacks are lighter than batteries?
We continue to examine it, but at the moment this technology is not suited to Porsche. For one the typical output of a stack is about 100 kilowatts, so if you want more power you still need to include a large battery to provide peak output. That means you need even more room for their installation. Secondly, the system's overall energy efficiency is very poor because it takes a lot of electricity to split water into hydrogen, distribute it to fuel stations and convert it back to electricity.

Interessante intervista al capo dello sviluppo tecnico di Porsche.

MessaggioInviato: dom apr 19, 2020 7:17 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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Dati di vendita dei modelli Seat nel 2019.
La Ibiza è un bel flop mentre i suv eccetto la Tarraco vanno molto bene.

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MessaggioInviato: dom apr 19, 2020 12:23 pm 
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Iscritto il: lun mar 13, 2006 8:29 pm
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Come fa a crescere la Alhambra? :D

Toyota RAV4 2.5 Hybrid Lounge - 2019 Immagine
Abarth 595C Turismo - 2016 Immagine
Royal Enfield Interceptor 650 - 2022 Immagine
Saab 9.3 Cabrio 2.0T SE- 1998

MessaggioInviato: dom apr 19, 2020 1:02 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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La cancellano quest’ anno.

MessaggioInviato: lun apr 20, 2020 6:13 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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Volkswagen Group is working on a plan to revive Skoda's flagging sales in China, where it was the company's only brand to register a volume decline last year.

China has been Skoda's largest single market since 2010 but the brand has faced increasing competition from domestic automakers. Last year Skoda's China deliveries fell 17 percent to 282,000 even while the country remained the Czech brand's biggest market. Skoda's global volume fell 1 percent to 1.2 million units.

VW Group China Chief Operating Officer Stephan Woellenstein said Skoda's turnaround plan will follow the template the group used to turn around the core VW brand's fortunes in the market.

"In 2016, we drafted a program to revitalize the VW brand consisting of various strategic elements that we internally called Move Forward, which has proved to be very successful,” Woellenstein told reporters on a conference call. "For the past several months we have been working on something similar with Skoda."

Without being more specific, Woellenstein said he recently finished talks with SAIC, one of the company's two Chinese partners, on additional measures to help Skoda "in the near future." VW Group also has a Chinese joint venture with FAW that builds cars for the Audi and VW brands.

Major pillars of the program that revived the VW brand included an SUV product offensive that included crossovers for its JV with FAW for the first time, the addition of battery-electric vehicles such as the e-Bora and e-Lavida and a mass rollout of fully connected models to appeal to Internet-savvy buyers in China.

Overall, VW Group managed to outperform the domestic market with a 0.6 percent increase in sales in China in 2019, notching a new record with 4.23 million deliveries.

Rough road
Skoda‘s overall business, meanwhile, remains highly profitable globally and its 8.4 percent margin last year was better than that of VW Group premium brand Audi.

VW Group CEO Herbert Diess, who is also Skoda's chairman, first publicly expressed his displeasure with the Czech brand's problems in China more than a year ago.

Skoda's troubles in China come at a difficult time for the entire market. Growth gave way to contraction since the 2016 election of Donald Trump, who launched a trade war with Beijing soon after becoming U.S. president.

China's sales peaked at more than 24 million passenger cars in 2017, Trump's first year in office, before declining the following year for the first time since 1990 as consumers postponed purchasing big ticket items due to the tensions. What was initially expected to be a one-off decline for car sales, however, has continued and even accelerated because of the Coronavirus pandemic.

“This year China will struggle to crack the 20 million sales mark,” Woellenstein said, adding that in the month of February only 89 cars were sold across all of Hubei Province, which is home to Wuhan, the original epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak. “From this point it could certainly take another three to four years to claw back the 4 million cars, coming from 20 or even 19 million. This is not something that can be done in 12 or 24 months.”

Woellenstein said the trade conflict led to a "real renaissance" for established strong brands such as VW as well as a few Japanese automakers at the expense of Western marques that struggled to gain a foothold in China over the last decade.

“They have gotten caught in the middle, failing to make inroads with customers of stronger international brands while being sandwiched in by successful upstart Chinese brands such as Geely on the other side. Renault is one prominent example," Woellenstein said. "The steady erosion of their business led them ultimately to conclude the costs of operating here outweigh the benefits,” he said. “At present, we are still confident we can bring Skoda back to a growth path like VW and Audi.”

Renault Group said last week it would stop selling its own-branded passenger cars in China and focus instead on light commercial vehicles and EVs in the market, effectively exiting the market after persuading only roughly 300,000 Chinese customers to buy its cars since 2016.

VW Group's Seat brand said on March 25 that it has postponed its plans to re-enter China.

Vw vuole ristrutturare il marchio Skoda in Cina dove i risultati pre-crisi erano assai deludenti. I dati economici di Skoda in Cina vengono contati in Vw Group China e non nel marchio ceco. Skoda ha investito molto nei suv ma con scarso successo, rimangono troppo cari per la media dei clienti cinesi.

MessaggioInviato: mar apr 21, 2020 7:29 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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Il lieve calo registrato da Skoda è dovuto esclusivamente al calo del mercato cinese, infatti escludendo questo mercato le vendite di Skoda sono salite dell’ 8%.
I suv (tranne che in Cina) vanno benissimo, la Kamiq in Europa era partita molto bene.
Le berline soffrono, la Citigo è destinata al camposanto.

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MessaggioInviato: mer apr 22, 2020 6:54 am 
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Iscritto il: mer ott 03, 2012 10:51 am
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Numeri impressionanti, alla fine cala un po' solo in ogni caso penso meno di tutte le D non suv generaliste e rapid verso fine serie.
Octavia è un miracolo dopo 7 anni con sostituta alle porte in un segmento che non va più, e con scala che teoricamente avrebbe potuto prenderle dei clienti.
Vedremo la nuova octavia così bella che chi prenderà più superb, a parte i cinesi da passo lungo, e se e coma ci sarà l'avvicinamento tra scala, che per ora vende poco, con rapid.

ALFA ROMEO GIULIETTA jtdm-2 20 170cv- distinctive-pack premium-pack sport 18 - Luglio 2010 -superati i 313.333KM!!!

MessaggioInviato: mer apr 29, 2020 6:41 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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L’invidia del vecchio Herbert per i software di Tesla.

MessaggioInviato: mer apr 29, 2020 7:20 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
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daimlerchrysler ha scritto:

L’invidia del vecchio Herbert per i software di Tesla.
Strano, mi pareva che a Wolfsburg se ne intendessero di software :ridi

MessaggioInviato: mer apr 29, 2020 7:48 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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Trufferanno anche quello.

MessaggioInviato: dom mag 03, 2020 10:41 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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Volkswagen Group is reconsidering which of its brands will develop a new family of small electric cars after its Spanish unit, Seat, lost the project.

VW Group CEO Herbert Diess said in March 2019 that Seat would lead development of full-electric city cars that will cost less than 20,000 euros. Diess said they would replace the full-electric versions of the VW Up, Skoda Citigo and Seat Mii and would be "a great step toward an even more affordable electric mobility."

One source close to Seat said the VW brand will now head the project. Executives at VW Group's headquarters in Wolfsburg believe that this will be "more efficient in terms of synergies," the source said.

The small EVs will be based on a heavily modified version of VW Group's MEB electric-car architecture shortened to less than 4000mm (1575 inches), roughly the length of the VW Polo.

MEB underpins the VW ID3, a compact hatchback due to launch this summer in Europe as the first of the automaker's new generation of battery-powered cars for the mass market.

Adapting the architecture for small city cars family in a cost-efficient way is proving to be challenging because of the need to strip out a third of the costs compared with the ID3. Engineers have looked at everything from smaller electric motors to different battery module configurations to give the small EVs the high standard of crash protection that will be expected by customers.

Seat's winning of engineering responsibility for the MEB Entry family was a coup for the once struggling Spanish automaker. It demonstrated VW Group's confidence in CEO Luca de Meo who delivered profits after his 2015 appointment as head of the brand. De Meo has since quit VW Group and will take up the post of Renault CEO on July 1.

VW Group's family of small EVs will replace the current electric versions of the VW Up, Skoda Citigo and Seat Mii, shown.
Seat was due to collaborate on the project with JAC Automobile Group, VW Group's partner in China for EVs. Seat has now postponed to an unspecified date its entry into the Chinese market.

JAC Volkswagen was supposed to introduce the Spanish brand into China by 2021 and build battery-powered Seats. The Chinese electric-car market in China has cooled down after the government cut subsidies last July. The outlook for this year is bleak following the coronavirus.

In a statement to Automotive News Europe, Seat said the decision to pull the brand from developing the small EVs was taken "in the framework of Volkswagen Group revision of its global group’s strategy regarding brands, production systems and markets."

Seat's loss of the MEB Entry project "is connected to the decision by Seat not to go to China. It would not have made sense then for them to continue to cooperate with JAC," said a VW Group spokesman.

He said a decision over which brand would assume responsibility for the MEB Entry platform has not been taken.

Seat perderà la responsabilità per lo sviluppo delle elettriche sotto i 20.000 euro all’interno del gruppo Vw.
Il marchio spagnolo aveva ottenuto questo incarico grazie a De Meo e all’alleanza che Seat aveva stretto con JAC. Il rilancio di Seat in Cina è stato bloccato, mentre il marchio Vw verrà incaricato di continuare lo sviluppo.
Questo progetto è secondo me decisivo per far diventare l’auto elettrica un fenomeno veramente di massa. Per quanto incentivata una versione base della ID3 costerà sempre almeno 23.000 euro, tutto escluso.
Se invece riusciranno a lanciare un’ utilitaria con 300 km di autonomia, decentemente accessoriata, con molto più spazio interno rispetto ad un auto corrispondente ma con motore a combustione, ad un prezzo di 12.500 euro (n.b. sto calcolando i prezzi con gli incentivi disponibili in Germania) allora veramente molti automobilisti si sposteranno verso l’elettrico.

MessaggioInviato: dom mag 03, 2020 8:03 pm 
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Iscritto il: lun mar 13, 2006 8:29 pm
Messaggi: 16820
Per fare una segmento A con prezzi decenti ci hanno messo 10 anni (up!). Dubito che a sto giro centrino subito l'obiettivo, vw non é mai stata brava a fare piccole auto economiche.

Toyota RAV4 2.5 Hybrid Lounge - 2019 Immagine
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Saab 9.3 Cabrio 2.0T SE- 1998

MessaggioInviato: ven mag 15, 2020 6:30 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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May 15, 2020 10:33 AMUPDATED 2 HOURS AGO

VW halts deliveries of Golf due to software problem



VW may recall the new Golf for a software update.

HAMBURG -- Volkswagen is halting deliveries of its latest Golf compact hatchback after a software problem was found in some vehicles.

The software at issue enables emergency calls, a function required by EU regulations since 2018.

VW said it will decide in the next few days how to deal with affected cars, such as a recall and software update, the automaker said on Friday.

VW started sales of the new Golf in Europe this year following delays caused by the car's advanced digital features, including over the air (OTA) software updates.

To keep Golf attractive as more customers switch to crossovers or premium hatchbacks, VW gave the eight generation model a fully digital cockpit with features such as permanent connectivity. But the advanced technology caused technical bugs, leading to a delayed launch.

VW told Der Spiegel that the glitch was noticed during routine quality assurance checks.

The company cannot currently say how many vehicles are affected by the problem, the magazine said. It is expected that a software update will be available between June 15 and 21.

VW is continuing to build the Golf at its Wolfsburg plant, Der Spiegel said. The finished cars will be stored until the update, it said.

The Golf is the top-selling car in Europe with a volume of 410,779 last year, down 8 percent, according to JATO Dynamics market researchers.

VW gradually restarted output at its plants in Europe last month following production stops during coronavirus lockdowns.  On Tuesday, the company said it is canceling a shift on a line that produces the Golf and halting two assembly lines that build the VW Tiguan, VW Touran and Seat Tarraco models due to weak demand because of the virus pandemic.

Bloccate le consegne della Golf, per problemi di software. Stavolta non c'entra il motore ma una funzione per effettuare chiamate di emergenza.

MessaggioInviato: sab mag 16, 2020 9:17 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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Colpite dal blocco delle vendite anche A3, Leon e Octavia.

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