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MessaggioInviato: gio apr 04, 2019 1:10 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Tra l’altro hanno sequestrato smartphone e passaporto alla moglie che non è indagata. Il carico di accuse è pesante, ma tutte le richieste (folli) fatte da Ghosn sono state controfirmate. Lo stesso accusatore Saikawa ha firmato molti contratti riguardanti le richieste fatte da Ghosn dopo la fine del contratto.

MessaggioInviato: sab apr 06, 2019 8:50 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Soon after Carlos Ghosn was taken into custody last fall, kicking off a bizarre legal odyssey that’s transfixed the automotive world, some wondered whether the financial crimes he’d been accused of were serious enough to warrant the shocking arrest of Nissan Motor Co.’s fabled chairman.

Turns out that was just the opening act. The initial arrest last November -- over what some viewed as a relatively minor charge of understating compensation -- was a tactical move to buy time to analyze money flowing to and from Oman, according to people familiar with the matter. Additional charges followed. Nissan executives have since been cooperating with Tokyo prosecutors and received plea agreements in at least two instances, according to the people, who asked not to be named discussing private matters.

The ousted auto titan is now facing far more serious charges that he enriched himself via a web of complex financial transactions involving business partners in Oman and Saudi Arabia, as well as in his ancestral home of Lebanon, where he’s still lionized as a visionary.

With prosecutors confident they could make a case, they arrested Ghosn again on April 4, just weeks after he’d been released on bail. A Tokyo court on Friday approved his detention through April 14. In the latest allegation, Ghosn is accused of siphoning off $5 million out of a total $15 million in funds that Nissan sent to an overseas distributor between 2015 and 2018, according to Japanese prosecutors. That figure excludes more than $15 million that Nissan found Ghosn to have sent there in prior years, according to people familiar with the matter.

Representatives for the Japanese prosecutors’ office and Nissan declined to comment beyond what they’ve said publicly.
While Japanese authorities didn’t disclose the name of the distributor, an investigation by Renault SA and Nissan has found payments made under Ghosn that allegedly went to Suhail Bahwan Automobiles LLC, Nissan’s exclusive distributor in the sultanate, according to people familiar with the matter. Some of those transfers may have gone toward things like a yacht and a startup run by Ghosn’s son, according to their findings.
“The new charges are more substantive and serious,” said Stephen Givens, a professor of law at Sophia University in Tokyo. “Things could change for Ghosn’s prospects if it turns out he was actually embezzling Nissan’s money.”
Defiant Ghosn
For his part, Ghosn continues to deny all charges of financial wrongdoing. In a statement, he said his latest arrest was “outrageous and arbitrary” and that he “will not be broken.” And in a French television interview just before his detainment, the former Renault CEO, who’s a French citizen, called on President Emmanuel Macron’s government to “defend me and preserve my rights.”
Ghosn rose to the top of the auto industry thanks to his turnaround of Nissan, which was almost given up for dead under the weight of heavy losses in the early 2000s. He built one of the industry’s biggest car alliances, which includes Renault and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. Until last year, he was a Davos Man business celebrity admired for his knowledge of five languages, cosmopolitan upbringing in Lebanon and Brazil, and gold-plated business connections.

Emmanuel Macron with Carlos Ghosn in Maubeuge, France, on Nov. 8, 2018.Photographer: Ludovic Marin/AFP via Getty Images
In Lebanon, where Ghosn has investments in real estate and vineyards, he’s viewed as something of a national hero and managerial wunderkind. “He is looked upon as an icon and an ideal of proper management, so what is being reported is surprising to many,” said Yusuf Sidani, a professor of ethics and leadership at the American University of Beirut’s Suliman S. Olayan School of Business.
Ghosn still has plenty of defenders in the country, where his image has graced national postal stamps. “It’s a conspiracy and I felt that they wanted someone else to replace him,” said Racha Nassif, an administrator at a private school. “I’m very proud of him still.”
In his upcoming Japanese trial, Ghosn’s past triumphs will mean little as prosecutors bring forth evidence detailing his business dealings with two prominent Middle East business partners: Khaled Juffali, the scion of a powerful business family and chairman of one of Saudi Arabia’s biggest conglomerates; and Omani billionaire Suhail Bahwan, who controls Nissan’s sole distributorship in the sultanate.
Personal relationships between multinationals and business tycoons are not unusual in the Middle East, where facilitators can be key to navigating local customs and regulations. “Business in the Middle East is highly personalized, and in the Gulf in particular there are business families whose success is tied to their ability to attract outside business,” said Gary Grappo, a former U.S. ambassador to Oman and current distinguished fellow at the University of Denver’s Center for Middle East Studies. “It’s a small group of families whose business interests tend to go back decades,” he said.
But Japanese prosecutors have charged Ghosn with abusing those relationships by committing aggravated breach of trust -- legal jargon for abusing one’s corporate position for personal gain under Japan’s Companies Act.
In the case of Juffali, prosecutors alleged in December that Ghosn improperly shifted personal investment losses to the Japanese automaker. A key issue is a derivatives transaction that a company linked to Ghosn made with a Japanese bank. It unraveled when the yen soared during the 2008 financial crisis, saddling Ghosn with $16.7 million in unrealized losses, and prompted the lender to demand more collateral.
Saudi Connection
Prosecutors allege that Ghosn first transferred his position to Nissan and later shifted the investment back onto the books of his affiliated company, with Juffali providing a letter of credit to satisfy the bank. Prosecutors are also scrutinizing $14.7 million in payments Nissan made to companies controlled by Juffali.
Both Ghosn and Juffali, who hasn’t been charged with any crime, deny any wrongdoing. “The $14.7 million in payments over four years from Nissan Motor Co. were for legitimate business purposes in order to support and promote Nissan’s business strategy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and included reimbursement for business expenses,” according to a statement issued in January on behalf of Khaled Juffali Co. by its New York-based public relations firm.

A vehicle believed to be carrying Carlos Ghosn leaves the Tokyo Public Prosecutors Office on April 4.Photographer: Shoko Takayasu/Bloomberg
Juffali played a key role in settling a dealership dispute with a local partner that had depressed Nissan’s Middle East sales, and helped get government approval for a joint venture called Nissan Saudi Arabia, according to the statement. He also helped Nissan get approval and funding for a new plant in Saudi Arabia, it said.
The Juffali family is one of the most powerful in the region and are direct descendants of Khalid ibn al-Walid, whose Meccan tribe played a pivotal role in the early history of the country.
Founded in 1946, E. A. Juffali & Brothers has evolved into one the kingdom’s most prosperous businesses by teaming up with international partners including International Business Machines Corp., Massey Ferguson Corp., Siemens AG, Robert Bosch GmbH and Michelin, according to its website. Ghosn and Juffali have known each other for years.
In Oman, Suhail Bahwan Automobiles, which is Bahwan International Group Holding’s flagship company, has been Nissan’s distributor since 2004. A year later, the partnership paved the way for the opening of what was then Nissan’s largest showroom in the world.
The local business magnate is a household name in Oman, and his holding company’s website markets itself as a distributor of more than 20 international brands. “The Bahwan family is quite well known in Oman. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone there who does not know the name,” said Grappo, who served as U.S. ambassador in the country from 2006 to 2009.
Renault has said it’s uncovered suspicious payments to companies in the Middle East. The transactions to Oman and Lebanon may have then been used for the personal benefit of Ghosn and his family, according to people familiar with the matter, who asked not be be named because the details aren’t public.
A Paris-based spokeswoman for the Ghosn family denied any wrongdoing by Ghosn and said reports on Oman payments, use of the airplanes and the startup are part of a smear campaign to make the former executive look greedy. A spokesman for Suhail Bahwan Automobiles couldn’t be reached for comment.
Such questionable payments would raise eyebrows even in the Middle East, despite its reputation for opaque transactions. “I am not aware of any cultural understanding that says under the table dealing or kickbacks are acceptable,” said Sidani, who author of book published in 2018 called “Business Ethics in the Middle East.”
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As Nissan investors prepare for a April 8 extraordinary shareholder meeting to formally kick Ghosn off the company’s board, several unsettling questions hang over the automaker. What is Ghosn’s legal exposure in France, where prosecutors have been given evidence about the suspicious payments in the Middle East, not to mention possible financial misconduct tied to the executive’s Marie Antoinette-themed wedding celebration at the Chateau de Versailles?

Hiroto Saikawa on Feb. 12.Photographer: Kiyoshi Ota/Bloomberg
If it turns out that Ghosn did use Nissan’s business partners in the Middle East to move millions of dollars for personal use, how did this bypass the company’s financial controls and attention of top executives in the region and back at headquarters? How long will former Ghosn protege and current Nissan CEO, Hiroto Saikawa, run the company?
“There must be strong evidence that they had to take him in again,” Koji Endo, a senior analyst at SBI Securities, said of Ghosn. “It will take an immense length of times for this case to settle with his re-arrest and all the problems convoluted.”
The answers, should they come, seem likely to found in the desert sands of the Arabian Peninsula.

Il groviglio giudiziario del caso Ghosn sta diventando sempre più complesso.
La corte di Tokyo ha confermato il nuovo arresto per 10 giorni che potrebbe essere rinnovato per altre 3 volte. Secondo un giurista giapponese intervistato da Bloomberg è estremamente inusuale essere riarrestati in Giappone, le nuove accuse dovrebbero essere quindi molto fondate. Anche Renault ha confermato movimenti finanziari sospetti volti a favorire questo importatore in Oman. Bisogna comunque sottolineare che gli accordi tra case internazionali e importatori nella penisola arabica sono la strada obbligata per ottenere le varie licenze. Il proprietario della rete dei concessionari Nissan in Arabia Saudita (il quale ha prestato 14 milioni di dollari a Ghosn nel 2008 per estinguere le perdite sui derivati che il manager aveva accollato temporaneamente a Nissan) fa parte della famiglia reale.
Problemi pesanti derivano anche dalla Holding olandese Renault-Nissan che aveva un’opacità mostruosa, milioni di euro passavano tra i vari manager sia di Renault che di Nissan con la sola controfirma di due controllori (uno giapponese ed uno francese).
Questi comportamenti molto sospetti (non mi esprimo sulla criminalità o meno perché non capisco nulla di giustizia) andavano avanti dal 2002 e sono sempre stati non solo avallati ma confermati dai vari organi di controllo sia di Renault che di Nissan.
Stranamente nel 2018 la dirigenza Nissan si sveglia e inizia a condurre una guerra senza prigionieri con Ghosn. Già sappiamo (Ghosn lo avrebbe confermato nella conferenza stampa) che a gennaio 2019 sarebbe stato licenziato Saikawa e che sarebbe stata fatta partire la fusione con Renault, ovviamente secondo le modalità scelta da Parigi.
Aspetto al varco le scelte che farà Senard, il nuovo presidente di Renault. Non possono pregiudicare l’alleanza ma neanche permettere a Saikawa & company di essere così nocivi.
La richiesta di Saikawa di ridurre la quota di Renault in Nissan al 25% e di permettere a Nissan di salire al 25% di Renault è stata duramente respinta.

MessaggioInviato: dom apr 07, 2019 5:22 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10081
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
Tra l’altro hanno sequestrato smartphone e passaporto alla moglie che non è indagata. Il carico di accuse è pesante, ma tutte le richieste (folli) fatte da Ghosn sono state controfirmate. Lo stesso accusatore Saikawa ha firmato molti contratti riguardanti le richieste fatte da Ghosn dopo la fine del contratto.
Dal tuo ultimo aggiornamento pare evidente che nemmeno a Parigi si straccerebbero le vesti in caso di prematura dipartita di Ghosn. Penso che i Galli abbiano fatto un errore di valutazione nel non prendere le difese di Ghosn ai massimi livelli, è evidente che lui sta meditando una strategia alla Sansone con i Filistei.

MessaggioInviato: lun apr 08, 2019 9:59 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Parigi (nei diversi colori, da Sarkozy a Macron passando per Hollande) ha vissuto Ghosn come un grosso ma necessario fastidio. Se lavori per un'azienda statale francese è sottinteso che non puoi sparare richieste salariali esagerate. Ghosn non solo lo faceva ma se non veniva accontentato scuciva più denaro alla Nissan. Eppure non lo hanno mai sfiduciato. Hanno fatto sentire duramente la propria opinione come Sarkozy che obbligò Ghosn a continuare a produrre la Clio (2012) in Francia, oppure quando a sfregio nel 2017 il fondo statale (veicolo della partecipazione pubblica in Renault) votò contro l'aumento di stipendio richiesto da Ghosn. Sono certo che il complotto contro Ghosn è iniziato nel 2015 quando Macron, allora ministro delle finanze, aumentò la partecipazione in Renault dal 15 al 20%. Nel 2017 il board di Renault affiancò a Ghosn Thierry Bollore' come coo e ordinò una nuova struttura azionaria per rendere irreversibile l'alleanza. I giapponesi allora diventarono furibondi. Si è venuto a sapere che nel marzo 2018 il governo Abe informò Ghosn e de Mairie che un cambio dell'alleanza a favore di Renault non sarebbe stato tollerato. Ricordiamoci bene che se Renault volesse fondersi con Nissan dovrebbe prima ottenere il via libera da Tokyo.

La situazione di Ghosn rimane molto difficile, la moglie è praticamente fuggita dal Giappone, scortata dall'ambasciatore francese. Persino Abe ha pubblicamente condannato le modalità di carcerazione utilizzate dai pubblici ministeri. Per la prima volta il Ministero francese degli esteri si è schierato per un trattamento meno brutale.

La conferenza preventivata è stata cancellata ma martedì verrà trasmessa una dichiarazione video di Ghosn.

MessaggioInviato: mar apr 23, 2019 10:12 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Nissan will reject a management integration proposal from French partner Renault and will call for an equal capital relationship, the Nikkei newspaper said on Monday, citing sources.

Nissan's management feels the Japanese company has not been treated as an equal of Renault under existing capital ties, and a merger would make this inequality permanent, the Nikkei said.

Nissan CEO Hiroto Saikawa declined to say whether the company had received such a proposal from Renault.

"Now is not the time to think of such things. At the moment we are focused on improving Nissan's earnings performance. Please give us time to do that."

Renault declined to comment on the report.

Renault has argued in its proposal that an integration would maximize synergies within the French-Japanese alliance, according to the Nikkei.

The outlook for the alliance has been in focus since the arrest in November of its main architect, Carlos Ghosn, for financial misconduct. The former Nissan and Renault chairman has denied the charges against him and has said he was the victim of a boardroom coup by Nissan executives opposed to closer ties.


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Renault saved Nissan from the brink of bankruptcy two decades ago and under their current capital alliance, the French company holds greater control over its much larger partner.

The Financial Times reported last month of Renault's intention to restart merger talks with Nissan within 12 months.

The two companies said in March they would put themselves on more equal footing, breaking up the all-powerful chairmanship previously wielded by Ghosn.

The alliance between Renault and Nissan was first set up in 1999 and was expanded in 2016 to include Mitsubishi Motors.

Separately, Japanese prosecutors indicted Ghosn on Monday on another charge of aggravated breach of trust, the fourth charge against him, which his lawyers met immediately with a bail request.

Ghosn è stato incriminato per un quarto capo d'accusa, tenendolo in carcere non solo lo tengono sotto pressione ma gli impediscono contatti regolari con gli avvocati, de facto rendendo impossibile la preparazione al processo.
Nel frattempo Nissan ha bloccato i tentativi di Renault per una fusione adducendo come scusa il crollo della redditività di Nissan (colpa di Ghosn o di Saikawa?).

MessaggioInviato: mar apr 23, 2019 5:11 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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Daniele Schillaci, Nissan’s executive vice president for global marketing and sales as well as zero-emissions vehicles, is leaving the company, becoming the latest top lieutenant to exit the Japanese automaker following the arrest and ouster of former Chairman Carlos Ghosn.

Schillaci, who joined Nissan in 2015, “has elected to depart the company to pursue an opportunity closer to his native home in Europe,” Nissan announced Tuesday as part of a wider senior management shuffle. He will stay at Nissan until May 15 to help transfer his duties.

His portfolio will be split between Yasuhiro Yamauchi and Asako Hoshino, Nissan said.

Yamauchi, currently Nissan’s chief competitive officer, was appointed to the vacant COO position and will oversee marketing and sales, global electric vehicles and r&d, among other areas.

Hoshino, senior vice president for Japan, is promoted to executive vice president in charge of global marketing and sales as well as electric vehicles, in addition to Japan and global aftersales.

Chief Quality Officer Christian Vandenhende will oversee the management committees for North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East. He will also keep his job as the head of quality and customer satisfaction. The wider job changes take effect May 16.

Schillaci’s move is the latest in a series of departures by non-Japanese executives in the wake of Ghosn’s stunning Nov. 19 arrest for alleged financial misconduct.

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Jose Munoz, Nissan’s former chief performance officer, resigned in January. Last week, Hyundai announced it had hired him as its global COO and the head of its North American business.

Also in January, Roland Krueger, former president of Nissan's luxury Infiniti brand, left the company to take a position heading up Dyson's upstart automotive unit.

Arun Bajaj, the global head of human relations, left in March. Also out the door are former Mitsubishi COO Trevor Mann and former Mitsubishi head of product strategy Vincent Cobee.

They were both sent from Nissan to Mitsubishi after Nissan took a controlling stake in the smaller Japanese carmaker, bringing it into the Renault-Nissan alliance.

CEO Hiroto Saikawa issued a statement thanking Schillaci and wishing him well.

“Daniele has significantly contributed to Nissan in numerous ways,” Saikawa said, “including expanding our EV business, strengthening key markets and especially his work to develop and promote the platform of Nissan Intelligent Mobility, the company’s mid-term vision to deliver more autonomy, more electrification and more connectivity to move people to a better world.”

Saikawa credited Schillaci for shepherding the introduction of Nissan’s popular e-Power range-extender hybrid technology and its ProPilot driving assist system.

Schillaci began his career at Renault in 1993, where he spent seven years. He moved to Fiat in 2001 as head of the company’s Alfa Romeo brand before joining Toyota.

Among other changes announced in the management shuffle, Jose Luis Valls, Nissan’s chairman for North America, was appointed to the Executive Committee overseeing operational decisions.

Continua la purga dei non giapponesi in Nissan, Schillaci è un pezzo grosso e cercherà sicuramente un posto adeguato in Europa.

MessaggioInviato: mer apr 24, 2019 10:06 am 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10081
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
Continua la purga dei non giapponesi in Nissan, Schillaci è un pezzo grosso e cercherà sicuramente un posto adeguato in Europa.
Continua altresì il crollo Nissan in EU ...

MessaggioInviato: mer apr 24, 2019 10:28 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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Non solo in Europa, per il 2019/2020 è previsto un calo degli utili del 45%, la causa principale risiede nel Nord America.

MessaggioInviato: gio apr 25, 2019 3:16 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
TOKYO -- Embattled former Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn has walked free from jail for a second time after a Japanese court approved his release on 500 million-yen ($4.5 million) bail.

Dressed in a dark suit and open-collared white dress shirt, Ghosn left the Tokyo Detention Center shortly before 10:30 p.m. local time on Thursday, hours after the Tokyo District Court made its decision. Television footage of his release showed a determined-looking Ghosn walking calmly into an awaiting Toyota van and being whisked past hordes of awaiting journalists into the darkness.

The court approved his release that morning, and Ghosn posted bail in the early afternoon. But his release was delayed in part by a last-ditch effort by prosecutors to appeal the decision. That appeal was rejected, clearing Ghosn's way to freedom and allowing him to better prepare for the legal battle ahead on charges of financial misconduct during his time at Nissan.

Ghosn, 65, had been in detention since April 4 when he was picked up on new charges of allegedly misappropriating some $5 million from Nissan for personal use.

His 21-day detention followed an earlier 108-day lockup after his initial Nov. 19 arrest. He was released from his first stint in jail on March 6 after paying 1 billion yen ($8.9 million) in bail.

The April 25 release lacked much of the drama of release the month before. At that time, he walked free from the detention center disguised as a workman in a ruse to throw off paparazzi.

During his latest detention, Ghosn lawyer Takashi Takano says Ghosn was subjected to almost 72 hours of questioning in the absences of his lawyers, a practice allowed under Japanese law.

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The questioning came every day until his indictment, including Saturdays and Sundays, sometimes running as late 10 p.m. Ghosn's lawyers advised him to stay silent and answer with pat responses such as, "I don't have anything to say" and "This is waste of time."

Ghosn maintains his innocence in all charges. But the latest accusation escalates the legal jeopardy facing Ghosn as he awaits trial in Tokyo.

The April 22 aggravated breach of trust indictment accuses Ghosn of causing financial damage to Nissan by diverting $5 million to his own pocket. Prosecutors say Ghosn took $2.5 million in July 2017 and $2.5 million in July 2018 by siphoning money through a third company "virtually owned by him."

The funds were first paid by a Nissan subsidiary to a Nissan overseas distributor and then sent to the third company, prosecutors allege.

In their arrest document, prosecutors said Ghosn arranged to have some $15 million transferred from the wholly owned Nissan subsidiary to a bank of an overseas sales representative from December 2015 through July 2018. Ghosn then received a portion of those funds for his personal use through a bank account of the third company.

Prosecutors said $5 million of the transfers was diverted back to Ghosn, and they allege the same amount of financial damage was incurred to Nissan.

Ghosn had already been indicted on three previous charges, two for allegedly misreporting tens of millions of dollars in deferred compensation and a third concerning alleged breach of trust. He faces up to 15 years in prison if found guilty.

In the first two indictments, Ghosn is charged with falsifying company financial filings to hide some $80 million in deferred compensation.

Ghosn's breach of trust charge alleges that he temporarily shifted 1.85 billion yen ($16.5 million) in personal swap contract losses to Nissan and had Nissan pay $14.7 million out of the CEO Reserve to a business associate who allegedly helped Ghosn clear the red ink.

Ghosn, in a statement released after his latest arrest, maintained his innocence and vowed he "would not be broken." He called the latest arrest "outrageous and arbitrary."

In a video message released earlier this month, Ghosn said he was the victim of a boardroom coup instigated by "backstabbing" Nissan executives concerned about his plans to merge Nissan with its French partner Renault, the Japanese company's biggest shareholder.

"This is not about greed. This is not about dictatorship. This is about a plot. This is about conspiracy. This is about backstabbing," Ghosn said in the video, filmed before his April 4 arrest.

"There was first a fear that the next step of the alliance, in terms of convergence and in terms of moving toward a merger, would, in a certain way, threaten some people or eventually threaten the autonomy of Nissan," he said. "I'm talking about people who really played a very dirty game."

The latest indictment focuses on results of an internal Nissan investigation that found Ghosn approved payments of around $35 million from Nissan to a distributor in Oman from 2011 to 2018. The disbursements went to Suhail Bahwan Automobiles, which is run by billionaire Suhail Bahwan, a friend of Ghosn's, according to someone familiar with the matter. The company distributes Nissan vehicles in the region.

Nissan's probe found some evidence suggesting Suhail Bahwan Automobiles may have supported Ghosn's purchase of a yacht and helped finance a company owned by Ghosn's son.

Japanese media reports said that Ghosn paid Suhail Bahwan Automobiles out of his CEO Reserve, a special fund for ad hoc expenses. The disbursements were marked as marketing expenses, but prosecutors suspect they were channeled into personal use for such things as the purchase of a yacht and a 3 billion yen ($26.8 million) personal loan to Ghosn.

Renault has also reportedly alerted French prosecutors after uncovering suspect payments to a Renault-Nissan business partner in Oman while Ghosn was CEO of the French automaker.

Ghosn è stato rilasciato su cauzione, gli hanno pelato altri 6 milioni di dollari

MessaggioInviato: ven apr 26, 2019 12:14 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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In this article
Barely three months into his tenure, Renault SA Chairman Jean-Dominique Senard plans to propose merging the French carmaker with alliance partner Nissan Motor Co. under a holding-company framework, according to people familiar with the matter.

Each company would own about a 50 percent stake in the holding company and have equal board representation, one of the people said, asking not to be named discussing confidential deliberations. The entity would be headquartered outside France or Japan, possibly in Singapore, the person said.

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Source: Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance
The aim of the structure is to cement the alliance and secure cost savings amid a sector downturn, the person said. The proposal is one of several being discussed, and Renault is seeking a plan that Nissan would support, the person said.

“What we always said, and we still say the exact same thing, is that what we want is the alliance to be irreversible,” Renault Chief Financial Officer Clotilde Delbos said Friday on the company’s first quarter conference call when asked about its plans. “This is what we are pursuing collectively with Nissan.”

Nikkei reported on the plans earlier Friday. Representatives for Nissan and Renault declined to comment on the holding-company proposal.

Roughly equal ownership would potentially address concerns raised by Nissan, which resisted an effort by former Chairman Carlos Ghosn to permanently unite the two carmakers. Renault owns 43 percent of Nissan, while the Japanese carmaker owns only 15 percent of its partner of two decades, and has no voting power.

Nissan, Renault and Mitsubishi Motors Heads Hold News Conference as Ghosn Seeks to Regain Clout
Jean-Dominique Senard and Hiroto SaikawaPhotographer: Akio Kon/Bloomberg
However, Nissan Chief Executive Officer Hiroto Saikawa rejected a request earlier this month by Senard to reconsider a merger, people familiar with the matter have said. Saikawa opposed the overture, saying the priority should be rebuilding Nissan, the people said.

Both companies are struggling. Nissan this week said it will miss its annual profit goal, and Renault on Friday reported a drop in first-quarter sales. Automakers have been contending with a decline in China, the world’s biggest market, and a broader slowdown elsewhere, while a shift toward electrification is placing huge demands on investment capital.

Renault’s operations are focused mostly in Europe, while Nissan is bigger in the U.S. and China. Mitsubishi Motors Corp. is the third partner in the alliance that was dominated by Ghosn over two decades. The 65-year-old former car titan was released from jail a second time this week in Japan, where he faces charges of funneling millions of dollars from Nissan through an intermediary for his own purposes.

Ghosn has denied the allegations, and accused unnamed Nissan executives of plotting against him to thwart plans to merge Nissan with Renault, whose most powerful shareholder is the French government.

Ghosn’s Legal Odyssey and What It Says About Japan: QuickTake

Separately on Friday, Yomiuri reported that Renault will block Saikawa’s reappointment as Nissan CEO if he doesn’t go along with plans to merge the two companies. The Financial Times reported separately that the Nissan CEO had refused a meeting with a banker hired by Renault. That was followed by a call from a Japanese trade ministry official who told the banker a merger wouldn’t work, the newspaper said.

“We need the alliance, and we need it because it provides us with a huge strength in a period where the automotive industry is really in turbulence, whether from the market, the technology change, et cetera,” said Renault’s Delbos. “That has not changed.”

Il tristissimo destino di Ghosn non sembra aver raffreddato i bollori dei francesi per una fusione tra Renault e Nissan. Senard ha proposto la costituzione di una nuova Holding con sede a Singapore e quote paritetiche. Si stanno muovendo anche per far fuori Saikawa, alla buon’ora direi.

MessaggioInviato: sab mag 04, 2019 9:30 am 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10081
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
Continua la purga dei non giapponesi in Nissan, Schillaci è un pezzo grosso e cercherà sicuramente un posto adeguato in Europa.
Avevi ragione... assunto in Brembo.

MessaggioInviato: sab mag 04, 2019 10:05 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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Poteva aspirare a meglio. C'erano contatti con BMW

MessaggioInviato: sab mag 04, 2019 10:29 am 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10081
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
Poteva aspirare a meglio. C'erano contatti con BMW
Forse c’erano dei patti di non concorrenza per cui l’impiego presso un automaker puro non era conseguibile nell’immediato.

MessaggioInviato: sab mag 04, 2019 10:33 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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Possibile, nel mondo automotive Schillaci è un nome importante. Trovo triste che Nissan stia purgando tutti gli elementi non giapponesi che hanno rilanciato la compagnia. Non ritengo che Renault possa tollerare ancora questo atteggiamento palesemente idiota.

MessaggioInviato: sab mag 04, 2019 12:13 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10081
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
Possibile, nel mondo automotive Schillaci è un nome importante. Trovo triste che Nissan stia purgando tutti gli elementi non giapponesi che hanno rilanciato la compagnia. Non ritengo che Renault possa tollerare ancora questo atteggiamento palesemente idiota.
Forse Parigi aspetta che i samurai vadano a sbattere per ben benino. Le vendite sono dati oggettivi, se continuano a franare non potranno avanzare pretese. Quanto a Schillaci, consideriamo anche l’ipotesi che abbia preferito optare per un incarico più tranquillo. Penso che la vicenda personale di Ghosn abbia lasciato e lascerà più conseguenze di quanto non traspaia dai media del settore. Oggi è il turno di Ghosn, domani a chi toccherà? Lavorando per un componentista chiave sei comunque a contatto con tutti i principali automaker e nel contempo sei più protetto (dubito che Brembo si comporti come Takata). Magari tra qualche anno si schiarisce l’orizzonte e si rimette in pista, oppure a 54 anni ha deciso di dare priorità ad altri aspetti della vita e vuole rimanere lì. Pur senza poter fare nemmeno il più lontano tentativo di paragone, essendo coetaneo posso ipotizzare che avendo già sistemato la propria posizione economica voglia godere ciò che gli rimane della vita.

P.S. comunque, molto prosaicamente, beneficiare della base imponibile ridotta del 70-50% per i prossimi 10 anni non è elemento di secondaria valutazione, a quei livelli :ridi

MessaggioInviato: sab mag 04, 2019 12:43 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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I dirigenti di Takata hanno coperto per anni difetti dei propri airbag portando a miliardi di perdite e centinaia di morti. Stranamente nessun dirigente è stato sbattuto in galera. La situazione di Nissan è piuttosto caotica, la redditività è crollata e Saikawa sta pensando solo come rintuzzare Renault. Non proprio i migliori requisiti.

MessaggioInviato: mer mag 15, 2019 3:12 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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Jean-Dominique Senard, who replaced Ghosn as Renault chairman in January, sees Nissan boss Hiroto Saikawa as an obstacle to progress, several people told Reuters.

Pressure for a tie-up — which Saikawa has refused to discuss — will only intensify after Nissan revealed on Tuesday that its operating profit plunged 45 percent in the last fiscal year and will likely drop another 28 percent to “rock bottom” in the current one.

“Renault will continue to push for talks citing performance as the impetus,” an executive close to Saikawa said after the results presentation. “They’ve already started again today.”

These issues may come to a head at a preliminary meeting of Nissan directors being held as soon as Wednesday, to prepare for a full session on May 20, three sources said.

Renault spokesman Frederic Texier and his Nissan counterpart Nick Maxfield both declined to comment.

Ghosn’s November arrest in Japan and immediate ouster by Nissan strained the partnership, as Renault resisted a full investigation of alliance finances and kept its absent leader in office as chairman and CEO for two more months.

Ghosn, who denies any wrongdoing, is awaiting trial in Tokyo on charges of financial misconduct and allegedly enriching himself at Nissan’s expense.


After Ghosn’s eventual Renault exit, Senard succeeded in easing tensions with Nissan, securing a seat on its board and instituting a new alliance oversight committee under his chairmanship.

But tensions resurfaced last month after a Renault-backed tie-up plan was leaked to the Japanese press.

The proposal, confirmed by Renault sources, would place both carmakers under a new Paris- and Tokyo-listed holding company and effectively liquidate their cross-shareholdings, which are chronically undervalued by the market.

Renault owns 43.4 percent of Nissan, whose reciprocal 15 percent Renault holding carries no votes. But Renault’s control of Nissan is curtailed by a 2015 shareholder pact struck in response to French government moves to increase the voting rights on its own 15 percent Renault stake.

Driven by a U.S. sales collapse, Nissan’s sharp profit decline and resulting dividend cut will wipe 130 million euros ($146 million) off Renault’s 2019 earnings, Citi predicts.

Saikawa on Tuesday blamed the earnings wipeout on “the negative legacy of our old leader” and publicly restated his long-held aversion to a tie-up of the kind proposed by Senard.

“I’m very aware that his view on this matter differs from mine,” Saikawa said. The timing of his succession as Nissan CEO was “a matter I need to decide”, he added.


Whether Saikawa gets to make that call may depend on his own board, whose upcoming meeting will be a first test of his support following the dire financial disclosures.

Renault has backed off demands for immediate deal discussions but has no intention of dropping the subject definitively, people on both sides of the alliance say.

The French carmaker now privately argues that moving things forward may require “turning the page on the Saikawa era”, sources close to the Renault leadership said.

Renault also wants to seat its CEO Thierry Bollore on the next Nissan board - a move seen at Nissan headquarters as provocative in light of his former role as Ghosn’s lieutenant and more recent resistance to an alliance audit.

“Pushing him hard is bound to cause difficulties,” the senior Nissan executive said.

Some investors have been waiting years for a Renault-Nissan tie-up or break-up - either of which could unlock the value of the cross-shareholdings.

In a February note, brokerage Evercore ISI estimated the undervaluation of Renault’s Nissan stake at 40 percent, arguing for a partial sale of the holdings.

While Nissan decries the deal proposal as a distraction from necessary restructuring, Renault portrays it as an essential step toward an alliance recovery - delivering faster decision-making as well as an immediate stock-market boost.

“We’re currently in a rather weakened version of an alliance,” a source close to Senard told Reuters. “The only people who can take pleasure in this situation are our competitors. A deeper evolution is necessary.”

While exasperated with Nissan’s refusal even to discuss a merger, the Renault chairman is confident the issue cannot be avoided for long, the same person said.

“Creating value should be the main preoccupation of any self-respecting board, if only as a matter of fiduciary duty,” he added. “No company can refuse to consider its options.”

But the French carmaker’s impatience could also backfire again, by helping Saikawa to shore up board support, according to an executive close to Nissan’s senior leadership.

“If Renault weren’t pushing this quite so hard, ironically people would be looking at him a lot more critically,” he said

I rapporti tra Renault e Nissan non stanno migliorando per niente. I francesi hanno fatto intendere di essere pronti a sostituire Saikawa, il principale golpista. Ragioni na hanno da vendere, i profitti di Nissan stanno crollando da 1 anno e mezzo, sia Ghosn che Saikawa ne sono responsabili.
Dietro le quinte la battaglia sta ingigantendosi.

MessaggioInviato: ven mag 17, 2019 4:14 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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May 17, 2019 05:55 AM5 HOURS AGO

Nissan keeps Saikawa as CEO, putting focus on Renault ties




Saikawa's re-appointment is likely to be seen as a rebuff to Renault, which wants a merger with Nissan.

TOKYO – Nissan will keep Hiroto Saikawa as CEO in a reconstituted board that also gives Renault's top two executives seats, setting the table for possible friction in the automakers' alliance should shareholders approve the changes at next month's annual meeting.

Saikawa was nominated for reappointment to an expanded Nissan board as part of a sweeping slate of new directors that would also include Renault Chairman Jean-Dominique Senard and CEO Tierry Bollore. Nissan announced the nominations in a news release on Friday.

The appointments must be approved at the annual shareholders meeting scheduled for the end of June. Nissan proposes that Saikawa be reappointed CEO at the board meeting afterward.

Saikawa's nomination comes amid increasing speculation about his eventual resignation and at a time of open discord about the future direction of the 20-year-old alliance.

The Ghosn scandal has stoked pressure on Saikawa to step aside amid criticism that he failed to flag Ghosn’s alleged wrongdoing and then let the business suffer under his watch.

At this week’s financial results news conference, Saikawa dismissed a question about whether he might resign. He said his first priority is reviving the ailing automaker.

He said he will pass the baton at the “appropriate time but cannot say when.”

Support from Renault, Nissan’s top shareholder with a 43.4 percent stake, may also be wavering. Renault has a keen interest in Nissan management, but Senard and Bollore will be the only two representatives from Renault on the reconstituted board.

Saikawa was frank about his deepening disagreement with Senard about the future of the alliance. Saikawa said the Renault chairman, who is also a director at Nissan, wants to pursue structural integration or a merger of the two automakers.

That's a non-starter for Saikawa, who wants to keep Nissan more independent. "Integration could actually undermine the internal strengths we have," Saikawa said. "I have been very consistently very negative against this. That's my position."

Bigger board

Among the boardroom changes announced Friday, Nissan would expand the board to 11 directors from the nine it had before last year's arrests of former chairman Carlos Ghosn and American director Greg Kelly on charges of financial misconduct. Seven of the new members would be independent outside directors.

Currently, Nissan has only three external directors: Jean-Baptiste Duzan, a former Renault executive thought to reflect the French carmaker's interests; Masakazu Toyoda, a former Japanese government bureaucrat; and Keiko Ihara, a race car driver.

The company wants an independent majority in line with the recommendations of an outside panel charged with improving corporate governance in the wake of the Ghosn scandal.

Duzan would step down, while Ihara and Toyoda stay on.

Outside directors joining them would include Bernard Delmas, chairman of Nihon Michelin Tire Co.; Andrew House, chairman of Sony Interactive Entertainment; Yasushi Kimura, an advisor at JXTG Holdings, and Jenifer Rogers, general counsel for Asia at Asurion Japan Holdings.

Al contrario delle aspettative Saikawa è stato confermato come CEO nonostante l'opposizione di Renault che però ha imposto Thierry Bollorè come nuovo membro del consiglio di Nissan. Le tensioni continueranno.

MessaggioInviato: sab giu 08, 2019 9:55 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
France is ready to cut its stake in Renault to consolidate the automaker's partnership with Nissan, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said.

Paris might consider reducing its stake if it led to a "more solid" alliance between the Japanese and French automakers, Le Maire said in an interview with French news agency AFP at the Group of 20 finance ministers meeting in Fukuoka, Japan.

"We can reduce the state's stake in Renault's capital. This is not a problem as long as, at the end of the process, we have a more solid auto sector and a more solid alliance between the two great car manufacturers Nissan and Renault," he told AFP.

Le Maire had earlier said the French government was open to tie-ups involving Renault as long as French industrial interests were protected, and would consider any Renault deal with Fiat Chrysler Automobiiles that respected Renault's alliance with Nissan.

Fiat Chrysler on Thursday abruptly withdrew its offer to combine with Renault after the French automaker’s board -- on the brink of approving the deal -- postponed a decision for a second time. France had made a sudden request for deliberations to be postponed for talks with Nissan.

The French government had welcomed the merger plan, but overplayed its hand by pushing for a series of guarantees and concessions that eventually exhausted the patience of FCA, sources told Reuters.

Le Maire said Renault should concentrate on forging closer links with Nissan before seeking other alliances.

Renault and Nissan were not immediately available to respond to a request seeking comment.

France is Renault's biggest shareholder with a 15 percent stake and the most important voice on the board.

Lo stato francese per la prima volta si è dichiarato pronto a far scendere la propria quota azionaria in Renault pur di permettere la fusione con Nissan, non è un’inezia dato che i giapponesi richiedevano un ritiro dello stato francese. Il governo ha detto chiaramente che prima si deve ristrutturare l’alleanza con Nissan poi si può pensare ad un’altra Unione. Ovviamente se Renault e Nissan si fondono non c’ è nessuna necessità di ulteriori alleanze.

MessaggioInviato: sab giu 08, 2019 1:12 pm 
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Iscritto il: mer ott 03, 2012 10:51 am
Messaggi: 6458
Lo stato sovranista francese ha scelto nissan invece di fca...

ALFA ROMEO GIULIETTA jtdm-2 20 170cv- distinctive-pack premium-pack sport 18 - Luglio 2010 -superati i 313.333KM!!!

MessaggioInviato: sab giu 08, 2019 3:57 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Stefano_M ha scritto:
Lo stato sovranista francese ha scelto nissan invece di fca...

E non gli si può dare torto dal punto di vista strategico.
Nissan e Renault già condividano il 70% dei componenti, pianali e acquisti. Ci sono voluti quasi 20 anni, tutto ciò si poteva rompere con l’alleanza con FCA. Nissan, fino a che Ghosn comandava, aveva buoni margini ed una diffusione geografica bilanciata. Nissan in Europa senza Renault potrebbe togliere le tende subito, lo stesso in Brasile.

MessaggioInviato: mar giu 11, 2019 1:05 pm 
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Iscritto il: mar giu 06, 2006 4:00 pm
Messaggi: 15782
Località: Bologna
Per il governo francese "il caso non è chiuso"
Rosario Murgida Pubblicato il 11/06/2019

Il governo francese continua a lanciare segnali favorevoli alla fusione tra la Fiat Chrysler Automobiles e la Renault. "Credo che il caso non sia chiuso", ha affermato il ministro dei Trasporti, Elisabeth Borne, rispondendo, nel corso di un'intervista a BFM TV, alla domanda se i colloqui tra i due gruppi automobilistici fossero da ritenersi ormai chiusi.

Il pressing di Le Maire. La dichiarazione di Borne conferma, almeno in parte, quanto emerso nel corso del fine settimana su un dialogo ancora aperto tra i presidenti della FCA, John Elkann, e della Renault, Jean-Dominique Senard. Secondo la Reuters, francesi e italo-americani starebbero valutando le possibili opzioni per riavviare i colloqui e ottenere il sostegno convinto della Nissan. La riluttanza, o comunque lo scetticismo, espresso dai giapponesi avrebbe rappresentato la causa della richiesta della Francia, e in particolare del ministro dell'Economia, Bruno Le Maire, di rinviare il voto consiliare pur di avere il tempo di convincere la Casa di Yokohama. Il tergiversare dei francesi ha, però, spinto la Fiat Chrysler a ritirare la proposta sollevando diverse polemiche in Francia e non solo con accuse lanciate contro il governo per la posizione tenuta nella gestione della vicenda. Ciononostante Le Maire ha colto l’occasione di un evento del G20 a Fukuoka per lanciare ancora una volta segnali di distensione sia ai giapponesi che agli italo-americani. Proprio ieri il ministro ha, infatti, ribadito la sua posizione: il progetto di fusione rappresenta "una bella opportunità, ma non c'è fretta perché bisogna prima affrontare le riserve del nostro partner e del Giappone".

Le richieste della Nissan. I giapponesi, però, non sembrano convinti delle rassicurazioni finora garantite dai francesi al punto da aver dettato precise condizioni. La Nissan, per il suo via libera alla fusione FCA-Renault e al suo successivo coinvolgimento, avrebbe infatti chiesto che lo Stato transalpino riduca la sua partecipazione nel capitale della Régie rispetto all'attuale 15% e, al contempo, che la Casa della Losanga faccia l'analoga mossa di tagliare la quota del 43,4% detenuta nel partner nipponico.

Le mosse di FCA. In questo scenario di segnali di pace e continue pressioni non va trascurata l'iniziativa di uno dei consulenti della Fiat Chrysler. Toby Myerson della Longsight Strategic Advisors, considerato il braccio destro di Elkann al tavolo delle trattative, avrebbe incontrato gli alti dirigenti della Nissan, tra cui l'amministratore delegato Hiroto Saikawa, per non meglio precisati "colloqui esplorativi”.

Alta tensione tra Parigi e Yokohama. Intanto, però, la tensione tra giapponesi e francesi ha ormai raggiunto livelli di guardia tra minacce e repliche. La Renault ha inviato una lettera alla Nissan per annunciare l'intenzione di bloccare la riforma della governance all'ordine del giorno dell'assemblea del 25 giugno prossimo. L'iniziativa, bollata come "deplorevole" da Saikawa, potrebbe rappresentare uno degli argomenti di rilievo di un'altra assemblea.

Domani l'assemblea della Régie. Domani è infatti in calendario la riunione degli azionisti della Renault per l'approvazione del bilancio 2018. Sulla graticola potrebbe finire Senard, in particolare dopo le accuse di parte francese di aver gestito in malo modo l'intera vicenda. Negli scorsi giorni si è perfino parlato della possibilità che il successore di Carlos Ghosn possa presentare le proprie dimissioni davanti ai soci a causa del venir meno della fiducia dell'azionista di maggioranza. Le Maire ha comunque ribadito ieri il sostegno all'ex numero uno della Michelin: "Senard ha la fiducia dello Stato francese per realizzare il rafforzamento dell'alleanza tra Renault e Nissan". ... jCw93Lffh0

Sai che cosa diceva quel tale? In Italia sotto i Borgia, per trent'anni, hanno avuto assassinii, guerre, terrore e massacri, ma hanno prodotto Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci e il Rinascimento. In Svizzera hanno avuto amore fraterno, cinquecento anni di pace e democrazia, e che cos' hanno prodotto? Gli orologi a cucù.( O.Welles)

MessaggioInviato: mar giu 11, 2019 2:36 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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I colloqui sono in corso, vedremo se saranno fruttiferi.

MessaggioInviato: mer giu 12, 2019 5:00 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
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- French President Emmanuel Macron has turned down a request to meet Renault chairman Jean-Dominique Senard, who is furious over the government's interference at the automaker, sources told Reuters, raising questions over Senard's future.

News of the rebuff came as Renault shareholders met on Wednesday to endorse Senard's January appointment to replace Carlos Ghosn, the ousted leader of the Renault-Nissan alliance.

Senard, whose bid to merge with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles over Nissan's reservations was blocked by French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire, unsuccessfully sought a meeting with Macron to secure his backing, four government and company sources said.

Seven months after Ghosn's arrest on financial misconduct charges, which he denies, the alliance he forged is on life support. Nissan refused to study a full Renault tie-up proposed by Senard, and wants to weaken the influence of Renault, which owns 43.4 percent of Nissan.

Instead, Senard then tabled an FCA-Renault deal proposal developed without Nissan's knowledge. But FCA Chairman John Elkann withdrew the offer after France, Renault's biggest shareholder, blocked the June 5 board vote and demanded more time to secure Nissan's endorsement.

Days later, in a third risky move that caused outrage in Japan, Senard vowed to block governance reforms introduced by Nissan after the Ghosn scandal unless Renault gets more seats on the Japanese firm's powerful new board committees.

Renault sources say Senard's exasperation deepened when Le Maire, seeking to smooth tensions from the sidelines of a weekend G20 meeting in Japan, publicly discussed a possible cut to France's 15 percent Renault stake or even Renault's Nissan holding.

Senard felt further undermined by Le Maire's surprise pronouncements and told colleagues he expected to be "backed up from the highest level of government," according to one. But Macron's office declined a proposed sit-down, the sources said.

"There is no meeting with Senard on the president's agenda," an Elysee official said on Wednesday.

Renault declined to comment. But sources close to the chairman played down the rebuffed meeting request and said he was determined to stay put.

Senard and Macron "communicate regularly by text message," one said, and the French head of state is extremely busy with other matters. "Senard is on top form for his shareholders' meeting and is resolved to continue."

France is not seeking to replace Senard, another government source said. "He may have taken some bad advice, and he should clearly have made more personnel changes for Renault to move on" from the Ghosn era, the source said.

Not speaking
Nissan CEO Hiroto Saikawa and Renault CEO Thierry Bollore, Ghosn's former second-in-command who was promoted in January, barely speak and are now seen as clear irritants to the relationship, French official and company sources say.

"Senard has become well aware of this," said a person familiar with his thinking. "So we'll see how things evolve after the shareholder meeting."

Saikawa's position also appears more fragile, after two leading investment advisory firms recommended a vote against his reappointment at the Japanese carmaker's June 25 shareholder gathering.

The recommendations may boost the chances of Saikawa's exit, although a vote against him remains unlikely. Under a 2015 amendment to alliance shareholder pacts, Renault is required to support the Nissan board's proposal to renew his mandate.

I rapporti tra i vari protagonisti dell’alleanza RNM stanno diventando sempre più tesi: Macron avrebbe rifiutato un incontro con Senard secondo la reuters. L’ex ceo di Michelin si è stufato dell’eccessiva ingerenza statale e non ha condiviso le proposte fatte da Le Mairie di tagliare la partecipazione di Renault in Nissan. Saikawa e Bollorè non si parlano neanche ed è un problema dato che devono prendere le decisioni riguardanti la governance dell’ alleanza. Il caos totale insomma, ormai l’abbandono di Nissan da parte di Renault non può essere più considerato un tabù.

MessaggioInviato: mer giu 19, 2019 12:13 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Several Renault-Nissan joint business functions are being unwound now that former alliance chairman Carlos Ghosn is no longer in power to press ahead with the integration of the two automakers, the Financial Times reported.

Joint business areas such as light commercial vehicles, sales and marketing, and communications are dismissing staff, according to FT sources.

Ghosn's "CEO Office," which was responsible for the day-to-day running of alliance functions, is being disbanded, the paper said on Wednesday. The office is led by Renault veteran Arnaud Deboeuf, according to the alliance's web site.

Before his arrest in Japan in November on charges for suspected financial misconduct, Ghosn had pledged to "make the alliance irreversible."

In March 2018 Ghosn named team leaders for converged functions in purchasing, engineering and manufacturing, and new cross-company teams to coordinate, quality, after sales and business development in an effort to find annual synergies of 10 billion euros by the end of 2022.

Renault and Nissan created a light commercial vehicle business unit reporting to Ghosn in 2017 to benefit from Renault's van expertise and Nissan's truck know-how in key markets.

Since Ghosn's downfall there is an increasingly strained relationship between Renault and Nissan management teams, the Financial Times said. Some alliance functions are set to close while others are simply ignored, the paper said.

Ghosn's arrest has shaken the two decades-old alliance to its foundations. Nissan, which is 43 percent owned by Renault, pushing for more influence within the partnership.

More tensions erupted when Renault and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles held talks on a merger without involving Nissan. Representatives of Nissan on Renault's board abstained in a vote on the Renault-FCA deal earlier this month, contributing to the collapse of negotiations.

Pessime notizie per l’alleanza RNM, i big boss giapponesi facevano filtrare l’idea che, nonostante le pubbliche liti, continuassero le collaborazioni industriali. In realtà molti uffici centrali tra i tre costruttori sono stati smantellati. Rispetto ad un gruppo come Vw le sinergie in RNM devono comunque essere approvate e non portare evidenti svantaggi ad ogni costruttore. Nel 2017 Ghosn aveva deciso di creare nuovi quadri per accelerare la condivisione di componenti e pianali, i risparmi ottenuti erano di grande importanza sia per Nissan che per Renault. Adesso i giapponesi stanno sabotando tutto mettendo a fortissimo rischio l’alleanza.

MessaggioInviato: mer giu 19, 2019 2:18 pm 
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Iscritto il: lun mar 13, 2006 8:29 pm
Messaggi: 16909
In un clima del genere non so come farà FCA e infilarsi.

Toyota RAV4 2.5 Hybrid Lounge - 2019 Immagine
Abarth 595C Turismo - 2016 Immagine
Royal Enfield Interceptor 650 - 2022 Immagine
Saab 9.3 Cabrio 2.0T SE- 1998

MessaggioInviato: mer giu 19, 2019 2:29 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven gen 11, 2019 2:47 pm
Messaggi: 6183
Località: Bologna
Fa che se Nissan riesce a sfanculare i francesi (ancora non ho capito come i Jap possano permettersi tutte queste libertà con il 43% in mano altrui...) Renault si ritrova in una situazione peggiore di quella di FCA.

MessaggioInviato: ven giu 21, 2019 11:11 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Nissan will grant Renault's leaders seats on key committees of its board, signaling an end to a dispute that has poisoned relations between the two automakers.

In a statement on Frdiay, Nissan said it will give Renault CEO Thierry Bollore a seat on its board's audit committee and Renault Chairman Jean-Dominique Senard a seat on its nomination committee. Both are key positions at the heart of decision making.

The concessions from Nissan to let Bollore on the audit committee came with strings attached. Nissan is placing restrictions on Bollore’s role in areas where the two companies might have a conflict of interest, people familiar with the matter said.

The move comes after demands by Senard for representation on the committees in return for approving Nissan's overhauled governance structure plunged the two-decade-old partnership into crisis.

Yasushi Kimura, an adviser to oil company JXTG Holdings will chair Nissan's board and Senard will become the vice-chair. The nomination committee will be chaired by Masakazu Toyoda, the lead independent outside director.

Renault now expects to support the resolutions at Nissan's annual meeting on June 25, people familiar with the matter said, asking not to be identified discussing the negotiations.

The partnership between Renault and Nissan has been strained since former leader Carlos Ghosn was arrested for suspected financial misconduct last year. Ghosn denies wrongdoing.

"The agreement reached on Renault's presence in Nissan's new governance confirms the spirit of dialogue and mutual respect that exists within the alliance," Renault said in a statement.

Waymo deal

While tensions between the partners have never been higher, both sides have indicated they have little choice but to patch up their two-decade alliance. The partnership has proven one of the most successful among automakers, generating 5.7 billion euros ($6.4 billion) in savings from manufacturing, purchasing and engineering in the 2017 financial year, the companies estimate.

Still, common projects continue to emerge. The three-way alliance, which includes smaller member Mitsubishi Motors, unveiled a partnership on Thursday to explore driverless services in France and Japan with Waymo, the autonomous-vehicle unit of Google parent Alphabet.

The lopsided shareholding arrangement between Renault and Nissan has been a long-running source of friction: Renault’s 43 percent stake in Nissan comes with voting rights, while Nissan’s 15 percent holding in Renault does not. The role of France, Renault’s most powerful shareholder, has also irked Nissan.

Renault's merger talks with Fiat-Chrysler Automobiles broke down this month after Nissan declined to back the deal. Following the collapse, both Renault and the French state pledged to repair the alliance with Nissan before contemplating a resumption of talks with FCA.

France, which has a 15 percent stake in Renault, views securing Nissan’s explicit backing as crucial for the success of a FCA-Renault combination. Nissan representatives on Renault’s board abstained in an informal vote on the deal last week, leading France to seek a delay.

Despite the finger-pointing that followed the failed talks, Renault, FCA and France left the door open for a possible deal as they brace for the costly changes sweeping the industry, such as developing electric and autonomous vehicles.

Nissan e Renault ritrovano un minimo di pace: manager della casa francese verranno eletti nei consigli di nomine e controlli della casa giapponese, in tal modo sarà più difficile per i giapponesi ribellarsi. I rapporti rimangono tesissimi.

MessaggioInviato: ven giu 21, 2019 11:34 am 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10081
mjazz ha scritto:
Fa che se Nissan riesce a sfanculare i francesi (ancora non ho capito come i Jap possano permettersi tutte queste libertà con il 43% in mano altrui...) Renault si ritrova in una situazione peggiore di quella di FCA.
Citofonare Ghosn per chiarimenti :okk

MessaggioInviato: ven giu 21, 2019 11:39 am 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10081
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
Nissan e Renault ritrovano un minimo di pace: manager della casa francese verranno eletti nei consigli di nomine e controlli della casa giapponese, in tal modo sarà più difficile per i giapponesi ribellarsi. I rapporti rimangono tesissimi.
Mi pare un'ottima mossa nipponica: questi francesi prima o poi dovranno pur andare a Yokohama, alla prima cartina di caramella gettata per terra si troveranno in stato di fermo nella competente stazione di polizia :roll:

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