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MessaggioInviato: gio mag 21, 2020 6:38 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337 ... otsch.html

Vw ha pagato 9 milioni di euro per chiudere il procedimento giudiziario contro Pötsch e Diess.

MessaggioInviato: gio mag 21, 2020 7:36 am 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10082
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
VW ha pagato 9 milioni di euro per chiudere il procedimento giudiziario contro Pötsch e Diess.
Sono quattro spiccioli, nel contesto del dieselgate, li hanno graziati

MessaggioInviato: gio mag 21, 2020 7:40 am 
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Iscritto il: dom mar 12, 2006 7:02 pm
Messaggi: 35944
Località: Ovunque ci sia una birra ghiacciata
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:

Colpite dal blocco delle vendite anche A3, Leon e Octavia.

Stesso problema della golf? Ma cosa capitava? Non partivano le chiamate di emergenza quando serviva o partivano per sbaglio senza motivo?

MessaggioInviato: gio mag 21, 2020 8:13 am 
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Iscritto il: lun mar 13, 2006 8:29 pm
Messaggi: 16909
cometa rossa ha scritto:
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:

Colpite dal blocco delle vendite anche A3, Leon e Octavia.

Stesso problema della golf? Ma cosa capitava? Non partivano le chiamate di emergenza quando serviva o partivano per sbaglio senza motivo?




Ich scherzte! :allegria

Toyota RAV4 2.5 Hybrid Lounge - 2019 Immagine
Abarth 595C Turismo - 2016 Immagine
Royal Enfield Interceptor 650 - 2022 Immagine
Saab 9.3 Cabrio 2.0T SE- 1998

MessaggioInviato: gio mag 21, 2020 8:37 am 
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Iscritto il: dom mar 12, 2006 7:02 pm
Messaggi: 35944
Località: Ovunque ci sia una birra ghiacciata
Multiplone ha scritto:
cometa rossa ha scritto:
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:

Colpite dal blocco delle vendite anche A3, Leon e Octavia.

Stesso problema della golf? Ma cosa capitava? Non partivano le chiamate di emergenza quando serviva o partivano per sbaglio senza motivo?




Ich scherzte! :allegria

Sentissi la "voce" della mia Bmw....800 volte più costosa di Alexa ed a confronto sembra una minorata mentale

MessaggioInviato: gio mag 21, 2020 9:12 am 
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Iscritto il: lun mar 13, 2006 8:29 pm
Messaggi: 16909

Sentissi la "voce" della mia Bmw....800 volte più costosa di Alexa ed a confronto sembra una minorata mentale

Navigatore Volvo RTI, voce maschile (immagina con la cadenza del doppiatore di Pierce Brosnan):" Per favore, alla prossima uscita prendere il RONDO' a sinistra"..
Praticamente in un viaggio di 900km ti dice "Per favore" 1892 volte. Però è rilassante :ridi

Toyota RAV4 2.5 Hybrid Lounge - 2019 Immagine
Abarth 595C Turismo - 2016 Immagine
Royal Enfield Interceptor 650 - 2022 Immagine
Saab 9.3 Cabrio 2.0T SE- 1998

MessaggioInviato: gio mag 21, 2020 9:25 am 
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Iscritto il: dom mar 12, 2006 7:02 pm
Messaggi: 35944
Località: Ovunque ci sia una birra ghiacciata
Multiplone ha scritto:

Sentissi la "voce" della mia Bmw....800 volte più costosa di Alexa ed a confronto sembra una minorata mentale

Navigatore Volvo RTI, voce maschile (immagina con la cadenza del doppiatore di Pierce Brosnan):" Per favore, alla prossima uscita prendere il RONDO' a sinistra"..
Praticamente in un viaggio di 900km ti dice "Per favore" 1892 volte. Però è rilassante :ridi

Non ho mai capito se sia una svista colossale, e lo spero, ma quando la voce femminile della bavarese deve dire "strada statale" lo abbrevia in "ss" con una cadenza da kapò; roba inquietante

MessaggioInviato: gio mag 21, 2020 9:40 am 
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Iscritto il: ven gen 11, 2019 2:47 pm
Messaggi: 6183
Località: Bologna
cometa rossa ha scritto:

Non ho mai capito se sia una svista colossale, e lo spero, ma quando la voce femminile della bavarese deve dire "strada statale" lo abbrevia in "ss" con una cadenza da kapò; roba inquietante

Così son sicuri che obbedisci.

MessaggioInviato: gio mag 21, 2020 9:51 am 
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Iscritto il: dom mar 12, 2006 7:02 pm
Messaggi: 35944
Località: Ovunque ci sia una birra ghiacciata
mjazz ha scritto:
cometa rossa ha scritto:

Non ho mai capito se sia una svista colossale, e lo spero, ma quando la voce femminile della bavarese deve dire "strada statale" lo abbrevia in "ss" con una cadenza da kapò; roba inquietante

Così son sicuri che obbedisci.

Viene spontaneo! Mi sorge il dubbio su cosa mi direbbe se provo a non ubbidire... donna e nazista

MessaggioInviato: gio mag 21, 2020 10:03 am 
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Iscritto il: ven gen 11, 2019 2:47 pm
Messaggi: 6183
Località: Bologna

MessaggioInviato: ven mag 22, 2020 5:06 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
JETTA, Volkswagen’s sub brand in China, continues to be a well-received option for buyers in China seeking to own a car for the first time. In April, JETTA delivered 13,500 cars to customers. This equals roughly one percent of the world’s largest automotive market, a development made possible by one of the best brand starts in Chinese history. From
January to April, around 38,000 of the brand’s cars were sold.
Due to the impact of Covid-19, the desire for personal car ownership has been rising in China, with customers now more motivated than ever to avoid crowded public or shared transportation. JETTA’s model range including one sedan and two SUVs is giving customers the chance to enter the world of individual mobility and become part of the Volkswagen family.

Since its market entry in September 2019, JETTA has been gaining momentum. Around 81,000 JETTA cars have been delivered to customers. In 2020, its first full year of sales, the brand will continue to boost Volkswagen Group China’s market share. Despite the enormous negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on China’s automotive market, JETTA’s results in the first four months of this year show only a downturn of 12% when compared to the four months from market entry in September to December 2019. So while the overall market decreased by 30 percent from January to April 2020, JETTA gained market share.

China’s vehicle density is three times lower than that of Germany, hence the space for growth in China, especially within the entry-level segment that alone represents a third of the total market. Among customers in this segment, around 80 percent are first time buyers, JETTA’s main target group. The brand’s customers are located in emerging cities.
JETTA successfully offers entry-level individual mobility in China
Chengdu Auto Show presentation of JETTA VS7.
JETTA’s successful start in the market has been further strengthened by the introduction of the brand’s VS7 SUV model launched in March. The model’s market launch was also presented to the world online, with the event attracting 10 million viewers. The VS701 completes the JETTA line-up of three cars that also features the VS501 SUV and the VA301 sedan.

The JETTA brand closes the gap between the entry-level and the volume segment where the Volkswagen brand leads the field. For the first time in Volkswagen’s history, a single model has gone on to transform into a brand of its own, with its own proprietary model family. JETTA is positioned independently in the market, but with recognizable proximity to the world of Volkswagen. Jetta’s success is based on the Volkswagen DNA: quality, safety, value retention and a clear design language. All models are produced by FAW-Volkswagen in a state-of-the art factory in Chengdu, working closely with FAW-VW’s central hub in the city of Changchun.

Dopo 9 mesi il marchio Jetta ha raggiunto una quota dell’ uno % nel mercato cinese, è in attivo e pesca quasi esclusivamente da fuori il gruppo.
Vw vuole esportare il marchio al di fuori della Cina.

MessaggioInviato: gio mag 28, 2020 7:38 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337 ... 70310.html

Persino in momenti di crisi nerissima come quelli attuali il sindacato di Vw non riesce a celare nemmeno per un secondo la propria tracotanza.
Oggi l’Ig Metall del gruppo ha pubblicato una lettera di fuoco contro Diess & company in cui vengono formulate pesanti accuse riguardo i problemi di produzione della Golf VIII. Ad oggi ben il 40% delle Golf ha bisogno di correzioni prima di poter lasciare la catena di montaggio, non è la prima volta, anzi la Golf V aveva problemi ancora peggiori, in più la prossima ID3 non arriverà con tutte le funzioni software originariamente previste.
Osterloh ha la faccia di bronzo di scaricare palate di sterco sul management per far aumentare il livello dello scontro e poi per ricattare Diess e la famiglia Porsche.
Con lo shift verso la mobilità elettrica ci sarà un taglio massiccio della forza lavoro, in casa Vw sarà un bagno di sangue perché Wolfsburg contro ogni logica economica continua a produrre quasi il 50% dei componenti in house.
Diess sa che non può affrontare a viso aperto il sindacato e punta a ridurre nel lungo termine la forza lavoro.
L’impianto di Wolfsburg è notoriamente un disastro produttivo, per essere in attivo deve produrre un milione di auto l’anno. Con lo spostamento della produzione di alcuni modelli verso i mercati locali (esempio produrre la Tiguan a Wolfsburg per poi esportarla negli USA è un pessimo affare) e lo shift verso i veicoli elettrici rischia di far crollare la produzione annuale a 500.000 unità l’anno.
Osterloh vuole mantenere brutte abitudini che pesano e peseranno sul futuro del gruppo.
Per adesso la famiglia Porsche sostiene Diess senza se e senza ma, però se l’ Ig Metall si mette di traverso ad ogni decisione potrebbe essere necessario trovare un nuovo ceo.
Oltre al favorito Blume si parla anche di Maier (ceo di Skoda), Dusemann (ceo di Audi) e Stefan Sommer (capo della divisione componenti) come possibili candidati.

MessaggioInviato: sab mag 30, 2020 8:32 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Today, Volkswagen has initiated the next chapter for its business in China. Volkswagen plans to increase its share in JAC Volkswagen, its joint venture for e-mobility. Around €1 billion is to be invested. This amount includes the acquisition of 50 percent of JAG, the parent company of the Volkswagen partner JAC, and an increase in the stake in JAC Volkswagen from 50 to 75 percent. By gaining management control, Volkswagen is paving the way for more electric models and infrastructure. Furthermore, Volkswagen will acquire a 26 percent stake in battery manufacturer Gotion High-Tech Co., Ltd. for around €1 billion, becoming the company’s largest shareholder.
Dr. Herbert Diess, CEO of Volkswagen AG, said: “Together with strong and reliable partners, Volkswagen is strengthening its electrification strategy in China. The electric cars segment is growing rapidly and offers a great deal of potential for JAC Volkswagen. We are actively driving forward the development of battery cells in China through our strategic investment in Gotion.”

Dr. Stephan Wöllenstein, CEO of Volkswagen Group China, said: “I am delighted with this strategic milestone in our mutual and trusted relations as Volkswagen takes a strategic role in a state-owned company for the first time, as well as investing direct in a Chinese battery supplier. These investments shape the character of Volkswagen in China, making it a more localized, more sustainability-focused mobility company. By opening up the market, China is giving Volkswagen new business opportunities.” Volkswagen Group China has already outlined its route to becoming a net carbon-neutral company. In 2025, around 1.5 million NEVs are planned for delivery to customers across the country. China is the world´s biggest market for e-mobility.

Transformation of JAC Volkswagen through capital increase

By strengthening its position and advancing the JAC Volkswagen joint venture through a capital increase, Volkswagen is taking the next step in its Chinese electrification strategy. Letters of intent were co-signed by Volkswagen (China) Investment Co. Ltd. and the government of Anhui province, which foresee Volkswagen raising its stake from 50% to 75% within the JAC Volkswagen joint venture via a capital increase. To make this possible, Volkswagen will also be investing in the Anhui government-owned entity JAG, the parent company of JAC. The parties intend to close the deal amounting to €1 billion by the end of the year, subject to customary regulatory approvals.

Founded in 2017, the JAC Volkswagen joint venture is an all-electric company which develops, produces and sells NEVs. A portfolio expansion of up to 5 additional BEV models by 2025 is planned, as well as building a full-scale e-model factory and finishing the R&D center in Hefei.

Securing future battery supply to meet demand will requireincreased localization

Volkswagen has found a further partner to secure future demand for batteries for its Chinese e-models. With the signing of binding agreements, Volkswagen (China) Investment Co. Ltd. will become the largest shareholder in Gotion, with 26 percent of the shares, through a buy-in of around €1.1 billion. Volkswagen is the first global automaker to invest direct in a Chinese battery supplier. It is planned to complete the deal by the end of 2020, subject to customary regulatory approvals.

The partnership is an opportunity for Volkswagen to achieve deeper know-how in the field of batteries. Gotion maintains various current and future projects over the entire battery value chain from sourcing, development and production to recycling. Gotion is in the process of becoming a certified Volkswagen Group battery supplier in China, including supplies for local MEB vehicles. The MEB is the new modular electric vehicle platform of the Volkswagen Group.

The deal will not affect ongoing contracts with other battery suppliers.

Con il crollo della domanda per il petrolio si poteva pensare che alcuni costruttori avrebbero rallentato lo sviluppo dei veicoli elettrici, ma Vw non è di questo avviso.
Ha appena investito ben 2 miliardi di euro per rinsaldare la sua terza jv in Cina dedicata esclusivamente ai veicoli elettrici.
Nel frattempo Diess è uscito rinforzato dall’ultimo scontro con Osterloh, la famiglia Porsche lo ha difeso pubblicamente.

MessaggioInviato: sab mag 30, 2020 10:45 am 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10082
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
Con il crollo della domanda per il petrolio si poteva pensare che alcuni costruttori avrebbero rallentato lo sviluppo dei veicoli elettrici, ma Vw non è di questo avviso.
Ha appena investito ben 2 miliardi di euro per rinsaldare la sua terza jv in Cina dedicata esclusivamente ai veicoli elettrici.
Mi auguro per chi ci lavora che abbiano visto giusto, sull'elettrico VW rischia di schiantarsi a tutta velocità contro un muro in cemento armato.

daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
Nel frattempo Diess è uscito rinforzato dall’ultimo scontro con Osterloh, la famiglia Porsche lo ha difeso pubblicamente.
La famiglia spera di aver trovato in Diess il cavaliere bianco che infilzerà quello nero ... sarà scontro all'utimo sangue :roll:

MessaggioInviato: sab mag 30, 2020 11:50 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
La famiglia spera che Diess riformi Vw in modo da permettere loro di comandare senza troppe restrizioni dato che possiedono il 55% dei diritti di voto.
Possono continuare a sognare.

MessaggioInviato: mar giu 02, 2020 2:36 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337 ... 78662.html

Vw rischia nuove mega multa in America dopo aver pagato ben 21 miliardi do euro.

MessaggioInviato: mar giu 02, 2020 4:57 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10082
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
Vw rischia nuove mega multa in America dopo aver pagato ben 21 miliardi do euro.
Sarà mica strategia utile a "gestire" le attuali forti divergenze tra Washington e Berlino (G7-G8, Cina, etc tc)?

MessaggioInviato: mar giu 02, 2020 5:32 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Trump sta litigando furiosamente con gli afroamericani, con i cinesi e con gli inglesi, si metterà pure contro la Merkel?
La risposta è sì, è un minorato mentale.

MessaggioInviato: mar giu 02, 2020 9:54 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Blume soll VW-Markenchef werden

Bei VW steht eine Personalrochade auf den Spitzenposten bevor. Porsche-Chef Blume soll VW-Markenchef werden, Skoda-Chef Maier zu Porsche wechseln, Der VW-Marketingchef Sengpiehl steht vor der Entlassung.
VW-Konzernchef Herbert Diess, der in Personalunion auch die Marke VW führt, will Porsche-Chef Oliver Blume nach Wolfsburg holen. Das hat auto motor und sport aus Unternehmenskreisen erfahren.

Lieferstopp VW Golf, Seat Leon, Skoda Octavia, Audi A3
eCall stoppt alle Kompakten aus dem VW-Konzern
mehr lesen
Porsche-Chef muss Golf 8- und ID.3-Probleme managen

Blume soll zum VW-Markenvorstand berufen werden, um die dramatischen Probleme mit dem Golf VIII und dem ID.3 in den Griff zu bekommen. Damit will sich Diess offenbar aus der Schusslinie bringen, weil er aktuell als VW-Markenchef die großen Probleme verantwortet. Unter anderem muss VW den neuen Golf in die Werkstätten zurückrufen, weil der Notrufassistent eCall nicht zuverlässig funktioniert, außerdem soll es große Produktionsprobleme geben, weshalb nur ein Drittel der Neuwagen fehlerfrei sind.

Kommentar VW Rassismus-Skandal 2020
Politik & Wirtschaft
Volkswagen: Wir müssen reden!
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Als neuer Porsche-Chef ist Skoda-Vorstandsvorsitzender Bernhard Maier im Gespräch. Maier kennt Porsche bestens: Bevor er 2015 auf den Skoda-Chefposten wechselte war er Vertriebsvorstand bei Porsche.

Auch der missglückte Werbespot für den neuen Golf VIII, der VW Rassismusvorwürfe eingebracht hat, bleibt nicht folgenlos. Jochen Sengpiehl, als Chief Marketing Officer verantwortlich für den Clip, soll unseren Informationen nach vor dem Rauswurf stehen

Se le indiscrezioni di auto Motor und sport fossero vere ci sarebbe una vera rivoluzione nel management di Volkswagen. Oliver Blume, attualmente ceo di Porsche e capo della produzione di tutto il gruppo, verrebbe chiamato a dirigere il marchio Vw. Naturalmente è molto più facile essere il capo di Porsche mentre se sei il capo del marchio Vw devi combattere giornalmente con i sindacati (infatti Blume si guarda bene dal tagliare i costi come vorrebbe Diess), eppure sarebbe la conferma che l’erede di Diess sarà lui. L’attuale ceo di Vw continua a perdere potere, in parte anche volutamente. In 6 mesi Diess ha ceduto lo sviluppo tecnico a Mark Dusemann, la guida del mercato cinese a Wöllenstein e si apprestere e a lasciare il timone del marchio Vw. Blume dovrà risolvere i grossi problemi tecnici di Golf VIII e Id3.

MessaggioInviato: sab giu 06, 2020 11:00 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Vor seinen Topmanagern hat der Lenker des Weltmarktführers die neue Fahrtrichtung annonciert: Strengste Kostenhygiene lautet das Ziel, dem Virus geschuldet. Herbert Diess fordert: "Jede Ausgabe ist zu begründen“. Er mahnt: E-Mobilität darf kein Zuschussgeschäft bleiben. Er prüft – die Modellpalette auszudünnen. Und den Rückstand auf Tesla soll das Projekt „Rakete“ mindern.

Von Henning Krogh

VW-Hauptmann Diess, VW-Vormann Osterloh: Die Chefs von Konzernvorstand und Betriebsrat dürften in nächster Zeit vermehrt kontroverse Debatten führen müssen; das von Diess gewünschte und von Osterloh hinterfragte Neu-Werk im türkischen Manisa wird so bald nicht gebaut – wenn überhaupt. (Foto: VW)
VW-Chef Herbert Diess verschärft den Sparkurs des Konzerns in der Coronakrise massiv. „Wir müssen die F+E-Ausgaben, Investitionen und Fixkosten gegenüber bisherigem Planungsstand deutlich kappen“, kündigte Diess in einer Rede vor Topmanagern des Konzerns am Donnerstagvormittag dieser Woche an. Die Nettoliquidität des Weltmarktführers werde „mindestens noch bis Juli wegen schwacher Nachfrage weiter abnehmen“, betonte Diess.
Wie Teilnehmer des Events berichten, müsse daher jetzt etwa die Hauptmarke VW Pkw ihre Sachgemeinkosten um 20 Prozent reduzieren. Für neue Vorhaben werden Budgets aus den Vorjahren nicht mehr einfach fortgeschrieben. „Jede Ausgabe ist zu begründen“, sagte Diess. Dennoch würden 2020 „nicht alle VW-Marken ein positives Jahresergebnis schaffen“.

Der Jubel rollt – wenn der ID.3 kommt

Zugleich machen Volkswagen negative Deckungsbeiträge zu schaffen. Beim rein stromgetriebenen Kleinwagen E-Up etwa muss Volkswagen laut Diess bis zu 5.000 Euro pro Auto zuschießen. Der E-Golf ist ähnlich defizitär. Umso wichtiger sei ein Erfolg von VWs künftigem Stromer ID.3, der Diess zufolge von Beginn an Geld verdienen werde.
Neben Produktverschiebungen „auch bei wichtigen Baureihen“ lässt der Konzernchef mit Hochdruck analysieren, welche Modelle komplett entfallen können. Damit stehen auch Arbeitsplätze auf dem Spiel. „Durch die neue Sparrunde ist weiterer Ärger mit dem Betriebsrat unter Bernd Osterloh vorprogrammiert“, sagte ein VW-Topmanager, der anonym bleiben wollte, der Automobilwoche.

"Rocket Launch" in Ingolstadt

Mit Blick auf den wichtigsten Einzelmarkt des VW-Konzerns unterstrich Diess: „Zu den unangenehmen Wahrheiten gehört auch, dass in China unsere Marktführerschaft kein Naturgesetz ist“. Nennenswertes Wachstum sei im Reich der Mitte nur noch mit E-Mobilen zu erreichen. Diess: „Bei E-Autos heißt in China der Marktführer jetzt Tesla“.
In einem streng vertraulichen Workshop prüfte der Konzern jüngst, wie man bis 2024 zu Tesla aufholen kann. Erstes Ergebnis ist das Projekt „Rakete“ unter Führung des Audi-Chefs Markus Duesmann. Kernelement ist ein neu aufgelegtes Software-Paket namens „E³ 2.0“. „Es werden noch Jahre vergehen, bis wir bei der Software die erforderlichen Kompetenzniveaus erreicht haben, um vorn im Wettbewerb mitzuwirken“, räumte Diess vor seinen Führungskräften ein. Und: „Noch heute kommt kaum eine Zeile Software-Code von uns.“
Um das schnellstens zu ändern, solle VWs neue Car-Software-Organisation „am 1. Juli vom virtuellen zum realen Player werden“. Diess: „Jeder Tag, den wir zusätzlich verlieren, ist ein Tag, den wir nicht haben.“

Diess si prepara a tagliare in maniera pesante per tutto il 2020, secondo le stime entro luglio saranno bruciati 12 miliardi di euro di liquidità. Scontri durissimi con Osterloh dureranno almeno fino al fine anno, l’impianto annunciato in Turchia non verrà costruito. Diess deve urgentemente rivedere parte del management, tutti si domandano perché Frank Welsch sia ancora capo dell’ R&D del marchio Vw, Dusemann sta ottenendo sempre più cariche.
Per Audi questa notizia è molto positiva perché negli ultimi 5 anni aveva perso moltissime competenze a favore di Porsche e Vw.

MessaggioInviato: lun giu 08, 2020 6:07 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Ralf Brandstätter to lead Volkswagen core brand in future
Strengthening of the Group and brand management functions
Ralf Brandstätter appointed CEO of the Volkswagen brand

Ralf Brandstätter
The Volkswagen Group is reassigning responsibilities for the management of the brand and the Group. The Volkswagen core brand is to be led by the brand’s previous COO, Ralf Brandstätter from July 1, 2020. The CEO of the Volkswagen Group, Dr. Herbert Diess, who had previously been responsible for both functions, will therefore receive greater leeway for his tasks as Group CEO. Within the Group Board of Management, he will retain overall responsibility for Volkswagen Passenger Cars and the Volume brand group. The objective will be a stronger focus on the tasks at the top level of the Group and the brand in the current transformation phase of the automotive industry. The Supervisory Board took note of this at its meeting held today.

Following the laying of strategic foundations over the past few years with consistent orientation towards e-mobility and the creation of structures for the digitalization of the automobile, the company is now strengthening the top management structures of the Volkswagen Group and brand. The Group Board of Management therefore decided at its meeting held today to appoint Ralf Brandstätter as CEO of the Volkswagen brand effective July 1, 2020.

“Ralf Brandstätter is one of the company’s most experienced managers. Over the past two years, he has already led Volkswagen successfully as COO and played a key role in shaping the transformation of the brand,” said the CEO of Volkswagen AG, Dr. Herbert Diess. “I am therefore very pleased that Ralf Brandstätter will be forging ahead with the development of the brand as CEO following the far-reaching strategic decisions of the past few years.”

After a record year in 2019, the brand is outstandingly well- positioned for the future. Volkswagen has successfully completed the first phase of the Transform 2025+ strategy. The company is now embarking on the next phase. The broad-based electric offensive will now be-come tangible with new vehicles on the roads. Volkswagen is paving the way to zero-emission mobility for everyone. By 2025, at least 1.5 million electric cars are to be sold. In addition to elec-trification, the brand will also forge ahead with digitalization over the coming years.

“For Volkswagen, the course towards the future has been set. On the basis of the Transform 2025+ strategy, the brand is developing into one of the leading providers of carbon-neutral mobility and is on the way to becoming a digital technology company. I would like to thank the entire Volkswagen team for their tremendous commitment. We will follow our path resolutely together,” says Ralf Brandstätter.

Ralf Brandstätter was born in Brunswick on September 8, 1968. After training as a shopfitter at the Volkswagen plant in Brunswick, he studied industrial engineering and joined the Volkswagen Group in 1993. Following positions in international project steering in the procurement division, he became an assistant to the Board of Management in the General Secretariat of Volkswagen AG. In 1998 he took charge of metal procurement for chassis and powertrain components and was made project manager for new vehicle projects in 2003. In 2005 he moved to Spain as head of procurement at SEAT. He became the member of the SEAT Executive Committee responsible for Purchasing in 2008. Brandstätter was named Head of Group Procurement Exterior in 2010. He was appointed Head of Group Purchasing New Product Launches in 2012 and was made a General Representative of Volkswagen AG in October 2015. Ralf Brandstätter was appointed a member of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand in December 2015.. Brandstätter has been Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand since August 1, 2018

Vw ha riassegnato le responsabilità del marchio Vw che verranno attribuite a Ralf Brandstätter, Diess era finito sotto accusa da parte dei sindacati per il lancio difficoltoso della Golf VIII e ID3.

MessaggioInviato: lun giu 08, 2020 8:31 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Altra pessima notizia per Diess: dopo soli 2 anni lascia il gruppo Stephan Sommer, capo della divisione componenti e fino al 2017 ceo di ZF.
È un ulteriore segno che la base di potere di Diess si sta erodendo sempre di più. Ha perso parecchi incarichi e il suo tentativo di far diventare Blume ceo del marchio Vw è andato a vuoto, se fosse riuscito ad imporre quella decisione si sarebbe trovato un rivale di meno.
L’ Ig Metall come al solito è uscita rafforzata e potrà continuare a scalpitare contro ogni tentativo di tagliare i costi.

MessaggioInviato: lun giu 08, 2020 10:02 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10082
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
L’ Ig Metall come al solito è uscita rafforzata e potrà continuare a scalpitare contro ogni tentativo di tagliare i costi.
Osterloh non potrà andare avanti sempre al rialzo, prima o poi si prende una legnata.

MessaggioInviato: mar giu 09, 2020 4:26 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
mauro65 ha scritto:
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
L’ Ig Metall come al solito è uscita rafforzata e potrà continuare a scalpitare contro ogni tentativo di tagliare i costi.
Osterloh non potrà andare avanti sempre al rialzo, prima o poi si prende una legnata.

Per adesso è un trionfo su tutta la linea per Osterloh, la stampa tedesca ha fatto uscire alcuni dettagli sullo scontro nel consiglio di amministrazione e Diess è stato umiliato.

Volkswagen AG’s supervisory board accepted an apology from Chief Executive Officer Herbert Diess, with the unusual public statement reflecting the tension caused by an internal dustup.

Diess, already under fire for snags plaguing key models, accused supervisory board members last week of committing crimes by leaking confidential discussions, according to people familiar with the matter. The allegations were a serious affront to Volkswagen’s power players, who have orchestrated the ouster of numerous top executives over the years.

The CEO was stripped of a key operating role as a result of the dispute, which nearly cost him his job. While he has weathered the spat for now, the board offered only minimal backing on Tuesday.

“The members of the supervisory board accepted the apology of Dr. Diess and will continue to support him in his work,” the 20-member body said in a statement.

During an internal event last week, Diess told more than 3,000 managers that the leaks could cause problems with U.S. authorities, which are monitoring the company as part of the settlement from the 2015 diesel-cheating scandal, said the people who asked not to be identified discussing internal events.

Roused by the scolding and already unhappy with production issues, some board members pondered his dismissal as group CEO, but pulled back amid internal dissent as Volkswagen battles the biggest industry slump in decades, the people said.

The supervisory board instead decided on Monday to take away his direct control over the namesake VW brand, a high-profile position at the center of the auto giant’s operations.

Powerful Panel

Diess didn’t intend to suggest that members of the supervisory board were guilty of an offense and offered an apology over the weekend, VW said in an emailed statement. His remarks referred to media reports that were apparently based on leaked confidential information, the company said.

Tangling with Volkswagen’s supervisory board -- which includes labor leaders, officials from the state of Lower Saxony and members of the Porsche-Piech family, which owns the majority of VW voting shares -- is a risky endeavor. Past executives including Bernd Pischetsrieder, Wolfgang Bernhard and even former patriarch Ferdinand Piech were forced out after running afoul of the body.

The infighting comes at a critical time for Volkswagen. The German carmaker is trying to soften the impact of the coronavirus crisis, while also managing an epochal shift toward electric vehicles.

Volkswagen shares fell as much as 4.8% and were down 1.6% at 2:58 p.m. in Frankfurt trading, extending the company’s decline for the year to 17%.

Diess has been under pressure over concerns that VW’s flagship Golf and the electric ID.3 might face greater difficulties as software problems hamper production. On Monday, Volkswagen said that Ralf Brandstaetter, currently chief operating officer for the VW brand, will take over leadership of the group’s largest unit so that Diess can focus on overall strategy.

Delay Risks

The move is a blow for Diess and sets up potential conflict down the road. Except for brief periods, the CEO of the group has always run the VW brand, and Diess restored the practice when taking the reins two years ago.

After jumping ship from BMW AG, Diess has frequently been at the center of tensions at Volkswagen. He weathered a spat with powerful labor leaders, who openly questioned his credibility, to wrest the CEO job from predecessor Matthias Mueller in 2018. Last year, he caused controversy by evoking a Nazi slogan at an internal company event, forcing the executive to apologize publicly.

To move past the diesel scandal, Diess has pushed VW to invest heavily in electric cars and reached a key agreement with unions to cut labor costs.

“Were things to deteriorate further, the departure of CEO Diess from the group would at the very least mean a delay in the VW transformation thesis,” said Timm Schulze-Melander, an analyst at Redburn

La settimana scorsa i sindacati avevano umiliato Diess facendo trapelare le indiscrezioni riguardo ad una sua sconfitta nel consiglio di sorveglianza.
Diess se n’era lamentato apertamente durante una riunione di manager venerdì scorso. Lunedì è stato chiamato a rapporto, ha dovuto scusarsi pubblicamente e accettare di perdere l’incarico di ceo del marchio Vw nonché il siluramento di Sommer, manager pagato a caro prezzo.

Leggiti il comunicato ufficiale rilasciato da Vw:

Supervisory Board accepts apology of Dr. Herbert Diess
At yesterday’s Supervisory Board meeting, which focused on personnel matters, the Supervisory Board and Dr. Herbert Diess also discussed statements of Dr. Diess at an internal event. Dr. Diess formally apologised for these statements towards the members of the Supervisory Board, declaring that these statements were inappropriate and wrong. The members of the Supervisory Board accepted the apology of Dr. Diess, and will continue to support him in his work.

Immaginati un Marchionne che si deve scusare pubblicamente con Landini.
Diess è managerialmente parlando un morto che cammina, credo che entro fine anno lo cacceranno e l’erede è già pronto Oliver Blume.

MessaggioInviato: mar giu 09, 2020 5:07 pm 
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Iscritto il: lun mar 13, 2006 8:29 pm
Messaggi: 16909
Certo che ultimamente la Vw cambia più AD/CEO che altro.
Vista dall'esterno, è segno di una certa tensione all'interno del gruppo.
Comunque, possono mettere chi vogliono, ma finché i sindacati avranno tutto quel potere, la musica sarà sempre la stessa.

Toyota RAV4 2.5 Hybrid Lounge - 2019 Immagine
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Saab 9.3 Cabrio 2.0T SE- 1998

MessaggioInviato: mar giu 09, 2020 8:26 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10082
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
Leggiti il comunicato ufficiale rilasciato da Vw:

Supervisory Board accepts apology of Dr. Herbert Diess
At yesterday’s Supervisory Board meeting, which focused on personnel matters, the Supervisory Board and Dr. Herbert Diess also discussed statements of Dr. Diess at an internal event. Dr. Diess formally apologised for these statements towards the members of the Supervisory Board, declaring that these statements were inappropriate and wrong. The members of the Supervisory Board accepted the apology of Dr. Diess, and will continue to support him in his work.

Immaginati un Marchionne che si deve scusare pubblicamente con Landini.
Diess è managerialmente parlando un morto che cammina, credo che entro fine anno lo cacceranno e l’erede è già pronto Oliver Blume.
Ho letto tutto. Sconvolgente la figura di palta che gli hanno fatto fare. In autunno ne fa 62, non penso abbia difficoltà economiche o problemi di pensione, avrebbe fatto miglior figura a "sbattere la porta" e andarsene. Poi non so quali accordi particolari e ovviamente riservati ci siano, ma così è ridursi al livello di "MES no, Eurobond sicuramente si!" :piangi2

MessaggioInviato: mer giu 10, 2020 5:49 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Lo sanno anche i sassi che a Wolfsburg valgono regole piuttosto peculiari che fanno sembrare il gruppo la versione aziendale dell’Unione sovietica.
Guarda caso qualche giorno fa Diess internamente aveva parlato della necessità di tagli pesanti a causa del Coronavirus, un’ovvietà in qualsiasi altra azienda ma non alla Vw.
Solo i Porsche lo sostengono ma si sono stancati anche loro.

MessaggioInviato: dom giu 14, 2020 11:13 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
FRANKFURT — Herbert Diess may want to watch his back.

The Volkswagen Group CEO, who earned almost €10 million ($11.3 million) last year, no doubt remembers how he came to run the carmaker: The ambitious Austrian went behind his aging predecessor's back to convince directors he was the best man to lead VW into the future.

Following a series of blunders by Diess, 61, largely centered around its flagship Golf model, the board may now be getting other ideas.

After finding themselves on the receiving end of a Diess attack, the 20 nonexecutive directors -- split equally between shareholders and unions -- delivered what can only be seen as a public censure of their CEO: Under pressure, he was forced to cede control over the VW brand to Ralf Brandstätter, 51, the operations chief installed at the behest of labor leaders.

"The unions have weakened Diess -- he's wounded," a source close to the board said. "As long as Lower Saxony doesn't side with them [to create a majority], they cannot get rid of him, though."

Despite suffering his biggest defeat since taking over in April 2018, insiders at the company say the hot-tempered and demanding Diess is not the type to back out of a fight or give in to adversity. He also continues to retain overall control over the volume brands that include Skoda and Seat as well as VW, and also groupwide responsibility for sales and for China.

A series of missteps around the all-important Golf hatchback -- built in Wolfsburg, near the company headquarters -- was the catalyst behind the warning he received.

Trade unionists had been furious with what they called "enormous pressure" to meet the car's launch date in December, when most Germans were planning for Christmas holidays. Not only did Diess dismiss their concerns, he inflamed them by describing it as "one of the best ramp-ups we ever had" in a LinkedIn post.

"In the time frame envisioned, it demanded everyone work at the limits of their capacity," said a company source. "We brought it a month too early."

But delaying it would have been costly, too. Since the hatchback lacked a standard center airbag — required for a five-star safety rating as of January — VW would have fallen short with its signature car, which one official said would have been humiliating.

Making matters worse, the subsequent European rollout, already difficult because of the coronavirus outbreak, was marred by a problem with a mandatory eCall safety system. All 30,000-plus Golf 8 models delivered in Europe had to be recalled, and VW stopped delivery of others for three weeks.

Tempers rose further after a controversial 10-second Golf ad was posted on Instagram that critics argued hid a racist message. An internal investigation found no racist intent, but VW apologized for the video, calling it "inappropriate and tasteless."


Ralf Brandstätter
Age: 51
Hometown: Braunschweig, Germany
Start: Trained as a shopfitter at the VW plant in Braunschweig, Germany. Studied industrial engineering and joined the VW Group in 1993.
Career: Rose through corporate ranks in procurement and purchasing. Appointed to VW Passenger Cars board of management in December 2015. Became VW passenger cars brand COO on Aug. 1, 2018.

Anger over leaks

Finally, Diess was furious over a media report that published an internal VW document revealing that as much as 60 percent of the Golf production on a single day could somehow be flawed.

Personally embarrassing for him was another that aired his demand for an early contract extension -- possibly hoping for an outward expression of confidence in the midst of all these difficulties.

During an internal conference with more than 3,000 managers, he accused directors of being the source of the leaks and hence breaching compliance.

"It was an unprecedented faux pas," an insider familiar with the board's thinking said.

The other source close to the board added: "He effectively accused company directors of acting criminally. It was a serious error."

Volkswagen's official position is that the management change coincides with the completion of the first phase of the brand's transformation plan, allowing Brandstätter to focus on VW's ambitious electric vehicle rollout.

But it's unclear whether shareholders will protect Diess through any more blunders, sources say.

Family loyalty

For now his position is secured by the Porsche and Piech family, fellow Austrians who control a majority of Volkswagen.

Deeply loyal, having supported ex-Audi CEO Rupert Stadler all the way up to his arrest two years ago, the two clans have virtually all of their wealth tied up in the company founded in 1937 by the German government, which commissioned Ferdinand Porsche for its first designs.

Should another executive as ambitious as Diess promise to steer the ship to calmer waters, they might dump Diess as quickly as they did his predecessor, Matthias Müller, who was CEO for less than two and a half years.

It's considered extremely unlikely Brandstätter could replace his boss as his support among labor leaders could discredit him in the eyes of the family.

"Look at his CV. He's from the hometown, starting out doing his apprenticeship as a shopfitter at Volkswagen in Braunschweig. And after getting his degree, he spent his whole career at the company," the source said, explaining Brandstätter's appeal to the labor bench. "He has the right background and pedigree for the unions."

That contrasts with VW Group purchasing and components chief Stefan Sommer.

Last week, the former ZF Group CEO behind the TRW acquisition elected to leave VW at the end of the month.

After less than two years in Wolfsburg, sources said, he was fed up with the parochial politics and didn't even bother to negotiate an exit package.


The group's American operations led by Scott Keogh, meanwhile, have little to fear from Wolfsburg's latest internal drama -- even if the pandemic and recession mean the unit will likely fall short of the goal of breaking even this year.

Software problems dogging the company's European ID3 model are also not expected to delay the U.S. launch of the key ID4 electric crossover in the spring.

Asked whether Brandstätter's promotion could affect the U.S. operations negatively, the company source said, "I wouldn't know why. Scott is doing a super job."

Diess has bought himself time by humbling himself before the board for his outburst.

In a statement, Volkswagen said that directors had accepted his formal apology for his "inappropriate and wrong" comments and "will continue to support him in his work."

Still, Diess might want to post lookouts in Austria's Zell am See, home to the Porsche family farm, to keep tabs on any Volkswagen executives leaving the Schüttgut estate of Wolfgang Porsche.

Word is the family is grooming 52-year-old Oliver Blume to one day take over as group CEO.

Like Brandstätter, he was born and raised just outside of Wolfsburg and is a career VW executive.

But he enjoys one major advantage: For more than four years, he's been successfully running the sports car maker that bears their dynasty's name.

Blume's day could come relatively soon, if Diess commits any more blunders.

Qualche dettaglio in più sulla posizione di Diess all'interno di Vw, molto difficilmente mangerà il panettone a Wolfsburg. Le famiglie Porsche Piech lo hanno salvato ancora ma difficilmente potranno difenderlo contro Bassa Sassonia e IG metall.

MessaggioInviato: dom giu 14, 2020 11:20 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10082
Mi rendo conto di non essere obiettivo è di avere una visione romantica, ma non perdono a Diess di avere mandato in vacca Bmw (sotto il profilo tecnico) per la ricerca ossessiva del cost cutting. Se sparisce dalla scena automotive, non lo rimpiangerò. Quanto a VW, un bel bagnetto di umiltà non dovrebbe fare male.

MessaggioInviato: lun giu 15, 2020 4:15 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17337
Osterloh non fa un bagno di umiltà da quando ha lasciato la catena di montaggio cioè 42 anni fa.

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