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MessaggioInviato: ven ott 23, 2020 8:27 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17342
Renault ist seit Jahren ein führender Anbieter von Diesel-Pkw in Europa - doch angesichts der kommenden CO2-Regulierung haben die Franzosen entschieden, den Selbstzünder auslaufen zu lassen.
Zuden will sich Renault von wenig ertragreichen Baureihen trennen - das könnte mittelfristig das Aus für bekannte Modelle wie den Scenic, den Talisman und den Espace bedeuten.
"Wir werden weiter Dieselangebote im Katalog haben, aber wir entwickeln keine neuen Dieselmotoren mehr", sagte jetzt Entwicklungschef Gilles Le Borgne am Rande der Vorstellung des neuen Mégane eVision, der schon im kommenden Jahr seinen Serienstart haben wird.
"Wenn es bei den derzeit bekannten Regulierungsschritten bleibt, dann werden wir nach 2025 nur noch Verbrennungsmotoren mit einer Hybridkomponente anbieten," kündigte Le Borgne weiter an." Diese Hybridisierung werde je nach Baureihe unterschiedlich ausfallen. "Fest steht: Wir bewegen uns auf das Ende des Diesel zu."

Mehrere Baureihen stehen vor dem Aus

Ziel von Renault ist es laut Le Borgne, bis 2025 den Anteil von rein batterie-elektrischen Modellen und Plug-in-Hybriden auf 15 Prozent zu treiben, bis 2030 sollen es dann 30 Prozent sein.
Vom Diesel-Aus sind zahlreiche wichtige Baureihen des Herstellers betroffen. Das geht aus einem internen Papier des Herstellers hervor, das der Automobilwoche bekannt ist. Darin heißt es: Renault "desinvestiert sich schrittweise vom Diesel und von den nicht ertragreichen Segmenten C-MPV, D und E."
Dies könnte mittelfristig das Aus für den Kompaktvan Scenic sowie für die Limousine Talisman und den Großraumvan Espace bedeuten.
Entwicklungschef Le Borgne nahm dazu nicht konkret Stellung, bestätigte aber die Richtung der Entwicklung: "Wir haben Entscheidungen getroffen über die künftigen Fahrzeuge der Marken der Renault-Gruppe. Wir werden einige Programme beschleunigen, andere aber einfrieren. (...) Wir werden das Angebot von Renault rationalisieren und unsere Anstrengungen auf die wirtschaftlich am erfolgreichsten operierenden Segmente legen."

Dieselangebot schrumpft 2021 deutlich

Besonders schnell wird das Ende des Diesel demnach beim anstehenden Facelift des Scenic und beim kleinen Captur zu spüren sein: Beide Fahrzeuge werden von Renault vom kommenden Jahr an nicht mehr mit einer Dieseloption angeboten werden. Das bestätigte ein Renault-Sprecher der Automobilwoche.
Beim Captur werden die beiden Diesel-Versionen mit 90 und 115 PS nicht mehr auf die neue Abgasnorm Euro 6D full homologisiert, sagte der Sprecher. Beim Scenic verzichtet Renault auf den aktuell nochh verfügbaren 1,7-Liter Blue dCi mit 120 und 150 PS. Das gleiche Schicksal ereilt den Kadjar mit demselben bisherigen Motorenangebot.
Beim Kleinwagen Clio wird das Dieselangebot halbiert: Im neuen Jahr werden die 1,5-Liter-Blue dCi-Motoren mit 85 und 115 PS nicht mehr verfügbar sein, zum Jahresende 2021 soll vielmehr nur noch eine neue Variante mit 100 PS angeboten werden.
Der 1,7-Liter Blue dCI mit 150 PS entfällt schließlich auch noch bei den großen Modellen Talisman und Koleos. Allerdings wird es dort weiterhin jeweils zwei andere Selbstzünderangebote geben.

Diesel-Marktanteil sinkt

In Deutschland ist der Dieselantrieb bei den Neuzulassungen von Pkws stark rückläufig. Per Ende September schrumpfte der Selbstzünder-Anteil im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum um 31,1 Prozent. Der Elektro-Anteil dagegen stieg um 105,4 Prozent, der Plug-in-Hybrid-Anteil sogar um 300 Prozent. Aber auch der Anteil der reinen Benzin-Motoren ohne Teilelektrifizierung schrumpfte deutlich um 37,9 Prozent.

Il nuovo capo dello sviluppo tecnico di Renault (fregato da De Meo a PSA) ha pronunciato l’elogio funebre per il diesel, già adesso la Regié non investe più in nuovi motori diesel.
Nel 2021 Scenic e Captur non avranno più diesel, anche la Kadjar perderà questo tipo di motore.
Confermata la cancellazione di Scenic, Espace, Talisman e Koleos.
La crossover elettrica svelata sotto forma di concept pochi giorni fa sarà lanciata nel terzo trimestre 2021.
De Meo spera di far diventare l’Alpine “una mini Ferrari”, se domani.

MessaggioInviato: ven ott 23, 2020 8:40 am 
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Iscritto il: mer ott 03, 2012 10:51 am
Messaggi: 6458
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:

Il nuovo capo dello sviluppo tecnico di Renault (fregato da De Meo a PSA) ha pronunciato l’elogio funebre per il diesel, già adesso la Regié non investe più in nuovi motori diesel.
Nel 2021 Scenic e Captur non avranno più diesel, anche la Kadjar perderà questo tipo di motore.
Confermata la cancellazione di Scenic, Espace, Talisman e Koleos.
La crossover elettrica svelata sotto forma di concept pochi giorni fa sarà lanciata nel terzo trimestre 2021.
De Meo spera di far diventare l’Alpine “una mini Ferrari”, se domani.

Si ho letto per alpine, in pratica faranno anche una crossover sportiva come LDM ha fatto per Cupra e forse ricarozzeranno/rimarchieranno la nuova Z nissan in alpine per l'europa, dove non arriverà come nissan, bisogna sicuramente ammirare impegno.
Per renault sfoltiranno gamma genere peugeot, vedremo però se sapranno creare anche loro un "fenomeno" tipo 3008.
Attualmente il nuovo fullhybrid renault sembra l'unica vera alternativa al diesel anche in autostrada, almeno dalla prova di quattroruote meglio di toyota, vedremo però quanto sarà affidabile e ho letto che già l'anno prossimo il vecchio 1600 aspirato verrà sostituto da un 1200 turbo 3 cilindri. Come soluzione di passaggio tra diesel e bev la ritengo personalmente molto interessante.

ALFA ROMEO GIULIETTA jtdm-2 20 170cv- distinctive-pack premium-pack sport 18 - Luglio 2010 -superati i 313.333KM!!!

MessaggioInviato: ven ott 23, 2020 8:48 am 
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Iscritto il: lun mar 13, 2006 5:26 pm
Messaggi: 8748
Non so se avete notato ma l'idea di fondo è quella di farci spostare di meno e a più corto raggio.


MessaggioInviato: ven ott 23, 2020 10:49 am 
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Iscritto il: mar apr 08, 2008 1:42 pm
Messaggi: 13959
Località: Sardinia
Tutto ciò porterà ad una sicura rivalutazione dei piccoli (e parchi) diesel.
Teniamoci stretti i 1.3 MJ.

- Renault New Laguna Sportour 4Control 2.0 dCi 150cv - 06/2010 -
- Suzuki GSR 600 K6 - 04/2006 -
- Ford Transit VII T350L 2.2 Tdci 140 cv - 06/2008
- [New entry] Lancia Delta Oro 1.4 T-Jet GPL 120 cv - 09/2008

MessaggioInviato: ven ott 23, 2020 10:54 am 
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Iscritto il: mer ott 03, 2012 10:51 am
Messaggi: 6458
paolocabri ha scritto:
Tutto ciò porterà ad una sicura rivalutazione dei piccoli (e parchi) diesel.
Teniamoci stretti i 1.3 MJ.

Sicuramente finchè potrà circolare anch'io mi tengo stretto il mio diesel....poi una rivalutazione ci sarà solo in garage visti i blocchi attuali e futuri.

ALFA ROMEO GIULIETTA jtdm-2 20 170cv- distinctive-pack premium-pack sport 18 - Luglio 2010 -superati i 313.333KM!!!

Ultima modifica di Stefano_M il ven ott 23, 2020 10:59 am, modificato 1 volta in totale.

MessaggioInviato: ven ott 23, 2020 10:59 am 
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Iscritto il: mar apr 08, 2008 1:42 pm
Messaggi: 13959
Località: Sardinia
Stefano_M ha scritto:
paolocabri ha scritto:
Tutto ciò porterà ad una sicura rivalutazione dei piccoli (e parchi) diesel.
Teniamoci stretti i 1.3 MJ.

Sicuramente finchè potrà circolare anch'io mi tengo stretto il mio diesl....poi una rivalutazione ci sarà in garage visti i blocchi attuali e futuri.

Mo' che limitano in Sardegna al mio paesello, mi avranno ritirato la patente per sopraggiunti limiti d'età.

- Renault New Laguna Sportour 4Control 2.0 dCi 150cv - 06/2010 -
- Suzuki GSR 600 K6 - 04/2006 -
- Ford Transit VII T350L 2.2 Tdci 140 cv - 06/2008
- [New entry] Lancia Delta Oro 1.4 T-Jet GPL 120 cv - 09/2008

MessaggioInviato: lun nov 16, 2020 12:43 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17342
Two years after the stunning arrest of Carlos Ghosn over alleged financial misconduct, discussions are underway inside Nissan that could fundamentally reshape the world's biggest car alliance and unwind a key part of its former chairman's legacy.

The automaker is exploring ways to sell some or all of its 34 percent stake in Mitsubishi Motors, people with knowledge of the matter said.

Concern is mounting within Nissan that it will take longer for the company to recover from the pandemic-induced crisis, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the discussions are not public.

A sale may be the first step in a broader review of the three-way alliance that also includes Renault, they said.

Nissan and Mitsubishi denied plans for a stake sale.

"There are no plans to change the capital structure with Mitsubishi," Nissan said in a statement.

Mitsubishi Motors said in a statement there were no discussions to review their capital relationship and that the automaker "will continue to collaborate within the alliance."

Renault declined to comment.

"Mitsubishi Motors is working on their 'Small but Beautiful' business transformation plan which they announced in July," Nissan said in its statement. "It is essential for each alliance partner to focus on its core competences and maximize the use of each other’s asset to accomplish its midterm plan."

Big plans

When Ghosn rescued Mitsubishi Motors in 2016 with a $2.3 billion investment and invitation into the alliance, he talked about the "new force in the global auto industry."

Ghosn had even bigger plans — to create a holding company for a carmaking empire capable of dethroning Toyota and Volkswagen Group as the world's biggest producer of automobiles.

All that changed on Nov. 19, 2018, when Ghosn and former Nissan director Greg Kelly were arrested in Tokyo and accused of underreporting the former chairman’s compensation. Both have denied wrongdoing. Additional charges were filed later accusing Ghosn of using company assets improperly, which he has denied.

Chaos gripped the alliance. Ghosn loyalists were ousted while Nissan and Renault executives jockeyed for control to fill the power vacuum. There was deep resentment at the French automaker, which was kept out of the loop as Nissan insiders spent months working with Japanese prosecutors to orchestrate the powerful chairman’s ouster.

Ghosn was released, re-arrested and freed on bail again in 2019. He escaped trial by making a daring undercover escape in December of that year on a private jet and made his way Lebanon. The one-two punch of a drop in global auto demand and the pandemic has wiped more than $44 billion from the combined market value of the three alliance partners.

"The best thing is to end the alliance," said Tokyo Tokai Research analyst Seiji Sugiura, a frequent critic of the partnership who has written extensively about the companies in Japanese periodicals. "They should either become one, or split."

Finding a buyer

One unsettled variable for Nissan is finding a buyer, according to the people familiar with its deliberations. The automaker could sell to one of the group's companies such as Mitsubishi Corp., which already holds 20 percent of Mitsubishi Motors. Finding another purchaser or turning to the open market also are options. Nothing has been decided, the people said.

A sale would only bring in a relatively modest sum of cash. The holding was worth about $950 million at the close of trading last week, less than half what Nissan paid four years ago.

Mitsubishi Motors has forecast a $1.3 billion operating loss for the fiscal year ending in March and was forced earlier this year to shut down production of the Pajero SUV and other larger vehicle lines, leaving it to focus on smaller cars and markets in Southeast Asia.

Nissan's results, released last week, suggest restructuring efforts are gaining some traction, although the the automaker is still projecting a $3.2 billion operating loss for the fiscal year. It has been on a debt-issuing spree, raising a total of almost 900 billion yen in funding.

While a share sale would fundamentally reshape Nissan's capital ties with one of its key partners, the three automakers will probably make the case that the alliance remains intact operationally, the people said. They will emphasize the partnership can work without the shareholding and that the sale may also free them to collaborate with other partners, one of the people said.

"A question that has come up in recent investor calls is can the alliance continue to work together without the cross-shareholding, and we do not see why not," Tom Narayan, an RBC Capital Markets analyst with the equivalent of a hold rating on Renault, wrote Monday.

The alliance began two decades ago when Renault swooped in to save Nissan with a cash injection, saving the bigger automaker from bankruptcy. The French automaker sent in Ghosn, who turned around Nissan and eventually took over leadership of both companies. While they benefited from being able to pool their purchasing power, that wasn’t matched by meaningful joint product development.

By the time Ghosn was arrested, there was deep resentment with Nissan that it had little sway over the partnership, even though it was sending billions of dollars in dividends annually to Renault, which exercised more control over the bigger Japanese company through its 43 percent stake. Nissan owns 15 percent of Renault and has no voting rights.

To move past the turmoil since Ghosn’s arrest, the alliance unveiled a new operating structure in May, vowing deeper cooperation.

The proportion of autos manufactured on common platforms will double to around 80 percent by 2024, executives promised.  The new strategy dubbed "leader-follower" is designed to force teams to work together by designating one company to head up specific technologies or regions and ultimately take responsibility for success or failure.

The new structure would make the alliance so tightly intertwined that "no step backward" would be possible, Renault Chairman Jean-Dominique Senard has said. The 67-year-old Frenchman also is chairman of the alliance operating board that oversees the union of carmakers whose still relatively new chief executives haven’t had much time or opportunity to work together.

Makoto Uchida took the top job at Nissan less than a year ago, while Luca de Meo started in July as Renault’s second CEO since Ghosn's arrest. Osamu Masuko, the Mitsubishi Motors chairman who forged the deal with Ghosn and was the automaker’s main link to Nissan, died in August.

Bigger forces

It remains to be seen whether the leader-follower plan — which is focused on costs — will deliver the meaningful innovations necessary to deal with the larger forces sweeping through the global auto industry. Regulators are stepping up pressure to embrace electric vehicles, while autonomous driving technology has the potential to reshape the concept of auto ownership.

Electric vehicles are a prime example of an area in which the alliance has missed opportunities. Although Renault and Nissan were ahead of many rivals when they rolled out their respective EV models, the Zoe and the Leaf, they are still based on different platforms years after their debut. The alliance partners’ next-generation EVs will share a jointly developed base.

"The alliance is clearly unfulfilled potential," said Societe Generale analyst Stephen Reitman.

The companies have thrown out Ghosn’s method of measuring the alliance’s success through synergies, a metric that was targeted to reach more than 10 billion euros in 2022 but based on numbers Senard has said he never understood. Renault and Nissan also have pledged to turn the page on Ghosn’s unrelenting pursuit of growth and sales volumes.

Yet in the midst of the pandemic, Renault’s de Meo also has warned that Renault and Nissan need to fix their own internal problems to make sure the house doesn’t go up in flames.

"Each company is now in trouble," Ghosn said in an August interview. "I don't think they know where they are going. There is no more vision. In my opinion, the best people have left, or will leave."

Renault’s record first-half loss and exposure to a weakening European market complicates its turnaround efforts. While de Meo has held up rival PSA Group’s near-death experience as proof that recovery is possible, COVID-19 is rendering pre-pandemic problems such as factory overcapacity even more difficult to address.

Taken together with other developments — including the French automaker’s merger flirtation with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles last year — it's clear Ghosn’s ouster left the alliance on shakier ground. Each automaker has turned inward, leading some to question whether the partnership can survive.

"For good or for worse, Ghosn was holding it together," said Tatsuo Yoshida, a Bloomberg Intelligence analyst

Secondo Bloomberg Nissan starebbe pensando ad una vendita delle quote in Mitsubishi Motors, dando un colpo pesantissimo all'alleanza. Mitsubishi è un cadavere che cammina, senza un alleato non durerebbe un secondo. All'interno di Nissan ci sono ancora manager che vorrebbero ancora diventare indipendenti mandando al macero 21 anni d'alleanza.

MessaggioInviato: lun nov 16, 2020 12:44 pm 
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Iscritto il: mar giu 06, 2006 4:00 pm
Messaggi: 15782
Località: Bologna
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:

Secondo Bloomberg Nissan starebbe pensando ad una vendita delle quote in Mitsubishi Motors, dando un colpo pesantissimo all'alleanza. Mitsubishi è un cadavere che cammina, senza un alleato non durerebbe un secondo. All'interno di Nissan ci sono ancora manager che vorrebbero ancora diventare indipendenti mandando al macero 21 anni d'alleanza.

Diplomazia dei Giapani.


Sai che cosa diceva quel tale? In Italia sotto i Borgia, per trent'anni, hanno avuto assassinii, guerre, terrore e massacri, ma hanno prodotto Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci e il Rinascimento. In Svizzera hanno avuto amore fraterno, cinquecento anni di pace e democrazia, e che cos' hanno prodotto? Gli orologi a cucù.( O.Welles)

MessaggioInviato: lun nov 16, 2020 1:38 pm 
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Iscritto il: mar apr 08, 2008 1:42 pm
Messaggi: 13959
Località: Sardinia
Madonna quanto sono fastidiosi, peggio dei porno pixelati e delle passere pelose a cui sono tanto affezionati.

- Renault New Laguna Sportour 4Control 2.0 dCi 150cv - 06/2010 -
- Suzuki GSR 600 K6 - 04/2006 -
- Ford Transit VII T350L 2.2 Tdci 140 cv - 06/2008
- [New entry] Lancia Delta Oro 1.4 T-Jet GPL 120 cv - 09/2008

MessaggioInviato: dom dic 06, 2020 2:51 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven lug 13, 2007 3:17 pm
Messaggi: 10085 ... YiFFAlgjW8

“Curiosamente” non cita in alcun modo le vicissitudini con Nissan e Ghosn

Interessante ma, almeno per noi, abbastanza scontato il commento sulla transizione verso l’elettrico:
"C'è un ritardo sulle infrastrutture di ricarica per i veicoli elettrici la cui realizzazione dovrebbe coinvolgere tutti - costruttori, Stato e aziende energetiche- ma ultimamente le vendite stanno andando più veloci dello sviluppo di queste infrastrutture, cosa che sta accadendo in tutti i Paesi. Finirà che venderemo tante auto elettriche e la gente non potrà ricaricarle”

MessaggioInviato: lun dic 07, 2020 12:04 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17342
Meno se ne parla meglio è. Per adesso Ghosn è ancora fuggitivo e ci sono processi in Giappone e indagini in Francia contro di lui.

De Meo si è preso una bella gatta da pelare, di fusione tra Nissan e Renault non se ne parla proprio, là Regie è molto debole e deve completamente rivedere la propria strategia globale. In compenso se le cose miglioreranno De Meo sarà comunque capo dell’alleanza RNM.

MessaggioInviato: gio dic 24, 2020 11:52 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17342
Renault CEO Luca de Meo will present his turnaround plan for the automaker on Jan. 14. The Italian executive plans a "revolution" at the French company, so he is calling his plan "Renaulution." De Meo describes the key points of the restructuring to the automaker's executives and employee representatives in an internal paper of several pages. The paper was obtained by Automobilwoche, a German language sister publication of Automotive News Europe.

De Meo had already outlined the first key points of the restructuring in an interview with Automotive News Europe in November. Now the internal paper makes the overall concept more tangible.

Here are some key points:

Cost reduction

De Meo’s top priority is cost savings. He does not give any concrete figures, but he wants to avoid parallel developments and technology fields that are not immediately usable. Before de Meo's arrival as CEO in July, Renault had already announced its goal of saving around 800 million euros ($975 million) per year in development and cutting 1,500 jobs.

Downsizing product range

De Meo wants to reduce Renault's broad range of products and services by around 30 percent. As an example, he cites the actions of PSA Group CEO Carlos Tavares at Opel, which has discontinued several unprofitable model lines.

De Meo wants the reduction of model lines to happen without the automaker losing sales or market coverage. This is likely to be very difficult because consumers have been spoiled with more and more derivatives and sub-derivatives in recent years, and competitors will exploit any gaps in Renault’s product lineup.

Compact segment focus

De Meo plans to focus even more than before on the high-volume and high-margin C (compact) segment. "The C-segment is the center of gravity in our offering," he says in the internal paper. "I'm not afraid to say that we can achieve a 25 percent to 30 percent increase in transaction prices in this segment by 2025."

The aim of the vehicles that Renault sells should be to generate profits, not to create volume, he says. Under former Renault-Nissan chairman Carlos Ghosn, higher volume was the central building block for the company's success. The credo was: more volume equals more synergies equals a better competitive position. Increasing transaction is a core part of Tavares's success in turning around PSA.

International ambitions scaled back

Renault will refrain from overly ambitious global plans. "Our geographic expansion has not produced the expected results," de Meo says. "In a highly unstable environment, markets such as the Eurasia region and Latin America have not delivered the returns we had hoped for."

However, de Meo does not want to give up China, even though Renault was the last major automaker into the market and so far has not come close to fulfilling its aim to be a volume seller. Renault’s presence in China must be re-invented through new business models, relying more on strong partnerships.

In-house innovation

Renault must once again develop more innovations on its own and be less dependent on supplier inventions, de Meo says. "You have to bring back creativity and expertise at Renault. You have to let the engineers work instead of letting them manage programs," he says.

De Meo wants to draw up a 10-year plan to reorganize the automaker’s development activities. This is to be closely linked to development at Nissan to avoid parallel developments and create more technological synergies.

New business areas

Renault should cover the entire world of mobile services, not just building vehicles. De Meo has a specific target: "From 2026, we will have 20 percent to 30 percent of our activities in fields that no longer have anything to do with traditional automotive manufacturing," he says. Specifically, de Meo mentions the areas of financial technology, fleet management, cybersecurity, circular economy and high-tech developments outside the automotive world.

Stronger alliance

Renault will not abandon or weaken its alliance with Nissan and Mitsubishi. However, any joint projects must be "more concrete and precise," de Meo says. There are "magical projects" under development, he says, without giving any details.

Says de Meo: "If we separate the three members of the alliance from each other, we will be moving straight into the second league of car manufacturers. I am therefore determined to do everything I can to ensure the success of the alliance."

Automobilwoche anticipa alcuni punti della ristrutturazione di Renault.
De Meo ha un compito estremamente complesso, sia all’interno di Renault che nell’ambito dell’alleanza, dove Senard continua a dirigere un’orchestra dove i musicisti si prendono a cazzotti.
De Meo vuole:

1)ridurre i costi, la direttrice finanziaria Delbos ha già annunciato una riduzione annuale dei costi pari a 2 miliardi di euro, questi tagli non saranno sufficienti.

2) ridurre la gamma. De Meo cita esplicitamente il successo di PSA nel far ritornare Opel al profitto massacrando la gamma. A fortissimo rischio sono Talisman, Scenic, Twingo, Koleos ed Espace. La stessa Megane potrebbe diventare un crossover.

3) Renault vende troppe utilitarie e troppe poche compatte. Il focus deve essere sul segmento C.

4) non è un segreto che l’espansione internazionale di Renault non sia stato un successo completo. In America Latina si arriva al pareggio, in Eurasia (Russia principalmente) non sono stati raggiunti i margini attesi.

5) Renault, come altri costruttori, vuole creare ricavi al di fuori del settore automobilistico con la vendita di servizi. Ho parlato giorni fa con un manager Daimler secondo cui ci vorranno almeno 5 anni per avere un giro d’affari sufficiente.

6) l’alleanza dovrà funzionare meglio. De Meo non parla proprio di una fusione, un silenzio piuttosto eloquente.

MessaggioInviato: ven gen 01, 2021 1:40 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17342
TOKYO -- Nissan is planning to further reduce its presence in Europe, including outsourcing sales and manufacturing of its cars to alliance partner Renault, according to a Japanese newspaper report.

The daily newspaper Yomiuri said Friday, without naming sources, that Nissan would also close its plant in Avila, Spain, and cut distribution channels in 30 countries, mainly in eastern Europe.

The report didn't provide details of the scale of the outsourcing. Calls to Nissan's public relations office went unanswered on Friday, a public holiday in Japan.

The Yomiuri said the moves were part of Nissan’s global turnaround plan, which was announced last spring.

Under the plan, Nissan is moving its operations away from Europe and shifting its focus to China, the U.S. and Japan.

The Yomiuri report did not address the future of Nissan’s factory in Sunderland, England, where the automaker builds the Juke and Qashqai SUVs and Leaf electric small car. Nissan had warned that a so-called hard Brexit could have made its UK business unsustainable, but the trade agreement struck Dec. 24 with the EU may have granted the factory a reprieve.

The Sunderland factory has at times built more than 500,000 vehicles a year, though output dropped below 350,000 units last year and will be much lower in 2021. Nissan has earmarked 400 million pounds ($543 million) for production of the new Qashqai in Sunderland and has invested most of that already, it said in November.

Nissan expects to post a record operating loss of 340 billion yen ($3.25 billion) in the year to March 31. It is cutting global production capacity and model numbers by a fifth and aims to slash operating expenses by 300 billion yen over three years.

Renault already builds the Micra small hatchback for Nissan at a factory in France as well as Nissan-branded vans. Under a new alliance global strategy, the French automaker will take the lead in developing and selling models in Europe as well as small cars.

The report did not give details about the closure of Nissan’s factory in Avila, west of Madrid, which had built the NT400 and NT500 light trucks for Nissan until 2019. It was slated to be converted to production of spare parts for Nissan and Renault starting in 2020.

Nissan has already announced that it will shutter its plant in Barcelona, although it delayed the closure until December, 2021 after talks with unions and local politicians

Reuters riporta che Nissan annuncerà a breve nuovi tagli in Europa, Sunderland non verrà chiusa ma subirà altri tagli, parte della produzione sarà affidata a Renault.
Oltre alla crisi le (imho) folli politiche dell’Unione europea nel forzare la rivoluzione elettrica stanno spingendo sempre più costruttori ad abbandonare il continente. Tenuto conto che a partire da febbraio due gruppi (Vw e Stellantis) da soli avranno il 46% del mercato è chiaro che per piccoli player non c’è più spazio.

MessaggioInviato: sab gen 09, 2021 2:29 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17342
reinvent a number of its classic models as electric cars as part of a bold turnaround plan set to be unveiled by new boss Luca de Meo, according to reports.

Former Seat boss de Meo was given the top job at the French giant last year. He has been working on a new business plan to boost sales and reposition the firm, which began last September with the unveiling of a major internal restructure. De Meo is now set to unveil the next phase in his plan on Thursday January 14, in an event billed as a 'Renaulution'.

Reuters cites two sources that de Meo’s plan will focus on future product ranges, and will include the revival of at least two classic nameplates to strengthen the focus on Renault’s French heritage.

They will include an electric reinvention of the 4L, based on the city car originally launched in the 1960s as a rival to the Mini and Fiat 500. An electric version of the Renault 5, originally offered in two generation from 1972 until it was replaced by the Clio in 1996, is also reportedly set to be revealed.

No more details of the models have been given, but they could potentially share a platform with the existing Zoe electric hatch or use the new Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance CMF-EV electric platform, which Renault will first use for the forthcoming production version of the Megane eVision.

The Megane eVision is a crossover that uses the long-running nameplate of the firm’s family hatch, and also features a retro-infused design with numerous nods to Renault’s past. As with the Megane, reviving classic model names such as the 4 and 5 would be a way for Renault to pitch early electric models to a more styled-focused audience, in a similar way to how Fiat has positioned its new electric 500.

Reuters also claims that Renault will reveal three electric models for its Alpine sub-brand. As previously reported by Autocar, Renault bosses have been considering turning Alpine into an electric-only performance brand, with a reshuffle last year securing the firm's long-term future.

Do Meo’s plan is also set to include culling several long-running models that have waned in popularity in recent years, including the Espace MPV.

Renault has declined to comment on the Reuters report.

Secondo reuters De Meo potrebbe annunciare il lancio di varianti moderne elettriche delle storiche Renault 4 e 5. Sarebbe interessante come idea.

MessaggioInviato: gio gen 14, 2021 11:34 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17342
eno costi e investimenti in Ricerca&Sviluppo, meno piattaforme e motori, più attenzione per l'elettrico e crescenti sinergie con l'alleato nipponico Nissan per lanciare 24 modelli entro il 2025. Sono queste, in estrema sintesi, le linee guida del nuovo piano industriale del gruppo Renault, elaborato dal neo amministratore delegato Luca De Meo. Il business plan, dal titolo emblematico ("Renaulution"), punta in sostanza a chiudere l'era Ghosn e la sua "grandeur" incentrata sulla crescita dei volumi e su una continua espansione geografica per privilegiare una maggior efficienza operativa e quindi un ritorno a una redditività sostenibile dopo le perdite del 2019 e il rosso di bilancio record del primo semestre del 2020.


Dai volumi al valore. La priorità del piano è espressamente indicata nell'incipit della presentazione: la nuova strategia, infatti, "punta a spostare la priorità strategica del gruppo Renault dal concetto di volumi a quello del valore". "Più che una svolta, è una profonda trasformazione del nostro modello di business", ha aggiunto De Meo. "Passeremo da un'azienda automobilistica che lavora con la tecnologia a un'azienda tecnologica che lavora con le automobili". Per raggiungere tale scopo sono previste tre fasi ben distinte: la prima, la "Resurrezione", prevede che fino al 2023 il focus sia sul recupero dei margini e della generazione di cassa; la seconda è la "Ristrutturazione", arriverà fino al 2025 e sarà incentrata su un rinnovo e un arricchimento della gamma per migliorare la redditività; la terza, "Rivoluzione", riguarderà gli anni successivi al 2025 e imposterà un modello di business incentrato su tecnologie innovative e nuove forme di mobilità.

Rilanciare la competitività. Il piano punta quindi a ripristinare la competitività dell'intero gruppo facendo leva su una serie di direttrici, tra cui la riduzione dei costi fissi e variabili nella fasi di sviluppo e progettazione dei prodotti e di produzione, un'accelerazione sulla mobilità del futuro e sui servizi e maggiori sinergie all'interno dell'Alleanza con la Nissan per aumentare la copertura tecnologica e il presidio dei segmenti di prodotto. Infine, non manca un'ampia riorganizzazione: il gruppo si doterà di una nuova struttura incentrata su quattro divisioni basate su marchi e mercati e "orientata al valore", che porterà l'azienda a misurare le proprie performance non sulle quote di mercato e sulle vendite, ma sulla redditività, la generazione di cassa e l'efficacia degli investimenti.

Meno piattaforme e motori. Per il 2023, il gruppo punta a raggiungere un margine operativo superiore al 3%, flussi di cassa per circa 3 miliardi di euro e la riduzione degli investimenti all'8% circa dei ricavi. Per il 2025 il margine dovrà salire ad almeno il 5% e i flussi a 6 miliardi. Il miglioramento della redditività sarà raggiunto tramite una maggiore efficienza delle funzioni aziendali, una minor complessità e una crescente rapidità decisionale. Pertanto, le piattaforme saranno ridotte da sei a tre (l'80% dei volumi sarà basato su tre architetture condivise all'interno dell'Alleanza) e le famiglie dei propulsori da otto a quattro (una per i diesel dei veicoli commerciali, una per le auto ibride a benzina, una per elettriche e una per le fuel cell). Tutti i modelli saranno sul mercato in meno di tre anni; la capacità produttiva sarà tagliata da 4 milioni di unità l'anno a 3,1 milioni e il tasso di utilizzo degli impianti aumento dal 70% al 120%; la presenza internazionale si sposterà verso attività ad alto margine; i costi fissi saranno ridotti di 2,5 miliardi (500 milioni in più rispetto al precedente target) entro il 2023 e di 3 miliardi entro il 2025; i costi variabili di 600 euro per veicolo entro tre anni; gli investimenti saranno tagliati dal 10% circa dei ricavi 2019 all'8% per il 2025.

L'offensiva di prodotto e la nuova divisione Mobilize. Il piano non prevede comunque solo tagli per aumentare la redditività, ma anche una rinnovata offensiva di prodotto, in particolare in fasce di mercato a maggior redditività e con modelli dal miglior mix di prezzo. Il gruppo ha in programma 24 lanci entro il 2025, per la metà nei segmenti C e D, e almeno dieci veicoli elettrici. In tal senso ogni nuova business unit avrà specifici obiettivi. La Renault, per esempio, dovrà abbracciare una "nouvelle vague" fatta di modernità e innovazione; per Dacia e Lada la parola d'ordine sarà "semplicità", ma con alcune differenze rispetto al passato come l’ingresso nel segmento C; l'Alpine, invece, integrerà Alpine Cars, Renault Sport Cars e Renault Sport Racing per sviluppare auto sportive esclusive, innovative ed elettriche. Infine, de Meo ha battezzato la nascita di una quarta divisione, Mobilize, dedicata ai nuovi servizi per la mobilità: potrà contare su quattro veicoli progettati appositamente per il car sharing, il ride-hailing e le consegne

De Meo ha presentato il piano di ristrutturazione di Renault. La capacità produttiva sarà tagliata di quasi 1 milione di unità, addio ai sogni di gloria di Ghosn. Ci sarà una maggiore separazione tra i 4 marchi del gruppo (Renault, Dacia/Lada, Alpine e la divisione Mobilize, cioè ride sharing).
Si passerà da 6 piattaforme a 3, l’attenzione maggiore sarà rivolta ai segmento C e D (da quanti secoli Renault non ha una D di successo?, imho neanche loro se lo ricordano).
Dacia lancerà un C-suv allungato (tipo Tiguan allspace), inoltre Dacia lancerà una compatta di segmento C.

MessaggioInviato: gio gen 14, 2021 11:35 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17342
Concept della Dacia C-suv

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MessaggioInviato: gio gen 14, 2021 11:37 am 
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Iscritto il: dom mar 12, 2006 7:02 pm
Messaggi: 35945
Località: Ovunque ci sia una birra ghiacciata
Meglio di tanti altri, esteticamente parlando

MessaggioInviato: gio gen 14, 2021 1:53 pm 
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Iscritto il: mer ott 03, 2012 10:51 am
Messaggi: 6458
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
eno costi e investimenti in Ricerca&Sviluppo, meno piattaforme e motori, più attenzione per l'elettrico e crescenti sinergie con l'alleato nipponico Nissan per lanciare 24 modelli entro il 2025. Sono queste, in estrema sintesi, le linee guida del nuovo piano industriale del gruppo Renault, elaborato dal neo amministratore delegato Luca De Meo. Il business plan, dal titolo emblematico ("Renaulution"), punta in sostanza a chiudere l'era Ghosn e la sua "grandeur" incentrata sulla crescita dei volumi e su una continua espansione geografica per privilegiare una maggior efficienza operativa e quindi un ritorno a una redditività sostenibile dopo le perdite del 2019 e il rosso di bilancio record del primo semestre del 2020.


Dai volumi al valore. La priorità del piano è espressamente indicata nell'incipit della presentazione: la nuova strategia, infatti, "punta a spostare la priorità strategica del gruppo Renault dal concetto di volumi a quello del valore". "Più che una svolta, è una profonda trasformazione del nostro modello di business", ha aggiunto De Meo. "Passeremo da un'azienda automobilistica che lavora con la tecnologia a un'azienda tecnologica che lavora con le automobili". Per raggiungere tale scopo sono previste tre fasi ben distinte: la prima, la "Resurrezione", prevede che fino al 2023 il focus sia sul recupero dei margini e della generazione di cassa; la seconda è la "Ristrutturazione", arriverà fino al 2025 e sarà incentrata su un rinnovo e un arricchimento della gamma per migliorare la redditività; la terza, "Rivoluzione", riguarderà gli anni successivi al 2025 e imposterà un modello di business incentrato su tecnologie innovative e nuove forme di mobilità.

Rilanciare la competitività. Il piano punta quindi a ripristinare la competitività dell'intero gruppo facendo leva su una serie di direttrici, tra cui la riduzione dei costi fissi e variabili nella fasi di sviluppo e progettazione dei prodotti e di produzione, un'accelerazione sulla mobilità del futuro e sui servizi e maggiori sinergie all'interno dell'Alleanza con la Nissan per aumentare la copertura tecnologica e il presidio dei segmenti di prodotto. Infine, non manca un'ampia riorganizzazione: il gruppo si doterà di una nuova struttura incentrata su quattro divisioni basate su marchi e mercati e "orientata al valore", che porterà l'azienda a misurare le proprie performance non sulle quote di mercato e sulle vendite, ma sulla redditività, la generazione di cassa e l'efficacia degli investimenti.

Meno piattaforme e motori. Per il 2023, il gruppo punta a raggiungere un margine operativo superiore al 3%, flussi di cassa per circa 3 miliardi di euro e la riduzione degli investimenti all'8% circa dei ricavi. Per il 2025 il margine dovrà salire ad almeno il 5% e i flussi a 6 miliardi. Il miglioramento della redditività sarà raggiunto tramite una maggiore efficienza delle funzioni aziendali, una minor complessità e una crescente rapidità decisionale. Pertanto, le piattaforme saranno ridotte da sei a tre (l'80% dei volumi sarà basato su tre architetture condivise all'interno dell'Alleanza) e le famiglie dei propulsori da otto a quattro (una per i diesel dei veicoli commerciali, una per le auto ibride a benzina, una per elettriche e una per le fuel cell). Tutti i modelli saranno sul mercato in meno di tre anni; la capacità produttiva sarà tagliata da 4 milioni di unità l'anno a 3,1 milioni e il tasso di utilizzo degli impianti aumento dal 70% al 120%; la presenza internazionale si sposterà verso attività ad alto margine; i costi fissi saranno ridotti di 2,5 miliardi (500 milioni in più rispetto al precedente target) entro il 2023 e di 3 miliardi entro il 2025; i costi variabili di 600 euro per veicolo entro tre anni; gli investimenti saranno tagliati dal 10% circa dei ricavi 2019 all'8% per il 2025.

L'offensiva di prodotto e la nuova divisione Mobilize. Il piano non prevede comunque solo tagli per aumentare la redditività, ma anche una rinnovata offensiva di prodotto, in particolare in fasce di mercato a maggior redditività e con modelli dal miglior mix di prezzo. Il gruppo ha in programma 24 lanci entro il 2025, per la metà nei segmenti C e D, e almeno dieci veicoli elettrici. In tal senso ogni nuova business unit avrà specifici obiettivi. La Renault, per esempio, dovrà abbracciare una "nouvelle vague" fatta di modernità e innovazione; per Dacia e Lada la parola d'ordine sarà "semplicità", ma con alcune differenze rispetto al passato come l’ingresso nel segmento C; l'Alpine, invece, integrerà Alpine Cars, Renault Sport Cars e Renault Sport Racing per sviluppare auto sportive esclusive, innovative ed elettriche. Infine, de Meo ha battezzato la nascita di una quarta divisione, Mobilize, dedicata ai nuovi servizi per la mobilità: potrà contare su quattro veicoli progettati appositamente per il car sharing, il ride-hailing e le consegne

De Meo ha presentato il piano di ristrutturazione di Renault. La capacità produttiva sarà tagliata di quasi 1 milione di unità, addio ai sogni di gloria di Ghosn. Ci sarà una maggiore separazione tra i 4 marchi del gruppo (Renault, Dacia/Lada, Alpine e la divisione Mobilize, cioè ride sharing).
Si passerà da 6 piattaforme a 3, l’attenzione maggiore sarà rivolta ai segmento C e D (da quanti secoli Renault non ha una D di successo?, imho neanche loro se lo ricordano).
Dacia lancerà un C-suv allungato (tipo Tiguan allspace), inoltre Dacia lancerà una compatta di segmento C.

Dai a a sto giro secondo me dice D tanto per dire. Però c suv di successo tipo 3008 alla fine sono come delle D

ALFA ROMEO GIULIETTA jtdm-2 20 170cv- distinctive-pack premium-pack sport 18 - Luglio 2010 -superati i 313.333KM!!!

MessaggioInviato: gio gen 14, 2021 2:12 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven gen 11, 2019 2:47 pm
Messaggi: 6183
Località: Bologna
le famiglie dei propulsori da otto a quattro (una per i diesel dei veicoli commerciali, una per le auto ibride a benzina, una per elettriche e una per le fuel cell)

Il che significa:
-diesel solo per i furgoni
-pensano seriamente a delle fuel cell ad idrogeno, che quindi rimane un'opzione da non scartare nella mobilità del futuro
-benzina solamente associato all'ibrido con tutto ciò che questa scelta probabilmente obbligata comporta, ovvero prezzi che saliranno (ma salirebbero comunque, o ci mettono l'ibrido o pagano multe per i consumi sopra soglia) e delta di prezzo rispetto alle elettriche destinato a scendere.

MessaggioInviato: gio gen 14, 2021 3:21 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17342
Stefano_M ha scritto:
Dai a a sto giro secondo me dice D tanto per dire. Però c suv di successo tipo 3008 alla fine sono come delle D

Possibile. Capisco bene il desiderio di De Meo di allontanarsi il più possibile da un eccessivo sbilanciamento verso il segmento B ma è più facile a dirsi che a farsi.
C’erano anni in cui la gamma Megane rappresentava da sola il 70% dei profitti Renault, adesso stanno per cancellare la Scenic, giusto per far capire dove siamo finiti.
Trovo giusta l’idea di espandere Alpine (ben 3 modelli) e Dacia. Trovo invece sbagliata la scelta di disimpegnarsi da diversi mercati internazionali però i costruttori sono più che pronti a decisioni drastiche come ha mostrato anni fa Gm e pochi giorni fa Ford con il Brasile.

MessaggioInviato: gio gen 14, 2021 3:32 pm 
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Iscritto il: mer ott 03, 2012 10:51 am
Messaggi: 6458
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
Stefano_M ha scritto:
Dai a a sto giro secondo me dice D tanto per dire. Però c suv di successo tipo 3008 alla fine sono come delle D

Possibile. Capisco bene il desiderio di De Meo di allontanarsi il più possibile da un eccessivo sbilanciamento verso il segmento B ma è più facile a dirsi che a farsi.
C’erano anni in cui la gamma Megane rappresentava da sola il 70% dei profitti Renault, adesso stanno per cancellare la Scenic, giusto per far capire dove siamo finiti.
Trovo giusta l’idea di espandere Alpine (ben 3 modelli) e Dacia. Trovo invece sbagliata la scelta di disimpegnarsi da diversi mercati

Quali mercati?
Cmq renault con clio captur va alla grande anche nel 2020 ma evidentemente guadagno zero.
Hanno preso ai miei nipoti nuova clio hybrid e ho visto come finiture materiali sono migliorati moltissimi, mentre case che vanno meglio gruppo vw e anche psa con 208 e soprattutto citroen hanno fatto un passo indietro da quel punto di vista.
Bene r5 e r4 ormai rifarsi a miti sarà unico modo per differenziarsi un pò nel mercato auto futuro, certo non saranno però delle segmento D.

ALFA ROMEO GIULIETTA jtdm-2 20 170cv- distinctive-pack premium-pack sport 18 - Luglio 2010 -superati i 313.333KM!!!

MessaggioInviato: gio gen 14, 2021 4:52 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17342
Cina in primis. Saranno ridotti gli investimenti in Russia, India e Brasile. Verranno abbandonati alcuni mercati dell'America latina. A forte rischio è Samsung Motors.

MessaggioInviato: lun gen 18, 2021 3:52 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17342
De Meo ha creato una divisione ad hoc per Lada e Dacia. La casa russa ergo produrrà solo cloni di Dacia. Tra le varie concept presentata c’è anche questa futura Niva, che secondo me potrebbe essere interessante anche in mercati extra russi, vedremo se avranno la volontà di esportarla.

B8153CD6-6EFB-485B-BA93-13153378FAAC.jpeg [ 56.06 KiB | Visto 4910 volte ]
MessaggioInviato: lun gen 18, 2021 4:00 pm 
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Iscritto il: mar gen 23, 2007 3:06 pm
Messaggi: 25662
Località: Ginevra
Per fortuna che c'è ancora chi riesce a farmi sognare :amore2

Fiat Panda Hobby - 39 cavalli, sì, ma non per tonnellata :alastio:

MessaggioInviato: lun gen 18, 2021 5:56 pm 
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Iscritto il: mer ott 03, 2012 10:51 am
Messaggi: 6458
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
De Meo ha creato una divisione ad hoc per Lada e Dacia. La casa russa ergo produrrà solo cloni di Dacia. Tra le varie concept presentata c’è anche questa futura Niva, che secondo me potrebbe essere interessante anche in mercati extra russi, vedremo se avranno la volontà di esportarla.

Questa non è un clone di dacia.

ALFA ROMEO GIULIETTA jtdm-2 20 170cv- distinctive-pack premium-pack sport 18 - Luglio 2010 -superati i 313.333KM!!!

MessaggioInviato: lun gen 18, 2021 6:38 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17342
Stefano_M ha scritto:
daimlerchrysler ha scritto:
De Meo ha creato una divisione ad hoc per Lada e Dacia. La casa russa ergo produrrà solo cloni di Dacia. Tra le varie concept presentata c’è anche questa futura Niva, che secondo me potrebbe essere interessante anche in mercati extra russi, vedremo se avranno la volontà di esportarla.

Questa non è un clone di dacia.

Questa Niva dovrebbe essere l’unico modello specifico di Lada.

MessaggioInviato: mer feb 17, 2021 8:45 am 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17342
Renault CEO Luca de Meo's turnaround plan for the money-losing automaker, which he calls "Renaulution," re-centers the group around profits and value rather than volumes. That will mean fundamental shifts in regional strategy, in products, in production and in management. De Meo, who started at Renault last July after holding top posts at Volkswagen Group and Fiat, recently spoke with Automotive News Europe Associate Publisher and Editor Luca Ciferri and News Editor Peter Sigal about what to expect from Renault in the coming years.

One of your goals is to optimize Renault's presence in countries outside of Europe -- India, Latin America and South Korea. Could you elaborate on that a bit?
Renault has had a global strategy which in many aspects worked: more than 50 percent of our volumes were outside the European perimeter; we are less dependent on Europe than our neighbors [PSA] were before the integration into Stellantis; and we have seven engineering centers and 16 production sites outside of Europe. This company became much more international in the last 20 years, and I'm not counting the whole impact of the alliance that made Renault a much more global company than when I was here [in the early 1990s].

But if you view it through the lens of profits, the picture looks very different. In fact, we were still doing in 2019, even before the crisis, maybe 50 percent of our results in five European markets, 75 percent in the European perimeter -- and the other 100 countries accounted for 25 percent of the total profitability. So, I think this is a situation we have to correct. Of course, you don't change that overnight, and we understand that structurally your domestic market -- and we consider that Europe -- is always the biggest source of profitability, so we are not naive.

Where can you improve?
As we were looking for volume and market share, we would enter every market in the lower segments to make it easier to reach volumes and to establish a plant that would be big enough to be efficient. But we didn't take the next step. That means, for example, in Brazil we would localize a [budget] car like the [Dacia] Logan and when you reached your 5 to 6 percent market share and filled the plant with 150,000 or 200,000 vehicles, then the right thing to do was introduce a car in a higher segment to "seat" the brand in a position consistent with the position of the brand globally, and also maybe a car that will give you more of a margin. This didn't happen.

So, what we are trying to do, again using Brazil as an example, the team was given a target of a 10 percent market share, so in a 3 million car market we prepared a capacity of 300,000 cars. Then, we sold 200,000, then 150,000 then 80,000. What we have to do in Brazil is, first of all, lower the break-even point. That will mean cutting shifts, unfortunately laying off more than 800 people. Then, because the economy is a little uncertain, we will freeze investment in the short term. But, we will re-purpose the money on things such as the Bigster and Duster [SUVs], in Renault versions, so we can lift the average transaction price, following the examples of Volkswagen and even Fiat, which went from only Fiat products to Jeep and was very successful. And we are not seeking a 10 percent share, but maybe 5 or 6 percent. At that level you are a relevant brand, you are visible, but we will have a better quality business.

What about strengthening Europe, Turkey, Morocco and Romania?
If you look at the numbers and our internal benchmarks, [Renault factories in] Spain, Morocco, Turkey and Romania are the strong point of our industrial system. By allocating products there and filling capacity we will be able to gain 20 points of competitiveness. Remember that many cars sold in Europe are actually built in those places, so we really have an advantage, and we want to leverage that. It's about betting on a winning horse. This is the winning horse of Renault.

Name: Luca de Meo
Title: Renault CEO
Age: 53
Main challenge: Executing the automaker's strategic plan and putting Renault on a path to sustainable profits.
How will that affect French plants?
Because of some compromise decisions, some non-decisions, some wrong decisions, we have a problem of competitiveness in the French plants. But this is a different exercise, because it's very sensitive, because it's our country and we can't just close plants, because it will create enormous tension on all levels. What we have tried to do is find a new purpose for some places, finding ideas to use some plants, reinventing some plants, like we are doing in Flins (a center for the circular economy and recycling).

Then you have cases such as Douai, in northern France. Renault invested a billion euros a few years ago [to produce electric vehicles and components in France]. The problem is that we decided to put six or seven models in one plant (including the Talisman, Espace and Scenic model families), which is already very challenging, and said we would sell 300,000 of them, and we sold 70,000 or 80,000. If we find a supplier that helps us get a battery plant close to Douai and if the authorities help us close the gap in cost and competitiveness, we will be able to transform it to one of the biggest EV plants in Europe.

Drivers reveal exactly how fast they want EVs to charge – and these cars are setting the pace
It comes as no surprise that the biggest setback for electric cars has been range anxiety and the 'inconvenience' of charging them.
Is it too early to reveal how you plan to reinvent the business model in China?
I think so. We are rebuilding a good relationship with [joint venture partner] Dongfeng. The relations were very tense when I arrived because we were near the exit door [by halting Renault car sales and production], and in a way we created a lot of troubles for the partners there. I found the opportunity to motivate our partners there to build the Dacia Spring [at the eGT factory].

They reacted positively and worked fast to try to get us a car with the right level of quality. Based on that, we can keep the small flame ignited. We have a joint venture [with Brilliance Jinbei] licensed to do commercial vehicles. The JV is having troubles right now. We have a lot of operational issues we need to fix. We also have the JMEV joint venture, which has a license to build an EV in China.

And we have people doing design and technological scouting in China, including purchasing and engineering. What I have to do is recombine all these Lego pieces into something that can serve a purpose in the future, but my feeling is that we will need two to three years. We came too late to the Chinese market, 30 years behind the music, so we will probably need a completely different approach and go beyond the classical China joint venture project.

The Renault 5 EV concept draws inspiration from Renault's popular small car from the 1970s and '80s.
Could you build a Renault 5 EV for China, with a license to build electric cars there?
You could imagine a lot of things. I'm trying to put myself in the mindset that I need to do something that the others haven't done and that is relevant for the Chinese consumer. It's also true, if we want to take a little bit of larger perspective, that Nissan covers the alliance's presence in China, where they are relatively strong.

Can you give some details about how you will lower Renault’s break-even point?
In 2021, we will lower it by 1 million units, so 1 million in one year, and we have enough granularity on 2021 numbers, so it's very likely to happen.

Renault CEO Luca de Meo shares why he believes the next-generation Lada Niva will shake up the Russian brand's home market.

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You are going to cut capacity from 3.9 million units to 3.1 million in 2025, but also increase your utilization rate from 70 percent to 120 percent that year. Does that also mean a substantial growth in volume from 2.72 million units in 2020 to 3.72 million in 2025?
When we say we were going from volume to value, people were assuming that we would shrink the volumes overall. What we are shrinking is the ambition from imagining a company that would do more than 5 million cars [annually]. We tried to do that a couple of times and it never worked.

I have 24 models in the pipeline, so it's clear that we are betting on their success. Each one of the projects was structured with a very cautious volume and pricing assumption. I have reduced fixed costs by 30 percent and kept volumes projections at a realistic level to keep those costs down. Anything that happens favorably, whether it's a market rebound, an unexpected model success, will have a huge [positive effect] on our profitability. To give you a number, in our model, a 5 percent increase in volume compared to the plan means a 0.5 percentage points in terms of operating profit and 10 percent mean one point.

Will you be able to finance such an ambitious plan?
Yes. When [engineering chief] Gilles Le Borgne and I reviewed future product plans over six weeks in July and August, we not only looked at segments and profit but also the technical solutions, the ingredients that we need to restructure the range. An example is the project we call P13X. It includes the Dacia Duster, Dacia Bigster, Lada Niva (two models) and a Renault version.

In total, we will have seven products at four industrial locations, covering three brands, selling more than 1 million cars a year with 85 percent component carryover between the models. Lada, however, won't be in the same market as Dacia. We are trying to be very disciplined on product development. On that project we are reducing diversity 30 percent compared with the current generation.

A concept version of the Dacia Bigster, a compact SUV that will appear by 2024.
So the Bigster will be a Renault in Latin America, for example?
Yes. For me the Bigster is exactly the car that can pull Renault up in international markets, where we were only betting on A- and B-segment (minicar and small) cars. Now I can have a B+ SUV and C [compact] SUV that have a better unitary margin, potentially a better image and the ability to conquest new customers. This won't take one generation.

It will take one and a half generations to move Renault up where it needs to be and maybe to find space underneath so Dacia can enter the market, so we have a more coherent offering and allow Dacia to expand globally.

So about 10 years?

In your new organization chart, is engineering meant to be a filter between brands and global, cross-company functions?
I see the functions as facilitating contact between the business side and engineering. I want my engineers to be engineers and not program managers. We have a lot of competence, of course, and I want to reinforce the pride of the engineering community at Renault, but I also want them to be business engineers, responsible for what they do. In that organization [chart] they directly face the brands; that means they face the business, so they will feel the heat of the business.

Renault chief Luca de Meo outlines a key efficiency goal he wants to meet as part of his turnaround plan.

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One of the things that is changing at Renault is that we have eliminated the product planning function. This is now on the brands side. They need to decide what kind of cars they want. Of course, they will get an envelope of investment -- for example, we will tell them Dacia can't go to the D-segment, they will have to wait for Renault to introduce some technology and then they will be able to do that with some conditions.

The brands have responsibility for three things: margins; return on capital invested (ROCE), which is a criteria we have rarely used in Renault; and customer satisfaction, so where the customer is -- sales, aftersales and dealer satisfaction. These are the things on which we will be measured, me as the CEO of Renault brand on top of my group responsibility; Denis le Vot as head of Dacia-Lada; Laurent Rossi at Alpine; and Clotilde Delbos at Mobilize.

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What will engineering be responsible for?
Engineering will be responsible for cost, for timing and for the performance of the product. If you see the organization like a four-wheel-drive car, the front wheels (brands) are pulling the machine toward the market; the engineering and rear wheels (functions) are pushing the whole thing; and the rest is like a driveshaft, to enable and facilitate the connection between engineering and brands. Everything is anchored on a solid alliance performance platform.

You said that the margin for the Clio and the Zoe was on par in 2020, and that the Zoe margin will accelerate substantially starting this year. Is this in terms of percentage points or absolute money?
It is in absolute terms. In percentage it's not the case because Zoe is much more expensive. So electric cars are still dilutive when it comes to operating margin. The good news is that in absolute terms we are not losing money on electric cars. We are doing a little bit more money than on the comparable combustion car. I think that there will be a moment -- because combustion engine cars will become more and more expensive because of regulation -- where the two will cross. And the whole race is about who is doing that first. The moment we prove that our electric powertrain technology is not dilutive in terms of operating margin is very important because it means the company can switch to electric products without threatening our profitability and the level of our business.

The Renault Captur small SUV is available as a plug-in hybrid (shown) and a full hybrid, using the automaker's E-Tech system.
You have said your E-Tech hybrid solution will take 18 to 24 months to gain volume and thus economies of scale. Is this the reason that you see the tipping point between the contribution margin of hybrids and combustion engine happening in the middle of 2022?

Does that mean it's making money or margin now?
No, we are making a margin for sure, but you always have costs at the beginning, and we launched E-Tech in September. We use a curve to reduce the costs from suppliers etc., so every year you have savings and technical improvements. But our focus is still to reduce [absolute] costs. For example, we are going to localize production of electric motors that are now coming from Japan. This is part of the technical roadmap that puts us in position to make a very competitive product, because [E-Tech] doesn't have a conventional gearbox. If you look at the gearbox on hybrid cars from some German manufacturers, it's a huge complication, and we don't have it.

Will the R5 be the first model to benefit from accelerated development time, from four years to three?
No, it will be a sporty, C-segment SUV [that is due to appear after the Megane EV].

Will the R5 replace the Zoe?

And the Renault 4 -- or "4ever," as it is called in the French press?
A nice car. Let's just say that I have a passion and appreciation for automotive history.

Interessante intervista a De Meo.
Secondo il manager italiano la chiave per la ristrutturazione di Renault è la riduzione della capacità produttiva da 3,9 milioni di auto a 3,1 e uno spostamento rapido della gamma verso il segmento C.
La critica a Ghosn è chiara, l’ex ceo sperava di raggiungere 5 milioni di auto del gruppo Renault entro il 2022, numero assolutamente impensabile oggi. De Meo ammette che sono stati fatti diversi errori nei mercati emergenti, soprattutto in Brasile e Cina.
In Francia rischiano la chiusura 2 impianti, Douai e Flins. Quest’ultima già ai tempi di Sarkozy era a forte rischio, sappiamo bene il potere di persuasione del governo francese.
La Renault 5 elettrica sostituirà la Zoe. Probabile anche la riedizione elettrica della Renault 4.

MessaggioInviato: sab feb 27, 2021 4:36 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17342
PARIS -- Renault's decision to have only a single gasoline engine family for Europe by 2025 reflects the increasing costs of emissions regulations and the need to shift resources toward electrification, CEO Luca de Meo says.

The automaker now has eight core engine families, including four gasoline engines, three diesel engines and an electric motor.

Under de Meo's Renaulution strategic plan, that lineup will be pared to a single gasoline family, with a new 1.2 liter 3-cylinder engine; a single diesel for light-commercial vehicles; and two electric motors, with a hybrid hydrogen/battery electric drivetrain for some LCVs.

"We're going for a very extreme rationalization on the combustion engine side, a little like Volvo did in the premium segment a few years ago," de Meo said in an interview with Automotive News Europe. Volvo Cars announced in 2017 that it would not be developing any new internal combustion engines and that all new models starting in 2019 would have electrified drivetrains (mild hybrid, plug-in hybrid or full electric).

The announcement by Volvo CEO Hakan Samuelson set off a wave of similar pledges from automakers that have signaled the end of the internal combustion engine.

'An arms race' on electrification
"There's an arms race at the moment as to who can make the biggest electrification statement," LMC Automotive powertrain analyst Al Bedwell told Automotive News Europe. "The huge rationalization of gasoline and diesel engines is needed to help subsidize the electrification push, and with hybridization can be hugely flexible with regard to performance."

De Meo said Renault can cover an output range of 60 hp up to nearly 300 hp with the 1.2 liter gasoline engine by swapping out components in Renault's E-Tech hybrid system. All versions of the engine will be hybridized, whether 48-volt mild hybrid for lower-power applications, full hybrid or plug-in hybrid.

The French automotive magazine L'Argus has reported that the 1.2 liter engine will be joined by a 1.5 liter 4-cylinder variant of the same block, but Renault would not confirm the report. Renault's existing gasoline engines are based on three separate blocks.

The 1.2 liter engine will appear first in 2022 on the replacement for the Renault Kadjar compact SUV. "We're doing what we call E-Tech Plus" on the model, de Meo said. "That involves the same block but more electric power and a bigger battery, so we can have up to 290 hp with a 1.2 liter engine and still have 30 grams of CO2 on a plug-in hybrid 4X4," he said.

The E-Tech hybrid system uses two electric motors, a primary drive unit and a starter/alternator. It is available on three Renault models, the Clio small hatchback as a full hybrid; the Captur small SUV as either full hybrid or plug-in hybrid; and the Megane compact hatchback and station wagon as a plug-in hybrid. Current E-Tech models are based on a Renault-Nissan Alliance 1.6 liter 4-cylinder naturally aspirated engine.

7 EV launches planned
Renault plans to launch seven full-electric vehicles by 2025, and has just signed an agreement for a joint venture with Plug Power to develop hydrogen fuel cell technology, starting with a hybrid battery/fuel cell powertrain for commercial vans. Simplifying Renault's internal combustion lineup will help finance those technologies, neither of which can yet match the profit margins for gasoline or diesel engines, de Meo said.

"We're putting all the money on electric vehicles for passenger cars," he said, "and we're putting money on hydrogen for commercial vehicles."

Outside of Europe in regions where emissions regulations are less strict, Renault said it would continue to use less-costly existing gasoline engines.

"I won't put a 1.2 liter plug-in hybrid powertrain in a Lada Niva," de Meo said, referring to the rugged, low-cost SUV for the Eurasian market, "so we'll keep using some existing engines where we don't need to meet Euro 7 emissions standards, for example.

Entro il 2025 Renault avrà una sola famiglia di motori a benzina derivata dal 1.2 3 cilindri con potenze dai 90 ai 300 cv grazie ai moduli ibridi. Scelta inevitabile ma per me assai triste.

MessaggioInviato: mer mar 10, 2021 5:14 pm 
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Iscritto il: ven apr 28, 2006 6:03 pm
Messaggi: 17342 ... ault_.html

Contrordine compagni, Mitsubishi resta in Europa.
Verranno lanciati 2 modelli su base Renault dal 2023.

MessaggioInviato: mer mar 10, 2021 5:55 pm 
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Iscritto il: lun mar 13, 2006 5:26 pm
Messaggi: 8748
Hanno le idee chiarissime.


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