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MessaggioInviato: lun nov 30, 2020 4:42 pm 
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Iscritto il: mar giu 06, 2006 4:00 pm
Messaggi: 15781
Località: Bologna
La Passat è passat........e chitemmuort...... :briaco

Sai che cosa diceva quel tale? In Italia sotto i Borgia, per trent'anni, hanno avuto assassinii, guerre, terrore e massacri, ma hanno prodotto Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci e il Rinascimento. In Svizzera hanno avuto amore fraterno, cinquecento anni di pace e democrazia, e che cos' hanno prodotto? Gli orologi a cucù.( O.Welles)

MessaggioInviato: lun nov 30, 2020 6:07 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
fritz287 ha scritto:
Ma perché è già in dubbio adesso?

Diess è arrivato in Vw nel luglio 2015 e dopo 2 mesi già si prendeva a male parole con il consiglio di fabbrica. Ha chiesto un rinnovo di contratto 2 anni prima della scadenza (in Germania lo si può fare 1 anno prima).
È chiaro che vuole o umiliare il sindacato (non ce la farà mai) o farsi licenziare su due piedi.

MessaggioInviato: mar dic 01, 2020 10:12 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
L’ Aufsichtsratspresidium ha deciso di non scegliere riguardo alla questione Diess.
Secondo le fonti tedesche le famiglie Porsche-Piech vogliono mantenerlo, non sono sufficienti per salvarlo.
Diess vuole imporre Antlitz come direttore finanziario e Thomas Schall come capo dei componenti.
Osterloh ha detto NEIN.

MessaggioInviato: mer dic 02, 2020 9:56 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
In una recente presentazione Audi ha lasciato intendere che entro fine 2022 lancerà una compatta elettrica tipo A3 su pianale MEB.
Confermata la scelta di lanciare la prossima Q5 solamente elettrica e far continuare a vivere l’attuale fino al 2025.

MessaggioInviato: mar dic 08, 2020 5:11 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325 ... oning.html

Giovedì il gruppo Vw annuncerà alcune modifiche nel posizionamento dei marchi, argomento molto dibattuto nel consiglio di amministrazione.

Im Machtkampf zwischen Betriebsrat und Volkswagen-Chef Herbert Diess zeichnet sich Insidern zufolge eine Annäherung bei wichtigen Vorstandspersonalien ab. „Es gibt ein Personalgerüst, das am Donnerstag in den Aufsichtsrat eingebracht werden soll“, sagte eine mit den Beratungen vertraute Person am Dienstag der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters.

Demnach gibt es eine Einigung über den von Diess geforderten Zuschnitt und die Besetzung von Vorstandsressorts. Ein weiterer Insider sagte, das Kontrollgremium könnte in einem ersten Schritt über die vakanten Posten für Beschaffung, Komponenten und Finanzen entscheiden. „Wir sind guter Dinge, dass wir einen gemeinsamen Vorschlag auf den Tisch legen können.“ Aus dem Umfeld des Aufsichtsrats hieß es, die Gespräche liefen weiter. Es sei nicht absehbar, ob am Donnerstag bereits ein Beschluss verkündet werden könne. Volkswagen äußerte sich nicht dazu.

Knackpunkt ist nach Aussage mehrerer Personen nach wie vor die von Diess geforderte Verlängerung seines bis 2023 laufenden Vertrages. Bisher zeichnet sich nicht ab, dass der 62-Jährige die dafür nötige Mehrheit in dem Kontrollgremium bekommt.

Diess hatte Eingeweihten zufolge eine Vertragsverlängerung als Vertrauensvotum verlangt, dass der Aufsichtsrat seinen Kurs beim Umbau von Volkswagen unterstützt. Mit einem ähnlichen Vorstoß war er Anfang Juni im Aufsichtsrat gescheitert. Entzündet hat sich der erneute Konflikt mit der Arbeitnehmervertretung an Diess' Wunsch, Schlüsselressorts im Vorstand mit Managern zu besetzen, mit denen er meint, Volkswagen schneller zu einem Technologiekonzern umbauen zu können. Dabei stand auch ein neues Sparprogramm im Raum.





Herbert Diess 

Vor einer Woche erst hatte das achtköpfige Präsidium des Kontrollgremiums über Diess' Anliegen beraten, aber keine Entscheidung getroffen. Um eine Führungskrise zu vermeiden, lotet Aufsichtsratschef Hans Dieter Pötsch seither Kompromissmöglichkeiten zwischen dem Betriebsrat, den Eignerfamilien und dem Land Niedersachsen aus.

Bis spätestens Juni soll die Nachfolge von Konzern-Finanzchef Frank Witter geregelt sein, der aus persönlichen Gründen abtreten will. Ihn könnte Insidern zufolge Arno Antlitz ersetzen, derzeit Finanzvorstand bei der VW-Tochter Audi.

Für das Beschaffungsressort, das seit dem Rückzug von Stefan Sommer verwaist ist, ist Murat Aksel im Gespräch, der diesen Posten bisher bei der Marke VW innehat. Das Komponentenressort, dass unter Sommer in einem Vorstandsbereich mit dem Einkauf gebündelt war, könnte als eigenständiges Ressort von Thomas Schmall geleitet werden. Er führt bereits die konzerneigene Zuliefersparte „Komponente“. Außerdem sei ein Vorstandsbereich für IT und Software im Gespräch, sagte einer der Insidern

Inoltre Diess potrebbe aver vinto in parte lo scontro con Osterloh.
Giovedì il consiglio di sorveglianza dovrebbe nominare i candidati di Diess per finanze e acquisti.

MessaggioInviato: mer dic 09, 2020 5:30 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
E si riparla di una defenestrazione di Diess. Pensavo che con la scomparsa di Piech le telenovelas a Wolfsburg fossero finite, e invece..

- Volkswagen Group's supervisory board was holding an extraordinary meeting Wednesday to discuss a contract extension for CEO Herbert Diess, Handelsblatt business paper reported, citing sources close to the executive.

Diess is demanding the board's backing so he can continue to reform the automaker, including implementing cost cuts to free investment for improved software to close the gap with Tesla.

VW's powerful labor bosses, who control half the seats on the board, are likely to oppose a contract extension for Diess, plunging the automaker into crisis.

VW management sources told Handelsblatt that Diess has lost the support of his top executives. "People are not following him any more," one source told the paper.

Senior executives are fed up with Diess continually saying in the press that Tesla is better than VW, the paper said.

Diess wrote an opinion column in Handelsblatt last month in which he referred to the German industrial giant as still having "old, encrusted" structures that must be broken up.

The supervisory board has sought to avoid a discussion about the contract extension. The board feels it is too early to consider the matter because Diess's current contract runs until April, 2023.

But Diess is forcing the issue, prompting the board to hold a meeting on Wednesday ahead of its scheduled meeting on Thursday, Handelsblatt and Reuters reported earlier on Wednesday.

In June, Diess was stripped of his leadership of the automaker's core VW brand after internal disputes.

Diess's attempts to install allies Arno Antlitz as chief financial officer and Thomas Schmall as chief procurement officer have been opposed by the automaker's labor leaders, reports have said.

VW was not immediately reachable for comment

MessaggioInviato: gio dic 10, 2020 7:07 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
Das Dilemma der Markenpositionierung im VW-Konzern lässt sich am besten an zwei Modellen festmachen. Während der VW Passat lange Zeit die erste Wahl für Familien und Vielfahrer mit Dienstwagen war, schob sich in den vergangenen Jahren der Skoda Superb immer weiter an den Passat heran und drohte ihn gar zu überholen. Gleiche Qualität, gutes Design, aber ein günstigerer Preis. Diese Kannibalisierung, die unter dem ehemaligen Skoda-Chef Bernhard Maier entstanden war und ihn letztlich den Job kostete, soll es so in Zukunft nicht mehr geben.
"Wir wollen, dass Skoda in den unteren Preissegmenten angreift", sagte VW-Vertriebsvorstand Christian Dahlheim bei einer Strategiepräsentation vor Journalisten und Investoren. Vor allem bei der Käufergruppe des "traditionellen Mainstream" sei die tschechische Marke unterrepräsentiert. Dabei denkt Dahlheim weniger an Dacia als Hauptkonkurrenten, sondern mehr an Renault, Peugeot und Ford. "Skoda soll Kunden von anderen Marken erobern, nicht von der eigenen", stellt er klar. Während also der nächste Passat mit den Attributen Intelligenz, Komfort und Sicherheit belegt wird, soll der Superb ein vielseitiges Auto sein – clever und flexibel, aber eben nicht der bessere Passat.

Cupra zieht Seat nach oben

Im Zentrum der Strategie stehen dabei die Marken Porsche, Audi und VW, die es im Ranking von Interbrand unter die 100 wertvollsten der Welt schaffen. "Auf diese Kernmarken fokussieren wir uns", sagt Dahlheim. So sei beispielsweise Audi nach einer längeren Durststrecke wieder auf Erholungskurs. Vor allem der Audi e-tron habe dazu beigetragen, das Profil zu schärfen und Kundenschichten zu erobern, die sonst bei Tesla gelandet wären. Gleiches gelte für den elektrische Porsche Taycan und den VW ID. "Elektrofahrzeuge können eine Marke in attraktivere Segmente heben", sagt Dahlheim.
Dies sei auch mit der Marke Cupra für Seat gelungen. Seat bringe dem Konzern die jüngsten Kunden, habe aber über Jahre ein Problem bei der Preisdurchsetzung gehabt. Mit Cupra könne es gelingen, die Marke weltweit besser zu positionieren. So soll Cupra beispielsweise auf dem chinesischen Markt eingeführt werden, während Seat dies verwehrt bleibt. Stattdessen übernimmt die neue Marke Jetta in China die Rolle des Billigheimers. "Der Erfolg spricht für sich", sagte Dahlheim. Mit Jetta sei es gelungen, die chinesische Konkurrenz anzugreifen und trotzdem gute Margen zu erzielen. Dies bekommt allerdings auch die Marke Skoda zu spüren, die sich zwischen Jetta und VW in China zunehmend schwer tut.

Arteon hat wohl keine Chance mehr

Während die Kernmarke VW in China auf der Erfolgswelle schwimmt, bleiben die USA ein schwieriger Markt. Hier haben im Volumensegment die Asiaten das Sagen, womit VW eigentlich nur die Flucht nach vorn und oben bleibt. Genau dies soll mit der neuen Welle von Elektroautos gelingen. "Diese bieten eine große Chance, unsere Marke neu zu positionieren", so Dahlheim. Gelingen soll dies schon mit dem ID.4, der als erstes Elektroauto nach dem eGolf auf den amerikanischen Markt kommt. Auch vom ID. BUZZ, der vor allem auf die Klientel in Kalifornien zielt, verspricht sich Dahlheim einen Schub für die Marke.
Mit der zunehmenden Elektrifizierung stellt sich die Frage, welche Autos mit Verbrennungsmotor es in zehn Jahren überhaupt noch geben soll. "Wir schauen uns genau an, welche Marke und welcher Plattform wir ein solches Auto geben", so Dahlheim. Diese Fahrzeuge müssten vor allem global funktionieren. Sei dies nicht der Fall, müsse das Modell zumindest überproportional auf das Markenimage einzahlen. Ein VW Arteon, der mit geringen Stückzahlen als Speerspitze des VW-Portfolios in Europa fungiert, dürfte dabei auf der Strecke bleiben. "Solche Autos werden wir in Zukunft nicht mehr so häufig sehen", sagt Dahlheim und kündigte indirekt praktisch das Aus der Baureihe an.

Bentley soll elektrisch werden

Von der Neuausrichtung der Marken ist auch Bentley betroffen. Die Marke werde sich mit ihrer Kundenbasis verändern und solle daher komplett auf elektrische Antriebe umgestellt werden, sagte Dahlheim. Der typische Kunde sei schon längst nicht mehr der englische Lord, sondern der moderne Individualist aus China, der ein High-End-Auto mit einem nachhaltigen Antriebskonzept wünsche. Mit der Nutzung von Plattformen innerhalb des Konzerns und stärkeren Synergien mit Porsche in der Luxus-Gruppe solle es auch gelingen, eine Rendite im zweistelligen Bereich zu erwirtschaften.
Dagegen äußerte sich Dahlheim mit keinem Wort zur Zukunft von Bugatti und Lamborghini. Dies darf als Hinweis darauf gewertet werden, dass diese Marken in den strategischen Überlegungen keine Rolle mehr spielen. In den vergangenen Wochen war immer wieder über einen Verkauf der Sportwagen-Marken spekuliert worden.
Auf die Konkurrenz von Tesla und Elon Musks kürzlich genanntes Absatzziel von 20 Millionen Fahrzeugen angesprochen, äußerte sich Dahlheim optimistisch zur Zukunft des VW-Konzerns. "Wir haben die Technologie, wir haben die Marken und wir haben den globalen Fußabdruck, um Tesla auf Augenhöhe zu begegnen", sagte er. Verbunden damit sei die Hoffnung, dass sich dies auf absehbare Zeit auch im Aktienkurs widerspiegle.

In una conferenza odierna il gruppo Vw ha voluto comunicare come intenderà gestire i propri marchi nel prossimo futuro.
Skoda dovrà allontanarsi da Vw, nel 2023 verranno lanciate le nuove Passat e Superb. Entrambe saranno sviluppate da Skoda e verranno prodotte a Bratislava. Proprio con questi modelli ci sarà una maggiore differenziazione rispetto ad oggi. Le Skoda dovranno diventare più popolari ma non saranno avversarie della Dacia bensì di Ford, Opel e marchi francesi.
Seat continuerà ad ampliare Cupra che potrebbe arrivare in Cina.
Il marchio Jetta viene considerato un successo e verrà lanciato al di fuori della Cina.
Bentley sarà un marchio esclusivamente elettrico, secondo Dahlheim:” ormai il tipico cliente di Bentley non è più il lord inglese bensì il giovane rampante cinese interessanti a nuovi concetti di mobilità” :briaco.
Nessuna parola è stata spenta per Bugatti, Lamborghini e Ducati.

MessaggioInviato: ven dic 11, 2020 9:12 am 
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Iscritto il: lun mar 13, 2006 8:29 pm
Messaggi: 16886
E il giovane rampante cinese interessato a nuovi concetti di mobilità deve per forza comprare una Bentley, che appartiene al vecchio concetto di mobilità? :D

Ormai gli europei producono in base ai gusti dei cinesi, le coreane in base ai gusti europei, i giapponesi per piacere agli americani, gli yankee per sé stessi.. se ognuno si comprasse le sue cazzo di auto non sarebbe meglio? :D

Toyota RAV4 2.5 Hybrid Lounge - 2019 Immagine
Abarth 595C Turismo - 2016 Immagine
Royal Enfield Interceptor 650 - 2022 Immagine
Saab 9.3 Cabrio 2.0T SE- 1998

MessaggioInviato: ven dic 11, 2020 10:00 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
Multiplone ha scritto:
E il giovane rampante cinese interessato a nuovi concetti di mobilità deve per forza comprare una Bentley, che appartiene al vecchio concetto di mobilità? :D

Ormai gli europei producono in base ai gusti dei cinesi, le coreane in base ai gusti europei, i giapponesi per piacere agli americani, gli yankee per sé stessi.. se ognuno si comprasse le sue cazzo di auto non sarebbe meglio? :D

Ci sono vari problemi riguardanti il posizionamento dei vari marchi all’interno del gruppo Vw.
Tutto sommato, soprattutto se paragoniamo Wolfsburg con altri gruppi, questo sistema è un successo nel gestire i vari brands.
Nel caso specifico Bentley fu comprata nel 1998 da Piech e solo per pochi anni ha raggiunto margini a doppia cifra.
E’ ovvio che Bentley non crescerà molto se continua a focalizzarsi su Europa e USA, d’altro canto non sono d’accordo con il manager Vw che sostiene che Bentley abbia un futuro con crossover elettrici da vendere a cinesi arricchiti.

MessaggioInviato: ven dic 11, 2020 11:35 am 
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Iscritto il: mer ott 03, 2012 10:51 am
Messaggi: 6456
Fanno ancora superb e si vanno contro Ford e francesi... Cosa cambierà per skoda? Plastiche peggiori stile ultime vw? :-)
Pee Bentley ottima scelta... La farei anche prima del 2025, ma ovviamente devono terminare il ciclo di vita delle auto attuali.

ALFA ROMEO GIULIETTA jtdm-2 20 170cv- distinctive-pack premium-pack sport 18 - Luglio 2010 -superati i 313.333KM!!!

MessaggioInviato: ven dic 11, 2020 1:26 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
La domanda è: riusciranno a fare una suv ancora più brutta della Bentayga?
Scherzi a parte le prossime Skoda avranno finiture più brutte, design più banale e soprattutto meno gadget delle corrispondenti Vw.
Dahlheim ha detto che l'Audi Artemis potrebbe non essere una berlina, ha confermato che l'ultima A8 vende molto al di sotto delle aspettative.

MessaggioInviato: ven dic 11, 2020 2:44 pm 
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Iscritto il: mar gen 23, 2007 3:06 pm
Messaggi: 25638
Località: Ginevra
Comunque è roba da metterci la firma: quel che mi piace non vende. :ridi
Stamattina un cliente è arrivato con l'ultima A8, stavo giusto dicendo "beh dai, tutto sommato hanno iniziato a far della roba che non è poi così brutta", mi piace il faro dietro... :ridi

Fiat Panda Hobby - 39 cavalli, sì, ma non per tonnellata :alastio:

MessaggioInviato: lun dic 14, 2020 8:29 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
Volkswagen Supervisory Board agrees on management positions and reorganisation of Group Board – stronger focus on costs planned
Supervisory Board: “Herbert Diess and his new Board of Management team have full support for implementation of Together 2025+ strategy”
Dr. Arno Antlitz will succeed Chief Financial Officer Frank Witter
Murat Aksel will take over Group Purchasing Division
Newly created Group Board of Management function “Technology” will be headed by Thomas Schmall
Wolfsburg will become showcase site for the highly automated production of electric vehicles

During its meeting today, the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen AG dealt extensively with the Together 2025+ strategy and, in connection with this, a realignment of personnel. The Board unanimously resolved to give its full support to the strategy, in particular the orientation of the company towards electromobility and digitalisation. This results in the following realignment of personnel resolved by the Supervisory Board:

Dr. Arno Antlitz, currently member of the Board of Management of AUDI AG responsible for Finance and Legal Affairs, will succeed Frank Witter as Group CFO, with the latter’s contract, as is known, expiring at his own request at the end of June 2021. Dr. Antlitz’s primary focus will be on further efficiency increases.
As part of the redesigning of the Group Board of Management, the areas of responsibility Procurement and Components will be separated from each other. A new Group Board of Management function, “Technology”, will be set up. It will be led from 1 January 2021 on by Thomas Schmall, currently Chief Executive Officer of Volkswagen Group Components. In the future, Schmall will be responsible group-wide for all Group Components activities, the marketing of the Volkswagen platforms to third parties, the development and manufacturing of battery cells as well as the associated procurement, the areas of charging and charging systems and the corresponding joint ventures worldwide.
Also with effect as of 1 January 2021, Murat Aksel will be taking over the Purchasing Division in the Group. He will continue his function as member of the Board of Management for the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand responsible for purchasing. The separation of Purchasing and Components is meant to allow Murat Aksel to concentrate fully on optimising the material costs throughout the Group. All three of the newly appointed Group Board of Management members will receive a three-year contract in accordance with the recommendations of the new German Corporate Governance Code.
In addition, the Supervisory Board noted after today’s meeting: “Herbert Diess has had a major impact on Volkswagen since 2015. Without his commitment, the transformation of the company would not have been so consistent and successful. The Supervisory Board values the determination and persistence that Herbert Diess has exhibited in pressing forward not only with technological changes and the contribution to the achievement of climate goals, but also with the financial results of the company. In the upcoming years, the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG will implement the strategy with Herbert Diess at the top. The Chairman of the Board of Management and his new Board of Management team have the Supervisory Board’s full support not only when it comes to the new orientation towards electromobility and digitalisation, but also the increase of efficiency and profitability in all brands and parts of the Group. In this connection, it remains our joint objective to combine the transformation with a high level of qualification and future opportunities for the employees of the Group and – taking into account existing programmes – to organise the necessary reduction of staff, including in particular the demographic change, by means of the tried and tested personnel tools.”

“With its decision today, the Volkswagen Group is demonstrating its determination to continue to press forward with the changes in the automotive sector at great speed. At the same time, the Group will continue to actively bring about the successful transformation of the company and its sites. With our forward-looking, solid planning in the transformation and conversion of the sites, we will set an example for the entire sector in the future as well”, said the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Hans Dieter Pötsch.

“Together we are rigorously pressing forward with the largest transformation in the history of Volkswagen. In the upcoming years, we will continue to invest in electromobility, digitalisation and battery technology and, at the same time, substantially reduce fixed costs and material costs throughout the Group in all brands and regions in order to ensure Volkswagen’s future viability”, said the Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen, Dr. Herbert Diess.

“There is total agreement between the Supervisory Board, the Board of Management and the employee representatives on the Group’s consistent orientation towards our strategic transformation objectives. In the course of the implementation, everyone involved continues to espouse the equal status of profitability and safeguarding of jobs, as well as the importance of training. This once again proves that we can best meet the great challenges that lie before us only by working together”, said the Group works council chairman, Bernd Osterloh.

In the medium term, the Group headquarters in Wolfsburg is to become the pioneering factory for the highly automated manufacture of electric vehicles. The future leading electric vehicle of the Volkswagen Passenger Car brand is to be built there on the basis of highly productive site conditions, which are also competitive in terms of costs. To this end, a project will be set up, similar to the Artemis project at AUDI, which bundles all activities from the development of the vehicle up to production.

Moreover, in view of the entire Group, the Group Board of Management and the Group works council will, by the end of the first quarter, agree on a plan to reduce the fixed costs by five percent by 2023 taking into account the existing programmes.

The material costs are to be reduced by seven percent in the next two years.

There is agreement on the Board that Lamborghini and Ducati will remain part of the Volkswagen Group. In the course of the reorganisation, it was further resolved that the Bentley brand will fall within the management responsibility of the Audi brand as of 1 March 2021 in order to allow for synergies to be achieved as part of the electrification strategy of the two premium brands.

Il consiglio di sorveglianza ha formalizzato diverse decisioni, Diess resterà ma non otterrà il prolungamento del contratto.
Diess è riuscito ad imporre la nomina di Antlitz a capo delle finanze, di Schmall a capo dei componenti e di Aksel a capo degli acquisti.
Questi dirigenti hanno avuto in passato duri scontri con Osterloh, non è una vittoria da poco.
Intanto Wolfsburg otterrà la conversione per la produzione di veicoli elettrici, qui Osterloh può ben gioire dato che costerà almeno 11 miliardi di euro, Wolfsburg è una delle fabbriche più improduttive al mondo.
Il management e il consiglio di fabbrica hanno concordato nell’avvio di trattative per ridurre i costi di produzione nelle fabbriche della Germania occidentale (Vw distingue ancora tra le due Germanie :vomito2 ), si punta ad un aumento della produttività del 5% l’anno.
Un’ulteriore vittoria per Osterloh è la decisione di non vendere Ducati e Lamborghini, per ora.
Bentley verrà assegnata ad Audi.

MessaggioInviato: lun gen 04, 2021 5:19 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325 ... 53446.html

A causa del problema nella produzione di microchip la produzione della Golf VIII sarà tagliata di quasi 100.000 unità nel primo trimestre 2021, sarà una scusa perché è un flop?
In realtà anche A3, Octavia e Leon dovranno subire tagli di produzione.

MessaggioInviato: ven gen 08, 2021 4:55 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325 ... trica.html

Il ceo di Audi prevede che entro il 2035 il 100% della gamma sarà elettrico. La A1 probabilmente non avrà un erede.
La Artemis (ammiraglia elettrica) non sarà né una berlina né un suv.

MessaggioInviato: lun gen 18, 2021 3:48 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
Audi strengthens business in China: First majority interest held by Audi in new cooperation company for local electric car production with FAW
Audi and FAW confirm a new cooperation company for the future production of PPE-based electric vehicles in Changchun in the northeast of China.
Markus Duesmann, Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI AG: “With the new Audi-FAW company in Changchun, we are further expanding our presence on the Chinese market and actively helping to shape the transformation of the Chinese automotive industry.”
Werner Eichhorn, President of Audi China: “This deepened partnership between Audi and FAW heralds a new era of electrification as the next ‘golden decade’ for Audi on the important Chinese market.”

From left: Stephan Wöllenstein (CEO Volkswagen Group China), Dr. Clemens von Goetze (German Ambassador China), Dr. Liu Yunfeng (Executive Vice President Volkswagen Group China), Werner Eichhorn (President Audi China) signing.
The brand with the Four Rings is deepening its partnership with FAW and laying the foundation for continued success in China. The Board of Management of Audi, Supervisory Board of the Volkswagen Group and Board of Management of the FAW Group confirmed that Changchun in the northeast of China will be the headquarters of the newly founded Audi-FAW company. This was announced today at the ceremonial signing in Changchun and Beijing. AUDI AG and Volkswagen Group China will receive a 60-percent share, making this company – founded for the local production of fully electric Audi models on the “Premium Platform Electric” (PPE) codeveloped with Porsche – the first cooperation company with a majority interest held by Audi in China.

“With the new Audi-FAW company in Changchun, we are further expanding our presence on the Chinese market and strengthening our position as a manufacturer of fully electric premium vehicles through local production,” says Markus Duesmann, Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI AG and the person responsible for business in China. “In doing so, we are continuing the Audi success story in China and actively helping to shape the transformation of the Chinese automotive industry as it moves toward sustainable mobility.” Local manufacture of the first PPE model produced jointly with FAW is scheduled to start by 2024. Changchun is also the headquarters of the joint venture FAW‑Volkswagen, which Audi has been involved in for more than 30 years and, in addition to other locations in China, already produces models with the Four Rings locally.

Founding of cooperation company with FAW for future success in China

The founding of the new PPE company is officially scheduled for the first quarter of 2021, just as soon as the consent of all stakeholders and the Chinese regulatory authorities has been obtained. “This deepened partnership between Audi and FAW heralds a new era of electrification as the next ‘golden decade’ for Audi on the highly important Chinese market,” says Werner Eichhorn, President of Audi China. FAW Audi Sales Co., Ltd. will assume responsibility for selling the Audi models produced locally by FAW-Volkswagen as well as Audi import vehicles and future cars produced at the joint PPE plant.

Introduction of SAIC as second partner to further boost business on the Chinese market

Through these strategic decisions, Audi is further strengthening its presence on its biggest foreign market. This partnership with FAW will allow Audi to increase the number of locally produced models to 12 by the end of 2021. The models produced by its second partner, SAIC Volkswagen, are set to be introduced in 2022. Audi has so far delivered almost 7 million vehicles on the Chinese market. In 2020 alone, Audi sold 727,358 vehicles in China, the brand’s best ever result in over 30 years of business on the Chinese market.

Audi ha creato una terza Jv per il mercato cinese, sarà la prima in cui la casa tedesca avrà la maggioranza assoluta (comunque i cinesi avranno diritti speciali). Verrà creato un nuovo impianto e vi saranno prodotti la Q5 elettrica e una berlina sempre elettrica tipo A6.
I tempi in cui la casa degli anelli dominava incontrastata il mercato premium cinese sono passati, adesso è un testa a testa con Mercedes e BMW.

MessaggioInviato: mar gen 19, 2021 10:32 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
VW macht der Konzerntochter Audi Konkurrenz: Nach dem Vorbild des Leuchtturmprojekts Artemis der Ingolstädter soll nun auch in Wolfsburg ein Spitzenstromer entstehen. Der Name des Fahrzeugs, das 2026 anlaufen soll: Trinity.

Von Frank Johannsen

VW in Wolfsburg: 2026 soll hier der neue Hoffnungsträger Trinity anlaufen.(Foto: Volkswagen)
Der Beschluss fiel kurz vor Weihnachten: Auch im Wolfsburger Stammwerk, so beschloss der Aufsichtsrat, sollen künftig E-Autos gebaut werden. Und zwar ein völlig neues Spitzenmodell nach dem Vorbild des Audi-Projekts Artemis.
Jetzt nennt VW-Markenchef Ralf Brandstätter erste Details zum neuen Fahrzeug und gibt ihm auch einen neuen Namen. Aus dem bisherigen Arbeitstitel "Aeroliner" wird Trinity, benannt nach der heiligen Dreifaltigkeit.
"Das Auto steht für die nächste Generation der Elektromobilität", sagte Brandstätter. "Der Trinity soll für die Marke Volkswagen Innovationsführer werden." 2026 soll das Fahrzeug im Stammwerk anlaufen. "Wolfsburg wird dann zum Aushängeschild für effiziente Produktion."

Autonomes Fahren nach Level 3

Mit dem neuen Modell wolle VW erstmals die Software, die die konzerneigene Car-Software-Organisation (CSO) gerade entwickelt, in ein Volumenmodell bringen, kündigte Brandstätter an. Das soll dann auch autonomes Fahren nach Level 3 ermöglichen. "Wir wollen zeigen, dass man autonomes Fahren auch in einem Volumenmodell anbieten kann." Zudem plane man ein umfangreiches Angebot an Extras, die nachträglich hinzugebucht werden können und dann over the air freigeschaltet werden.
Erstmals zum Einsatz kommen soll die CSO-Software 2024 bei den Artemis-Modellen von Audi, Porsche und Bentley, die dann in Hannover anlaufen. Im Trinity soll sie dann erstmals bei der Stammmarke VW selbst Einzug halten.
Als Basis für den Trinity soll dabei bereits die nächste Generation der aktuellen MEB-Plattform zum Einsatz kommen, auf der ID.3 und ID.4 stehen. Die geplante Stückzahl soll nach Informationen der Automobilwoche bei rund 300.000 Stück pro Jahr liegen.

Kleiner MEB startet 2025

Der VW-Aufsichtsrat hatte bei seiner Sondersitzung Mitte Dezember beschlossen, auch Wolfsburg zum E-Auto-Standort auszubauen. Der Beschluss war Teil des Kompromisspakets, mit dem der Machtkampf zwischen Konzernchef Herbert Diess und dem Betriebsratsvorsitzenden Bernd Osterloh beigelegt werden sollte.
Osterloh drängte seit langem darauf, nach Zwickau, Emden und Hannover auch das Stammwerk zum E-Auto-Standort auszubauen. Als Zugeständnis an ihn wurde der eigentlich erst für November 2021 geplante Beschluss nun vorgezogen.
Bereits ein Jahr vor dem Trinity soll bei VW ein kleines Einstiegsmodell unterhalb des ID.3 anlaufen. Das Modell im Polo-Format, das dann ID.1 oder ID.2 heißen könnte, soll preislich unter 25.000 Euro liegen und "Richtung 20.000 Euro" gehen, kündigte Brandstätter an. Starttermin: 2025

Oggi il ceo del marchio Vw Brandstätter ha annunciato due progetti fondamentali per il marchio Vw.
Nel 2025 arriverà la segmento B elettrica con un prezzo di circa 20.000 euro, imho sarà ancora più importante della Id3 che non è per tutti a causa del prezzo.
Nel 2026 arriverà invece un modello da produrre a Wolfsburg con livello di guida autonoma 3, software Vwios e nuova base tecnica (si parla di una nuova piattaforma MEB).
Sfide interessanti.

MessaggioInviato: mer gen 20, 2021 10:10 am 
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Iscritto il: lun mar 13, 2006 8:29 pm
Messaggi: 16886
Quando vw promette l'arrivo di un modello low budget (la citycar da 7mila euro, la segmento B elettrica da 20mila, etc) ormai non ci credo più :D

Toyota RAV4 2.5 Hybrid Lounge - 2019 Immagine
Abarth 595C Turismo - 2016 Immagine
Royal Enfield Interceptor 650 - 2022 Immagine
Saab 9.3 Cabrio 2.0T SE- 1998

MessaggioInviato: mer gen 20, 2021 11:36 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
Tecnicamente non sarà facile per Vw arrivare a 20.000 euro di prezzo base.
Renault vende la Kwid in Cina a partire da 13.000 dollari.
P.s. La ID4 ha un prezzo base in Cina (esclusi incentivi) di 25.000 dollari, ben più economica che da noi.

MessaggioInviato: gio gen 21, 2021 8:46 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
Volkswagen Group faces a fine of more than 100 million euros ($121 million) for missing its 2020 European Union target for CO2 emissions.

VW Group - including the VW, Audi, Porsche, and Skoda brands - cut average CO2 emissions in its new cars sold in the EU last year by about 20 percent to 99.8 grams per km, but that was around 0.5 g/km above its target, VW said in a statement on Thursday.

That implied EU fines amounting to a "very low triple-digit million amount," a VW spokesman said.

"We narrowly missed the fleet target for 2020, thwarted by the COVID-19 pandemic," CEO Herbert Diess said in the statement

Diess said he hoped to meet the target this year as the company's main brands bring out new electric models.

VW Group's core VW brand and Audi met their targets, largely due to the launches of the VW ID3 and Audi e-tron electric models. VW did not mention whether its Porsche, Seat and Skoda brands met their emissions goals. It said the emissions of Bentley and Lamborghini are measured individually and are not included in the group figure of 99.8 g/km.

VW is reducing the combustion-engine cars it offers and retooling more factories to build electric vehicles in an effort to keep up with electric-car maker Tesla.

It has said the EU's more stringent emissions targets will force it to boost the proportion of hybrid and electric vehicles in its European car sales to 60 percent by 2030, up from a previous target of 40 percent.

VW is also pooling its CO2 emissions with electric automakers MG Motor, Aiways, LEVC and Next E.Go Mobile in a pooling arrangement that is allowed by EU regulators.

VW had already warned in third-quarter earnings call on Oct. 29 that it expected EU penalties for failing to achieve its CO2-reduction target.

The automaker expects to have an easier time meeting its 2021 target, thanks to ramped-up production of new full-electric models on the MEB architecture, especially the VW ID4 and Skoda Enyaq compact crossovers.

European policymakers have clamped down on exhaust emissions, forcing automakers to spur development of low-emissions technology or face a penalty of 95 euros per gram of excess CO2 they emit.

VW admitted in 2015 to cheating emissions tests on diesel engines, a scandal which has cost it more than 30 billion euros ($33 billion) in regulatory fines and vehicle refits, mostly in the U.S..

Il gruppo Vw non è riuscito a rientrare nei limiti di emissioni di CO2 per il 2020 in Europa. Lo scostamento è minimo e la multa sarà poco rilevante, circa 100 milioni di euro.
La causa è sicuramente nel ritardo dell’introduzione della ID3 che inizialmente era prevista per giugno ma le consegne sono iniziate solo a settembre.
Il 2021 dovrebbe andare molto meglio perché verranno lanciate come elettriche del gruppo:

1) Vw ID4 e ID4 x
2) Vw Id5
3) Audi Etron GT
4) Audi Q4 e Q4 sportback
5) Cupra El Born
6) Skoda Enyaq ed Enyaq coupè
7) Porsche Taycan gran turismo.

Diversi di questi modelli dovrebbero raggiungere volumi elevati.

MessaggioInviato: gio gen 21, 2021 9:12 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven gen 11, 2019 2:47 pm
Messaggi: 6161
Località: Bologna
Beh alla fine sta andando di lusso, le stime delle sanzioni erano tragiche. ... es/CO2.pdf

MessaggioInviato: ven gen 22, 2021 6:35 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
German carmaker will accelerate its electric push in 2021
Coronavirus continues to weigh on industry’s prospects


In this article
Volkswagen AG said a robust sales recovery toward the end of the year helped cushion annual results from the effects of the pandemic.

Operating profit before one-time items related to VW’s diesel-emissions scandal fell to about 10 billion euros ($12.2 billion) last year, VW said in a statement, from 19.3 billion euros in 2019. Automotive net cash flow shrunk by almost half to about 6 billion euros.

How VW Held Up
Earnings and cash flow took a hit from the pandemic

Source: Company statements
Note: 2020 figures are approximate
Robust demand in China, VW’s largest market, helped the German manufacturer rebound from the coronavirus outbreak that sparked the most widespread shutdown of global car production since World War II. Although global vehicle deliveries fell 15% to 9.3 million, VW emerged with a small gain in market share as some peers took a bigger hit.

The namesake VW brand broke even last year, with the group’s premium-car units helping to bolster earnings, a spokesman said by phone. The company said last month it plans to hammer out a deal with unions by the end of the first quarter to reduce fixed costs 5% by 2023. Material costs are to be lowered 7% in the next two years.

‘Transition Year’

VW shares reversed earlier losses, rising more than 4% in Frankfurt trading to their highest in a year. The automaker will report detailed full-year earnings and provide guidance for 2021 at the end of next month. Its truck unit Traton SE said separately Friday that unit sales and revenue improved in the last three months of the year from the third quarter.

“Although VW had already disclosed a strong year-end in pre-close calls with analysts, the magnitude of the beat is welcome and supportive of upcoming full-year results across the industry,” Jefferies analyst Philippe Houchois said in a note to clients. The positive surprise might include benefits from derivative accounting, he said.

VW said in November it expects a “transition year” as the pandemic continues to weigh on operations and warned it might not return to pre-crisis financial planning before 2022. The first weeks have already proven challenging for the industry, with a global shortage of semiconductors disrupting manufacturing at VW and several peers. Coronavirus restrictions in key markets including the U.K., Germany and France also continue to weigh on demand.

Chief Executive Officer Herbert Diess is making an aggressive push into electric cars to challenge Tesla Inc., which became the world’s most valuable auto manufacturer by far last year. The namesake VW brand will roll out the ID.4 compact sport-utility vehicle, and the group’s Porsche and Audi luxury brands will expand offerings of their Taycan and e-tron model lines.

“We argue that in 2021, VW will rival Tesla as the No. 1 seller of battery-electric vehicles globally,” Timm Schulze-Melander, an auto-industry specialist at Redburn, said in a note Friday. He estimates the group will ship as many as 800,000 fully electric cars to customers, up from 231,000 last year. Tesla narrowly missed its target of 500,000 global deliveries in 2020.

Vw ha annunciato uno spettacolare ultimo trimestre 2020 con profitti pari a 6,8 miliardi di euro. Probabilmente ci sono effetti straordinari perché Vw normalmente raggiunge al massimo 4,5 miliardi di euro al trimestre.
Alcuni analisti sperano in una ripresa più rapida delle attese nonostante i continui lockdown.

MessaggioInviato: sab gen 23, 2021 9:14 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
2 notizie importanti da Wolfsburg

1) il ceo di Audi Dusemann ha chiaramente detto internamente la piattaforma MLB è morta. Darà l’erede della A4 nel 2023 poi basta. Il manager renano è convinto che lo spostamento verso le elettriche sarà molto più rapido delle attese, entro il 2030 il 60% delle Audi sarà elettrica.
La A1 verrà sicuramente cancellata, la Q2 se sopravviverà sarà elettrica.

2) il marchio Vw ha fornito qualche dettaglio sul progetto Trinity. ... trica.html
I tedeschi puntano in alto con un livello di guida assistita 2+ espandibile fino al 4 (ove permesso), produzione in 10 ore (a Wolfsburg, se domani), nonchè forse nuove batterie quantum scape. Vedremo.

MessaggioInviato: mar feb 02, 2021 10:25 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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VW will roll out the ID4 crossover under its namesake brand in 2021 and add more versions of the Audi e-tron and Porsche Taycan models. The two luxury brands generate the biggest chunk of profits for the German industrial giant.

Diess said last month during a U.S. investor roadshow hosted by UBS Group that VW expects to sell about 600,000 purely battery-powered cars this year, with the ID4 accounting for 150,000 cars. He emphasized though that VW will seek to protect margins while boosting sales volumes.

Diess ha rivelato i target di vendita dei veicoli elettrici nel 2021 per il gruppo Vw: 600.000, non proprio bruscolini. 150.000 saranno ID4 per cui la domanda sembra molto robusta. Persino negli States c’è un ottimo riscontro di pubblico ma per 1 anno circa le ID4 proverranno dalla Germania, la produzione in Tennesee inizierà nel 2022.
La domanda per la Id3 è su buoni livelli, il target è di 150.000 (quasi esclusivamente europeo, la produzione in Dina inizierà solo nel terzo trimestre 2021).
Anche gli ordini per la Enyaq sono buoni.
Il modello che sorpassa le aspettative più di tutti è la Taycan, potrebbero venderne 40.000 l’anno. L’auto tra l’altro non è affatto esente da critiche.

MessaggioInviato: dom feb 07, 2021 9:51 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325 ... 91180.html

Secondo il ceo di Porsche il 50% della produzione della casa sarà elettrico nel 2025, percentuale che salirà all’80% nel 2030. In pratica solo la 911 resterà con motore a combustione.
E voi che pensate ad una nuova Giulia con motore a combustione.... :briaco

MessaggioInviato: mer feb 10, 2021 6:08 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
The future of the Audi A1 is in doubt, due to the costs of electrifying small cars relative to the list prices that they can command, Audi boss Markus Duesmann has revealed.

Speaking to jounalists prior to the unveiling of the E-tron GT, Duesmann made it clear that a successor to today’s premium supermini – now in its second generation and sharing its platform with the Seat Ibiza, Skoda Fabia and Volkswagen Polo – is looking unlikely.

He said: “We do discuss what we do with the small segments. In the A1 segment, we have some other brands [in the Volkswagen Group] who are active there and very successful, with very high production, so we do question the A1 at the moment.”

“We will certainly offer Q2s [small SUVs] and the like,” he continued. “That might be the new entry level for us; we might not do anything smaller.”

The future of small cars has come under sharp focus in recent years. Profit margins have become extremely slim as manufacturers battle to meet stricter legislative and safety requirements, reduce emissions and offer a greater array of technology yet still sell at a palatable price to a market now more interested in SUVs.

The cost of electrifying small cars is proving an even tougher problem, although Volkswagen brand CEO Ralf Brandstätter has said that he’s committed to producing an electric ‘people’s car’ with a starting price below £18,000 as part of the ID range.

Despite this difficulty, Audi’s forward-thinking Artemis division is understood to be working on an electric successor to the 1999 A2 supermini, based on the AI:ME concept shown two years ago.

When asked if this will be a direct rebirth, Duesmann said: “Maybe not exactly with that design, but I like the A2. Certainly we discuss the A2 segment as well. So it might be an A2 or an ‘E2’, or an A3 or an ‘E3’. We’re at the moment discussing that.”

Duesmann also discussed Audi reducing its regular ICE model range to prevent overlap with the influx of EVs.

“We have to cut back,” he said. “As we look at Q4 E-tron [SUV], we have a model where we have similar combustion-engine-powered models, and certainly we don’t want to have the same portfolio electrically.

“We make purpose-built electric cars because we can offer more functionality [that way], so we will certainly cut back our combustion portfolio in the next 10 years. We have to and we will.

“As we have so many synergies in the Volkswagen Group, maybe we can have a few more models than others.”

Dusemann conferma che la A1 non avrà eredi, la Q2 invece sì ma probabilmente sarà elettrica. Audi sta anche pensando di resuscitare la A2, non la troverei una cattiva idea. Sono di parte perché la mia prima auto fu una A2 1.6 TSI.

MessaggioInviato: gio feb 18, 2021 6:18 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
Options being explored could boost valuation and bring in cash
Listing may take place next year; VW would keep majority stake
Volkswagen AG is considering a separate listing of its Porsche sports-car unit in a deal that could boost its valuation and bring in a significant amount of cash, according to people familiar with the matter.

The world’s second-largest carmaker is speaking with advisers to study the merits of a potential initial public offering or spinoff of Porsche, the people said, asking not to be identified discussing confidential information. VW could use any proceeds from a listing for acquisitions or technology investments, according to the people.

Chief Executive Officer Herbert Diess sounded the alarm in an interview with Bloomberg News last month about how Tesla Inc. and other electric-vehicle companies are cashing in on market optimism about their growth prospects. Investors have taken a dimmer view of VW and other incumbents, who will need to spend tens of billions to develop EVs while restructuring operations that revolve around combustion engines.

VW’s preferred shares rose as much as 6% in Frankfurt trading. At about $757 billion, Tesla’s market value is roughly seven times higher than VW’s 90 billion euros ($109 billion).

“A Volkswagen IPO of its Porsche brand would be a bold solution to generating much-needed shareholder value,” Michael Dean, a Bloomberg Intelligence analyst, said in a note. Porsche’s plan to be almost all-electric by 2030, with the exception of the 911 model, could “attract Tesla-like multiples while generating a Ferrari-like Ebitda margin.”

Dean said his analysis indicates that Porsche has a value of 110 billion euros, more than its parent.

Listing Timetable

A Porsche listing could take place next year, though no firm timetable has been decided, the people said. VW plans to keep a majority stake if it pursues an IPO of the business, according to the people.

Deliberations are ongoing, and there’s no certainty they will lead to a transaction, the people said. A representative for VW declined to comment. Manager Magazin reported earlier Thursday that VW is weighing a listing of Porsche, citing unidentified people.

VW so far has little to show for the asset review it started in 2016, in the wake of its diesel-emissions scandal, to explore options for niche brands and non-core operations. The company pushed through a downsized IPO of its trucks unit Traton SE in 2019 after internal wrangling almost derailed the project.

Labor leaders and the Porsche and Piech families who own VW resisted efforts in 2017 to sell Ducati in 2017, and similar opposition emerged late last year when reports speculated the company might offload the motorcycle unit. While VW folded Ducati, Lamborghini and Italdesign into a structure that made it somewhat easier to make ownership changes, the company announced a month later that it would keep them.

Valuation Frustration

Valuation has been a vexing issue for Diess, 62, who set a goal in 2019 to make VW worth 200 billion euros. The Wolfsburg, Germany-based company has ample cash to afford a massive budget to develop EVs and invest in the software the CEO sees as critical to the industry’s future.

VW already has placed bets on promising startups including battery companies NorthVolt AB and QuantumScape Corp. It also invested $2.6 billion in Argo AI, Ford Motor Co.’s autonomous-car development partner, in 2019.

After Diess agitated late last year for a more comprehensive overhaul of VW and clashed with key stakeholders, the supervisory board defused the conflict by throwing its full support behind the CEO and naming several of his allies to key management posts. The company said it intended to hammer out a plan with unions by the end of this quarter to reduce fixed costs 5% by 2023 and lower material costs by 7% in the next two years.

Dramatic History

A Porsche listing or IPO would partially reverse an acquisition concluded in 2012, when Volkswagen bought the remaining 50.1% stake in Porsche’s automotive business for 4.46 billion euros. That step ended a seven-year takeover saga that divided two of the most powerful families in Germany.

The two brands are historically linked through Ferdinand Porsche, the creator of the original VW Beetle. His descendants, who controlled the sports-car maker, racked up more than 10 billion euros of debt in an unsuccessful attempt to take over Europe’s largest carmaker.

The two companies agreed to combine in 2009. The deal made the Porsche-Piech clan, which included the late former VW CEO Ferdinand Piech, Volkswagen’s largest shareholders.

The operating Porsche unit for which VW is considering a listing or IPO is separate from Porsche Automobile Holding SE, a holding company that has 53.3% of VW’s ordinary shares.

Per la 100 milionesima volta ricompaiono indiscrezioni su una possibilità quotazione parziale di Porsche. Sicuramente potrebbe portare diversi miliardi di euro, si parla di una valutazione globale pari a 100 miliardi.
Vw non è nota per le scelte coraggiose (a parte la scommessa sulle elettriche).

MessaggioInviato: lun feb 22, 2021 5:31 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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BARCELONA -- Volkswagen Group's Spanish unit, Seat, called on the Spanish government to promote local battery production for electric cars, which the automaker could potentially start manufacturing in Spain in 2025.

Seat is in "advanced conversations" with the government on whether to start producing a small electric vehicle at its Martorell plant near Barcelona, Chairman Wayne Griffiths told a news briefing on Monday, adding that an announcement should be expected in the coming weeks.

After deeming it "essential" to have a battery factory in Spain, Griffiths also said it would help if batteries were assembled close to the plant.

Reuters reported last week that Spain is considering converting Nissan's main car plant in Barcelona, which is due to close in December, into a battery production facility for electric cars.

"The Spanish government cannot miss the train of electrification," Griffiths said, stressing that Spain, as Europe's second-largest car manufacturer, needs to take the lead in promoting production, demand and charging infrastructure for electric cars.

Griffiths said Spain's 140 billion euro ($169.89 billion) share of the EU's COVID-19 pandemic aid should also be used for that goal, arguing it would create new jobs in the country with one of Western Europe's highest unemployment rates.

Along with other significant Spanish companies, Seat has expressed interest in receiving EU funds to promote the auto sector's electric transformation, a company spokesman said.

Drivers reveal exactly how fast they want EVs to charge – and these cars are setting the pace
It comes as no surprise that the biggest setback for electric cars has been range anxiety and the 'inconvenience' of charging them.
Regarding the industry's global supply shortage of semiconductor chips, Griffiths said Seat would lose some production volume in the first half of the year which will need to be recovered in the second half.

But he expected a "much better year" than 2020, forecasting a strong second half in sales - including for its associated brand Cupra high-performance brand - once the pandemic eases.

A breve Seat potrebbe annunciare incentivi da parte dello stato spagnola per la produzione di auto elettriche al di sotto dei 20.000 euro.

MessaggioInviato: lun feb 22, 2021 9:52 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17325
Il ceo di Porsche, che controlla il management di Bugatti, ha dichiarato che verrà presentata una soluzione per la casa francese entro la prima metà del 2021.
Si è parlato mesi fa di una possibile cessione a Rimac.

MessaggioInviato: mar feb 23, 2021 11:55 pm 
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Iscritto il: lun lug 24, 2006 7:51 pm
Messaggi: 7419
Località: Milano
Nuovi stop per la produzione della Golf. Per le prime 2 settimane di marzo i lunedì e i venerdì la produzione di ferma. Mancano le centraline bosch e le batterie (grossi impatti nelle plugin) anche a causa del successo della id3.
Inizio davvero a pensare che la Golf a sto giro sia stata sacrificata in nome della ID3. bachi software dopo un anno nei risolti, ritardi di produzione.

Seat Leon 1.4 E-Hybrid Phev 204 cv

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